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Mad Mike

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Everything posted by Mad Mike

  1. TNG was good but DS9 sucked. Just a soap opera in space. The form the of any new Star Trek is not as important as good writing. Give me some edgy thought provoking stories
  2. Science says that we can clean up coal and oil usage while promoting clean energy and STILL meet or needs.
  3. OK. Here's a question for the board... If Republican leaders are not selling out our nation's (and the world's) future to big oil and coal, how come they are not listening to their own constituents? A National Survey of Republicans and Republican-­‐Leaning Independents on Energy and Climate Change | Yale Project on Climate Change Communication More highlights and a full report in PDF form after the link.
  4. I love to bike when I can. I bought a nice bike for myself last christmas but had to put it away for the summer. I just cant take the heat and humidity down here. Weather has been great lately but now my knees are shot. Still I'll have to get back into the grove with some short rides. The funny thing though... I have permanent spinal cord damage that cut off the nerves to my calf in my left leg. Meaning I cant push off with my toes to balance at all. So when I ride, I have to make sure that when I stop, I do it so I can put my right foot down and get on and off on that side. If I don't I tend to just fall over like the character on the tricycle on Laugh-In. LOL
  5. Yeah, thats right.... Scientists all over the world, NASA, and the US military are all in it for the money. But the Koch Brothers, oil and coal companies are denying climate change out of the goodness of their freedom loving hearts. [/sarc]
  6. WTF are you talking about? Are you honestly trying to claim that NASA and the EPA is warning us about climate change for the money? Really? How about these guys?.... Four-Star Warning: Generals Dub Climate Change a Security Risk - NBC News.com Robert Rubin: How ignoring climate change could sink the U.S. economy - The Washington Post If you are going to make the claim that the people warning us about climate change are in it for the money, perhaps you can show us all the money trail? So when Congressman Larry Bucshon says: You believe him right? Rep. Larry Bucshon: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Representative 2014 | OpenSecrets Top three contributors: Total Indivs PACs Murray Energy $19,700 $9,700 $10,000 Koch Enterprises $14,000 $14,000 $0 Peabody Energy $12,250 $10,250 $2,000 Nah, he couldn't POSSIBLY be in it for the money. I strongly recommend you use Greenhouse or simply visit Opensecrets.org to see who is financing politicians who deny climate change. Install Greenhouse | Expose Political Corruption OpenSecrets.org: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
  7. Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails in the "Climategate" Manufactured Controversy "Mike's Nature trick" refers to a technique (aka "trick of the trade") used in a paper published in Nature by lead author Michael Mann (Mann 1998). The rest of your post is just as flawed. But using an article from over 20 years ago is just over the top moronic.
  8. The superhuman ****-ups of Christopher Booker | George Monbiot | Environment | theguardian.com
  9. When you find such people feel free. But the claims you are referencing have been debunked 1000 times over. Meanwhile... Google Chairman: ALEC Is Lying About Climate Change And Funding Them Was A Mistake | ThinkProgress
  10. Denying Climate Change 'Will Cost Us Billions Of Dollars,' U.S. Budget Director Warns | ThinkProgress
  11. Congressman: Don't Trust Climate Scientists, They're In It For The Money | ThinkProgress And his funding?..... Rep. Larry Bucshon: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Representative 2014 | OpenSecrets And the #2 contributor by industry...
  12. This Legendary Accounting Firm Just Ran the Numbers on Climate Change | Mother Jones Direct link to the study: ‎www.pwc.co.uk/assets/pdf/low-carbon-economy-index-2014.pdf
  13. I dislike many of their tactics but greenpeace is capable of doing some quality research. Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine | Greenpeace This article is all about the links and sources. For example here, the FOIA was used to document this deniers funding. The interesting thing to me is that he received large grants from NASA, who many accuse of being part of a giant left wing conspiracy to destroy America by destroying our freedom. (Honestly, I've had people tell me that) The truth is that NASA is willing to listen to the opinions of people like him on their specific area of expertise, but with far more information from a greater variety of experts, and without being funded by Big Oil & Coal, they have come to a different overall conclusion. CASE STUDY: Dr. Willie Soon, a Career Fueled by Big Oil and Coal | Greenpeace And about his claimed areas of expertise....
  14. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/10/22/nasa-announces-new-record-growth-of-antarctic-sea-ice-extent/ New Theory for Why Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing
  15. Watch 27 years of 'old' Arctic ice melt away in seconds | Environment | theguardian.com Limbaugh: 'Polar vortex' is made up, yet still proof the ice caps aren't melting | PunditFact Arctic sea-ice 'growth', a manufactured IPCC 'crisis' and more: David Rose is at it again
  16. Ouch! Texas Judge Slams Right-winger for Wasting His Time | TFN Insider From the findings of fact:
  17. A message about the Koch brothers from the father of capitalism: Koch Brothers Threaten to Sue Over New Petcoke Ordinance - Toxic Waste Land - Curbed Chicago
  18. what do you know.... Donations to House Speaker John Boehner questioned by Federal Election Commission | cleveland.com Rep. John Boehner: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Representative 2014 | OpenSecrets
  19. One common argument given by republicans is that the government has no business subsidizing alternative fuels but the truth is that they area expecting alternative fuels to beat the cost of traditional fuels that are subsidized already through massive tax breaks. ‎ www.taxpayer.net/images/uploads/downloads/TCS_ETR_Report.pdf GOP blocks tax hikes for oil companies - USATODAY.com
  20. A little history.... Svante Arrhenius - Biographical Svante Arrhenius : Feature Articles And a jr high school level science experiment anyone can perform.... Meanwhile... Carbon-dioxide levels are at their highest point in at least 800,000 years - The Washington Post
  21. Why Climate Deniers Have No Scientific Credibility - In One Pie Chart | DeSmogBlog
  22. And how's this for Irony.... Delaware Oil Refinery's Sudden Worrying About Sea Level Rise Goes Viral! | Delaware Way Climate Change Is So Bad Even Oil Companies Are Bracing for it Now
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