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Mad Mike

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Everything posted by Mad Mike

  1. This is your argument? That Ried didn't show up in a fleet of prius's for his stalf and security detail? Did you actually read the drivel you posted? Despite what the blithering fool who wrote the story claims. No one is saying you cant drive SUVs. We are saying lets make them more efficient. No one has been told they cant cool their home. The entire article is mind numbingly stupid. Oh and about those dollar panels referenced.... Obama adds solar panels to White House, pressing his support for green energy | Fox News
  2. Sen. James M. Inhofe: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2014 | OpenSecrets
  3. The mindless, childish stupidity of your posts is simply astounding. You contribute nothing of any value to any intelligent conversation.
  4. That's right, ignore their stance on issues. Let me guess... vote tea party.... because freedom! Peeping Larry - TIME
  5. I have to come back to this... You mean the people actually listening to the experts who put men on the moon and are conducting missions to mars? You mean like these guys?..... Democracy for New Mexico: Tea Party Protesters Gunning for Attention in Alamogordo And quite frankly, I consider such displays and threats by tea party "patriots" as a direct threat to me and *my* beliefs. Que the "that's not MY tea party" response....
  6. One last thing for now... I'm still waiting for someone to refute the things that I am saying. Tell me why the Republicans, funded by oil billionaires who have pumped god knows how many hundreds of millions of dollars into the right wing to avoid any and all regulations should be trusted to ignore NASA, the military, and science itself to guide our energy policy backward. Tell me how its all a left wing conspiracy. And yes, I have had debates with self proclaimed "rational" tea party people argue the conspiracy claim to death. The Vast Climate Conspiracy | Bob Musil Top Seven Ridiculous Global Warming Hoax Quotes From Climate Change Deniers | Verbicide Magazine But here is one of my favorite right wing claims.... Joe ****i: Can an AGW Climatologist Be Truly Objective? — The Patriot Post There you have it.... one of the "rock star" go-to "scientists" in the denial camp telling you that you cant trust scientist he admits have more degrees and measurably know more about the subject than he does because of the "rock star" status and "fawning students" and because he sees the weather change every day. Or something like that. Frankly I find his ramblings barely comprehensible. But hey.... its good enough for the "Voice of Essential Liberty".... Because "Freedom!"
  7. Emissions | Global Carbon Atlas So... we are the number 2 carbon emitter in the world behind china at number 1. China is climbing on board because the shear volume of pollution cant be ignored. India is also beginning to move. Russia is Putin at this point and as long as Putin or someone like him remains in power they must be recognized as enemies who's lead we should never follow. The EU who are our allies are leaders in cutting emissions and they expect us to work with them. EU greenhouse gas emissions and targets - European Commission But back to China.... China trounces U.S. in green energy investments - Apr. 17, 2013 Rather than acting like the economic and technological power house that we claim to be and creating jobs in emerging technologies, we are letting China take the lead. And rather than believing in American enginuity, Republican leadership seems to believe that America can't overcome the challenge and we should not even try. If you want to know why, download that greenhouse plugin or go to opensecrets.org and look up the donors to every republican climate denier. Then please, look me in the eye and tell me "climate change is just an excuse for Obama to raise taxes" Rep. Paul Ryan: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Representative 2014 | OpenSecrets Look at every single climate denier and tell me what they all have in common.... Koch Industries: Summary | OpenSecrets
  8. China to Fight Air Pollution With $1.65 Billion Fund - Bloomberg Russia will not cut emissions under extended Kyoto climate pact | Reuters Russia Picks an Odd Time to Put on Climate Halo - Bloomberg India goes green, drafts policy to lower carbon emissions : SCIENCE : Tech Times And the tea party position is..... E.P.A. Draws Harsh Words From Most G.O.P. Candidates - NYTimes.com
  9. I dont know how far this idea will go. It depends on how much help I can get. Some people laughed when I said I could make a difference in the Microsoft ant-trust trial. As it turned out, my site was popular reading. I got millions of visits traced back to top computer and technology companies, the DOJ and even NASA. Why? Because I was able to cut through the BS to form a powerful argument. As a result, I was interviewed several times by Wired Magazine, plagiarized by the CEO of Sun Microsystems, and quoted in Time friggin Magazine. Oh, and however minimal the effect of my humble efforts... Microsoft lost. Laugh away.
