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Everything posted by Predicto

  1. Memphis can dictate pace, but they probably can't score enough to keep up even at a slow pace. San Antonio can do both. Milwaukee also gives the Warriors a really tough time with their length.
  2. There were quite a few open shots missed, but that is going to happen sometimes. The foul line was the big difference in the game. The Celtics controlled the pace and forced contact. Kudos to them. My wife is a Celtics fan. I'm suffering right now.
  3. This game is going to finish in the 80s or low 90s. The Celtics have managed to control the pace this entire game, which is very impressive on their part. Warrior fast breaks have been nonexistent.
  4. Curry is having his worst game of the year
  5. At least it's not Tony Brothers or Scott Foster - those two are absolute clowns
  6. This is even worse than your usual "clever" trolling. Moore ran for office as a Democrat twice. Both times he was soundly beaten in the primary. Then he switched over to the GOP and got appointed to a judgeship because he was a wingnut, the kind the GOP loves. And from then on, he won his elections.
  7. Nope. And I wasn't tryng to imply that it would be.
  8. It's interesting how both people Franken harassed are conservative media talking heads. (Melanie Morgan is a radio personality on San Francisco's conservative talk radio station, and is friends with Rush Limbaugh and others of that ilk) I'm not saying that means the accusations are false - I'm wondering if Franken was harassing them in part because of some undelying animosity toward their politics. Like he saw them as less worthy of respect because of it? I dunno.
  9. Zguy, I love you man, and I do not doubt your sincerity. But right now, the Christian evangelical community has a deep sickness within it. Politics and tribalism have overcome genuine faith for a huge percentage of the flock. The leadership is no longer Billy Graham - it is Jerry Falwell Jr., Tony Perkins, Bryan Fischer, James Dobson, Ralph Reed, David Barton, Louis Sheldon, Tim LaHaye.... The sheep may be good, or at least have the potential to be good if led wisely, but the shephards they follow are rotten to the core and have passed on their rottenness to a huge percentage of the sheep. I don't know how the evangelical community can fix itself, but my disdain for that community (as a whole) is not unfair - it has been fully earned. This. The real problem isn't Roy Moore. The real problem actually is Mitch McConnell himself, and the rest of the "establishment" GOP that willingly created this Frankenstein for short term electoral gain.
  10. How many advertisers pulling out did it take for our man Hannity to suddenly abandon his deeply held self righteous principles?
  11. Some I assume are good people... Some very fine people on both sides of that
  12. Gee I wonder why they chose the name Bernie Bernstein. I guess Schlomo ChristKillerBankerBerg was taken already? How about his sidekicks, LeroyJefferson-Reparations III and Jose Luis "MS-13" Fritobandito?
  13. ahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaah holy crap ahhhahaaaaa
  14. Judge Roy Moore is a righteous man. A man of God. How dare all these little teen harlots tempt him so?
  15. Nah. It's an evangelical conservative rural tradition. As twa never tires of pointing out, that demographic used to be called Southern Democrats, and they opposed civil rights. Now they are all Republicans, but otherwise they haven't changed very much, if at all.
  16. The people in Mississippi are overjoyed at this. "We're No. 49! We're No. 49!"
  17. For the record, when I was a kid the only team I cared about was the Redskins because it was the only team my Dad cared about. I only started paying more than passing attention to the NBA and MLB when I left for college. I've been in SF for almost 30 years, and I suffered through 25 years of horror with the Warriors before the miracles started happening. But I'm still a Redskins fan which means I must suffer forever
  18. If anyone didn't see this, it's worth your 15 seconds. First, cmon Steph get that video game stuff outta here, turn off the cheat codes Second, watch Durant go full Durantula Third, look at JaVale's expression https://streamable.com/soh5n
  19. Page went to the Naval Academy and got his PhD from the University of London. Nevertheless, some very educated people have the wisdom and judgment of a Irish Setter. Page fits that bill.
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