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Mad Mike

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Everything posted by Mad Mike

  1. No hostility, simply the recognition of a person talking out of their rectum. And you have responded with more of the same. Complete and utter bull**** that flies in the face of what ACTUAL climate scientists are saying.
  2. NASA Satellites Start Tracking Down the Sources of Climate Change - NBC News.com
  3. Cutting Methane, Soot Not Enough to Tackle Warming | Climate Central Disentangling the effects of CO2 and short-lived climate forcer mitigation
  4. FACT SHEET: Administration Takes Steps Forward on Climate Action Plan by Announcing Actions to Cut Methane Emissions | The White House Meanwhile.... House GOP: Threatens to defund EPA. Seems to me that the republicans are the ones counting on collecting cow farts. Dont you ever get tired of being proven wrong?
  5. National Security and the Accelerating Risks of Climate Change | CNA Corporation Methane Emissions | Climate Change | US EPA
  6. Tell you what, I'll stop calling republicans stupid when they stop saying things like this... Republican Lawmaker Thinks Women Can Get Gynecological Exams by Swallowing Cameras Is it possible for you to speak in complete sentences and cite factual evidence to support your statements or are we doomed to try making sense of your Sarah Palin like word salad?
  7. "The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true." - Carl Sagan
  8. Are you a climate scientist? If so, please share with us the degrees you hold. If not I suggest you point to scientific evidence that can be reviewed to back your claim that NASA has "gotten NOTHING correct so far." Or you can simply admit that you are speaking directly from your rectum.
  9. I'll say this. I would refine the verbiage to target individual politicians and corporations like Koch industries that support them.
  10. I'm dumbfounded that you think this is a rational argument. ‎cier.umd.edu/documents/US%20Economic%20Impacts%20of%20Climate%20Change%20and%20the%20Costs%20of%20Inaction.pdf Climate Change Is Harming Economy, Report Says - WSJ
  11. Scientists Observe Temperatures Warming In Response To Increased Carbon Dioxide | Popular Science
  12. And BTW, Guess who the biggest contributors to Inhofe are.... Sen. James M. Inhofe: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets And because it is related... The Inside Story Of How Citizens United Has Changed Washington Lawmaking
  13. Senator Whitehouse Rips 'The Senator With The Snowball' | Crooks and Liars A portion of the transcript:
  14. Someone suggested that this thread has gone away from the original idea. I disagree. I see this thread as a data storehouse of relevant information. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/02/22/3625629/willie-soon-fossil-fuel-money/
  15. Oh and since you threw out a random scientific term... Global Sea-Level Changes During the Past Century | CU Sea Level Research Group And in other news... Risk of American 'megadroughts' for decades, NASA warns - CNN.com
  16. Since I haven't actually tried to bring this suit forward, you are once again babbling nonsense in a pitiful attempt at a personal shot at me rather than an intelligent rational debate on the science. Standard for you, and the reason I consider you one step below pond scum.
  17. Or to put it in children's terms for the less scientific minded.... Mythbusters tests global warming theory - does CO2 warm air? - YouTube
  18. I think this is pretty solid evidence of human influence: Historical Global CO2 Emissions | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
  19. Again.. Pure unadulterated bull****. Blogs?... Really?.... Here is what REAL scientists say: Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet Climate change — European Environment Agency (EEA)
  20. Oh, I know it is. And republican "leadership" has ignored both military and civilian calls to do something about it because they are corrupt and profit by the hundreds of millions from oil and gas companies. Ted Cruz alone raked in $946,568 in funds from big oil and gas. THAT WE KNOW OF. I call bull****. Instead of making these claims why don't you show me an example and prove it.
  21. Within the context of that "debate" I'll stand by my statement. When it comes to climate change Republicans are the stupid ones. Now, If you have nothing better to contribute, do me a favor and go pick nits elsewhere.
  22. The only stupidity is republican denial and those who buy into it. Speaking of enriching con artists.... Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International But here's the problem... The Pentagon and Climate Change: Is National Security at Risk? | Rolling Stone Why? Because of crooked republicans like this.... Sen. Ted Cruz: Campaign Finance/Money - Industries - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets
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