  10. The absolute mindless and childish nature of this post is almost beyond comprehension. I weep for the human race.
  11. Oh and about that money trail. This is cool.... Not old enough to vote, 16-year-old builds money-in-politics plug-in - The Washington Post I've got it installed and it's a pretty good starting point for understanding how these people vote for the money. Install Greenhouse | Expose Political Corruption
  12. I believe that it can be proven in a court of law that republican denial of scientific evidence stems from monetary ties to the energy industry, primarily lead by Koch Industries. I further believe that the actions taken by current republicans to prevent any form of energy conservation or advance alternative energy projects no matter how beneficial can be proven harmful to the common good and the threaten the safety of the United States as a whole. I believe their quid pro quo actions on behalf of and by the entrenched energy industry can be proven treasonous in a court of law and we the people can take our nation back. Bottom line. I believe the absolute facts can be proven step by step in a structured debate where broad declarations would not be allowed. I seriously want to find a lawyer and team of researchers, experts and scientists willing to take this on. A few recent items... House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties Pentagon's Hands On Climate Change | ThinkProgress 4 Republican former EPA administrators call on Congress to take action on climate change | Climate Science Watch National Security and the Accelerating Risks of Climate Change (Report Launch) | New Security Beat 15 Military Leaders Who Say Climate Change Is A National Security Threat | Blog | Media Matters for America meanwhile the billionaires who created the "think tanks" who want to do away with the EPA While petcoke company seeks delay, residents want action | Midwest Energy News Chicagoans Want the Koch Brothers to Stop Polluting The City | VICE News And what do the fine founders of the tea party want to do in response?.... Koch Brothers Firm Threatens to Sue Chicago - State & Local - GovExec.com And finally for humor..... Definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK - FOUL LANGUAGE.... CNN Anchor Bill Weir Angers Fox Nation, Calling Them '****** ********' | Crooks and Liars
  13. Confrontational? Hell yes. Devoid of reasoning? Bull****.
  14. Who the hell are you to judge everyone else? Prove to me that those people have not worked hard all of their lives. Prove to me that they aren't going back to school to earn a degree or they are not dropping that second job so they can take care of their children. God I am sick of judgmental people like you accusing people of being lazy. What's the matter? Don't you believe in the power of capitalism as a motivator to achieve a better life? Do you actually believe we must hold basic needs such as health care a hostage to force people to work more? Is that what you consider "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"? How evil can you get?
  15. Show me your examples and why you feel they are unsustainable. Most Efficient Health Care: Countries - Bloomberg Best (and Worst) Out of 48 countries guess where Bloomberg ranks us.... 46 With the highest cost.
  16. And typically when someone doesn't want to confront the facts or issues raised in an article, they attack the source. Got anything to say about the quote? And BTW The day you fact check the way I do is the day you can accuse me of needing to read other sources.
  17. Huffpo *is* a biased source but as biased sources go they aren't bad. I've seen them expose stupid Dems too.
  18. The GOP Thinks Obamacare Is Making You Lazy Excuse me? WTF do you think we are? Slave labor? The greatness of capitalism as I understood growing up was the motivation to achieve something better for yourself, NOT to be forced to work as long as possible to afford a basic need such as health care.
  19. I'm calling bull*** on you. From the report... What that means is that those who can afford to can retire and open up jobs for the millions of unemployed workers who need one. Claiming "He got beaten up by the Obama administration" is your personal conspiracy theory.
  20. CBO Director: Actually, Obamacare Will Reduce Unemployment Another Tea Party lie exposed.
  21. What exactly has he done that makes you think he would react to *anything* in a rational way?
  22. What's laughable is that you have decided this with no personal knowledge of Un's mindset. You've just decided that since you wouldn't do it, he wouldn't do it either. :doh: ---------- Post added April-4th-2013 at 06:42 PM ---------- While I like the spirit of the hack, I'm not so sure this is a smart idea. If Un is as unstable as I suspect he is, he is likely to see this as an attack by the US, take offense, and ratchet things up even more.
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