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Everything posted by TK

  1. It's the basic Sling guide where it's broken down by categories as opposed to the channel/time layout that cable uses.
  2. I've got 2 Apple TVs & the cheap Roku in the bedroom. Think I've used the Roku twice in the 2 months I've had it.
  3. I've got them & I don't have a movie package with Sling. They should just show up in your main guide at the top. Speaking of Guides, I think that's the hardest thing to get used to with Sling is their layout.
  4. Sling just added 5 channels of STARZ Freeview & 1 channel of Epix Drive In. Though I already have STARZ for $9 a month. I may or may not drop it once Power finishes up its season & then replace it with CBS AA.
  5. Just Sling Blue. I haven't done CBS All Access yet as I can 1) get it OTA & 2) will most likely wait until the Fall when shows start back up. I don't get ABC on the antenna either. I've either got a big ass tree in the way or I'm outside of their vectored stream direction or whatever it is they call it. I should be good with Hulu to substitute for ABC though.
  6. Version 1.0.0


  7. Haha I did Last Chance on Friday, started looking around for whatever would be next & started the first Ozark. Then watched all but the last two on Saturday & finished it yesterday.
  8. On paper it looked like a great idea I'm sure. It fit Jinder's character & seemed a great way to blow off the feud with Orton. Watching it though, dear lord did the structure get in way. Reports from some that were there said it was so hard to see anyone actually in the structure people started leaving early. Might have been a good match to have had experimented with drone cameras & maybe some mounted Go Pros. Before the show even started, I had been texting with a friend & had said watch them bring out Khali for this match only to follow it up with how the hell do hide his big ass so it doesn't hit the dirt sheets.Evidently they found a way.
  9. I finished it up yesterday. It's been awhile since a binge show pulled me that into it that I lost a day. I kept waiting for the kid to turn into Dexter.
  10. Yeah it's seemed our tastes run pretty close so I'm not surprised
  11. About 2 months now with Sling Blue & Hulu. COX Cable who? With Sling Blue I've also got Axis, El Ray, & BBC America which weren't even available on Cox Cable. CBS All Access either just did or is coming out with an annual discounted rate as well. And if you're an American Airlines reward member, if you go through the AA rewards store you can sign up for CBS All Access & get 450 miles after 90 days.
  12. It was the mid 1990's. In the then WWF (now WWE) Razor Ramon aka Scott Hall and Diesel aka Kevin Nash had their contracts coming up for renewal. In those days, wrestling contracts weren't guaranteed. Guys were basically paid on a per show appearance. The bigger the show, like a WrestleMania, the bigger the payday. However, if you didn't land a match on that card you didn't get paid. As Scott Hall's contract was coming up he negotiated with the Number 2 wrestling company at the time, WCW. WCW was owned by Ted Turner whose goal was to displace Vince McManon's WWF at the top of the mountain. Turner had Eric Bischoff running WCW. Bischoff new he needed bigger named talent to make WCW look & grow bigger. Long story short, he started recruiting WWF wrestlers as their contracts were expiring & he started with Hall. Who then talked to his buddy Nash, telling him not only were the days he worked guaranteed but so was the money. The story goes they neither wanted to leave McManon but there was no way McManon could give them guaranteed money as it'd set a precedent to have to give guaranteed money contracts to his other big name talent. Until then guaranteed money was unheard of in pro wrestling. Hall & Nash essentially changed the business. Even though WCW is defunct, McManon now has his talent on guaranteed contracts. Cool story bro but what's this got to do with football? Well, if you're a casual fan, you most likely took the Bruce Allen statement at face value. However once you drill down a little bit into it you'll see its roughly $300,000 difference between their offer and Kirk playing on the tag the next two years. In his radio interview on 106.7 (Part 1 & Part 2) the next day Kirk commented that if you look around the League the Front Office contracts and the Coaching staff contracts are fully guaranteed and he'd like to see the players contracts fully guaranteed. Currently, playing on the Tag gives him that fully guaranteed contract. For a year. So with the Rules of the Tag, he can play on it for a total of three years for three separate guaranteed one year deals. IF Kirk can manage to accomplish a multi year fully guaranteed contract he'll change the business. Just like Hall & Nash did 20ish years ago.
  13. Salvation just started on CBS. First show is free on the CBS All Access App.
  14. Saw the last 6 pack in Kroger & picked it up. Small Town's track record of nailing the taste/flavor of whatever it is they're mimicking has been pretty spot on. First impression is it citrusy & not quite that Mt Dew taste. Maybe closer to a Sun Drop taste, definitely not Mello Yello. After about 3/4 the way through the first one, it hints more towards the Mt Dew taste but that citrus is right there at the top of it.
  15. Sling determines your local area by your billing zip code.
  16. FYI Hulu just added HBO with a free month trial. Since my free month through HBO just ended I'll probably do the same for Game of Thrones. There's The Wire & then there's everything else.
  17. Finally finished Bloodline the other day. Ehhh wasn't as good as the first two seasons. It just couldn't hold my interest especially with the last two episodes. Started Power yesterday. Pretty good so far though it could be a bit grittier. Ghost reminds me a little of Stringer Bell from The Wire.
  18. Nice troll job by Marvel on the 2nd post credits scene in Spider-Man. ?
  19. http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/big-updates-regarding-broken-gimmick On the latest installment of the Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer reported that The Hardys are in talks with Anthem Media and that Matt & Jeff could be receiving the rights to the “Broken” gimmick soon. Meltzer:“By the way, apparently, The Hardys are real close to the resolution with Anthem. They may be getting the gimmick pretty soon, they’re very close to getting that gimmick.” One-half of the Team Xtreme, Matt, shared on Twitter that “we are days away from winning”. It appears as if we may soon bear witness to; “Broken” Matt Hardy & Brother Nero on WWE TV.
  20. I don't if he was having an off night or didn't do all of his homework or what but JR's commentary on last nights G1 Special was painful at times. It's like he wasn't familiar with the ROH guys at all. He kept calling Jay Lethal's Lethal Injection a "springboard cutter" which technically it is but that's like calling Austin's Stunner a "gut kick & a cutter" or the Dudleys 3D a "flapjack cutter". That said, JR did put over Jay Lethal's rib injury from the attack by the Beer City Bruiser on ROH's TV. After the intermission it seemed JR had time to get his notes together & the second half was better. Funniest line one of the night was after one of the Bucks got pinned in the opening 10 Man Tag "I got a deal with Hot Topic, I can't lose on TV". Kinda thought it would have made better sense to have saved Okada vs Omega II for this show & put Cody in the US Title tournament instead of headlining with Okada vs Cody which was a good match but after watching Okada vs Omega you just realize Omega is on that elite AJ Styles/Shawn Micheals level.
  21. There's talk of Amazon getting into the ISP business which is fine by me since they're already in the server business. In fact ES is on an Amazon server since the last software upgrade.
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