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Everything posted by Predicto

  1. Yes. Cousins is an excellent player and a dominant big, but Lebron is the best player of his generation and impacts games more than any other player regardless of position. Add Lebron to the Wiz and it's an automatic ticket to the Finals. No other player can give you that.
  2. The day Lebron drops dead is when we will know. Well, maybe the day after, because he might rise from the dead too. Why not, he does everything else.
  3. why do you let him play you like this? I would think by know you would understand his game.
  4. Kristaps is a better defender and athlete, but Dirk had the second most unguardable scoring move in NBA history. His fadeaway is only behind Kareem's skyhook, imo. The Unicorn is really good and could become an all-time great, but he lacks that unique power.
  5. I'm not sure that it is possible to win elections by doing that. The GOP has dropped its standards lower and lower and lower every year, and as a result they control the White House, both houses of Congress, and two thirds of the state legislatures. It works extremely well for them. It may not be possible to win elections by being honest or moderate in the Internet age.
  6. He will never retire. He will keep charging into set defenders, flopping and drawing fouls until the sun grows cold.
  7. Lol. They are from the three of the safest GOP districts in the nation. And one of them might be the single stupidest person in Congress - Rep. Louis Gohmert. His constitutents in legendarily racist Tyler Texas just love him.
  8. I'm speechless. Carter Page is a grade 1 imbecile (in addition to being a longtime Russian dupe). No wonder Trump made him a senior advisor.
  9. WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what might be his most startling allegation against his former election opponent, Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Hillary Clinton of deliberately losing the 2016 election just so that he could be impeached. “How could one of the most experienced politicians in history lose to the most unfit candidate ever?” Trump asked reporters. “Crooked Hillary lost on purpose because she wanted me to be impeached.” Explaining Clinton’s motives for intentionally sabotaging her quest for an office she had coveted for decades, Trump said, “Hillary Clinton is more than a nasty woman. She is an evil woman, and her sick mind is capable of anything.” https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-accuses-clinton-of-deliberately-losing-election
  10. No, that would be Xi Jinping Vlad is a pain in the ass but he is barely keeping his country together. Xi is methodically taking over the world.
  11. The overwhelming majority of people don't even understand how the gradiated tax system works. They actually think that if a person gets a raise that moves them into a new tax bracket, they suddenly are making less money. It's mind boggling.
  12. I wonder how Anita Hill feels about all this. It has been a quarter century since she got destroyed for doing the right thing and coming forward.
  13. "When today’s news broke, I was dumbfounded and horrified. Not because I didn’t expect it, but because the mainstream media has once again totally botched the biggest story of the 2016 election. Of course, I am referring to the new allegations that, during the presidential election, Hillary Clinton personally oversaw an effort to set giant pythons loose in Florida to eat all of the Trump voters. Also, don’t listen to the Mueller stuff. Just stay away from that, okay? The facts of today’s news are incontrovertible. In 2016, Hillary Clinton visited Florida more than any other state except for Ohio and Pennsylvania. Fact. Also, Florida currently has an infestation of Burmese pythons that are causing chaos in the Everglades. Fact. Finally, there could be a recording out there of Hillary Clinton saying, and I quote, “The Clinton Foundation is a front for raising thousands of snakes that I train to consume people who are likely to vote for my political opponents.” Fact. Do you know what’s not a fact? The new indictments in the Russia investigation. You can be indicted for anything these days — it doesn’t necessarily mean that you compromised American democracy in cahoots with a foreign power. That being said, Hillary Clinton should be indicted." read more at https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/maybe-this-random-story-about-hillary-clinton-releasing-thousands-of-pythons-in-florida-during-the-2016-election-will-distract-you-from-the-russia-investigation
  14. Yes. Spurs gonna spur until the end of time. Doesn't matter who's playing.
  15. I had no idea that McGowan was the one who brought it up. My bad.
  16. He's not stupid. He knows his audience. Nevertheless, read what a responsble conservative writer said about Phares before Trump got the nomination. http://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/trump-and-walid-phares/
  17. Blake Griffin is going to start seeing Draymond in his sleep. Eleven straight losses, and usually blowouts. The Warriors own the Clippers and Blake is Dray's footstool.
  18. I wouldn't call it an organized smear campaign. More like a feeding frenzy. Anyone involved is going to get examined with a fine toothed comb and treated like crap. Another reason why women keep quiet when this crap happens.
  19. We are already there, at least from the GOP side. He may interview well, but he is an extremist with an ugly personal history and direct ties to Frank Gaffney and his "secret muslim groups are trying to impose sharia in the USA" hysteria.
  20. Nah. Putin is powerful, but he's not going to assassinate the President. Killing witnesses and journalists is more his thing.
  21. I can't imagine that Manafort will flip. Prison is scary, but polonium is scarier.
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