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Mad Mike

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Everything posted by Mad Mike

  1. Name another science organization that has put a man (several) on the surface of another heavenly body not named earth.... (crickets chirping) You dont get to lecture me on what is good for climate change. In fact, after arguing FOR Ted Cruz to oversee NASA, You don't get to lecture me on anything.... EVER. You simply aren't qualified.
  2. Stop the BULL****. This has nothing to do with mission creep. It is about a corrupt Ted Cruz trying to cut off any and all funding for the study of climate change. He is NOT suggesting that we shift the funding. He is suggesting we cut it off. NASA - Earth Science: NASA’s Mission to Our Home Planet The idea that faced with the threat of global climate change, we re-direct our most effective science organization AWAY from the study of earth sciences is treasonous to human kind.It's moronic beyond all comprehension. It defies anything resembling logic. IT'S ******* INSANE.
  3. **** TED CRUZ. He doesn't have the background or even basic intelligence to be qualified to oversee any scientific endeavor. PERIOD. What he has is a monumental conflict of interest as a puppet of big oil and coal. Republicans keep saying that "they aren't scientists" and now they want to stop actual scientists from studying global warming. In what MORONIC and INSANE world does this make sense? How mind numbingly stupid does someone have to be that they cant see the billions of dollars pumped into politics by oil companies and the politicians who take the money to vote against ANYTHING that cuts into Oil, Gas, and Coal profits?
  4. And here are his bosses.... Koch brothers set $889 million budget for 2016 Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
  5. This is a must see video. Republicans always talk about smaller government but what what they want is greater control. Here's Ted Cruz trying to tell NASA what it's core mission is and how it should cut it's earth sciences budget to inspire little children. To put it in plain english, Ted Cruz doesn't think studying our own planet is important. Watch the video to the end to see Charles Bolden, a real american hero and EXPERT take him to school.
  6. Only an idiot would believe the above quote in red means anything other than "if we don't study the earth as wingnut Cruz suggested."
  7. At Least Four States Are Pushing Koch-Backed Legislation To Ban Funding EPA's Climate Rule | ThinkProgress Ted Cruz Tells NASA Chief They Shouldn't Do Climate Science Research | Crooks and Liars
  8. The Intergenerational Report underestimates climate threat: an open letter to the government Follow the link for full text. The thing that climate denial trufers keep ignoring is that new new data and studies continue to confirm and refine what 97% of ACTUAL peer reviewed climate scientists have been saying. That global climate change real and it is man made. The new data not only confirms past projections, the projections continue to get worse and worse. If you climate trufers were given the same projections for your own life by 97% of the doctors you consulted ...that if you didn't change your lifestyle it could be a grave threat to your life, what would you do? And I'm sure that the billionaires will take full advantage of any opportunities that arise as billions of little people suffer.
  9. That's it. Ignore ACTUAL temp changes. You know more than NASA. Everything is A-OK. The level of denial with some people has reached 9/11 truther levels. As for the lawsuit.... the evidence keeps mounting that man made climate change is a real and growing danger. THE ENTIRE WORLD IS BEGINNING TO ACT. And the day will come that the money grubbing politicians in big oils pocket will pay. Climate change — European Environment Agency (EEA) EU leaders agree to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 | Environment | The Guardian
  10. Climate Change Is Altering Everything About The Way Water Is Provided In Salt Lake City | ThinkProgress Maybe Inhofe can donate some snowballs.
  11. Rate Of Climate Change To Soar By 2020s, With Arctic Warming 1°F Per Decade | ThinkProgress 'Hottest Year' Story Obscures Bigger News: Ocean Warming Now Off The Charts | ThinkProgress
  12. There are many wonderful things about the state, the fanatical tea party morons who surround me and keep voting for Scott are not one of them. It's only a matter of time before I leave.
  13. In Florida, Officials Ban Term ‘Climate Change’ | Florida Center for Investigative Reporting
  14. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=E01 Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
  15. More republican BULL****. They put a denialist (Republican Rob Bishop) in position to raid the hen house as chairman of the committee on natural resources. Lets see who funds him shall we: Rep. Rob Bishop: Campaign Finance/Money - Summary - Representative 2014 | OpenSecrets And the #1 industry that pays him off? Drum roll please....... OIL AND GAS And despite the moronic claim that re directing water *caused* the drought ... Stanford scientists say drought linked to climate change The move to re-direct water in the midst of a drought may need to be rethought. But re-directing that water did NOT cause it. And while denialists like to claim that science keeps getting things wrong..... Game Over for the Climate - NYTimes.com By JAMES HANSEN Published: May 9, 2012 At least you got one thing right this time. It *IS* man made. If I had a mic right now I would drop it.
  16. Skins24 forget "the timing. Why? Because you are unqualified to comment and I really don't care what you think about the subject. Go get a degree in climatology and write some peer reviewed papers. If you can do that and your papers pass review by your peers, I'll be happy to listen. Meanwhile from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: First Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide’s Increasing Greenhouse Effect at the Earth’s Surface - News Center
  17. ‎tigger.uic.edu/~pdoran/012009_Doran_final.pdf The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change The fact is that those two questions are backed up by peer reviewed papers the delve into the details. I find it amusing that you think your opinion carries any valid weight compared to theirs.
  18. But I am curious why you dispute "the timing". What timing? And if you are going to be skeptical, why not be skeptical about politicians and scientists funded by big oil companies?
  19. Seriously? You want an example? YOU: NASA: Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
  20. Oh, you mean the people who keep voting these morons into office? Of course there are idiots in both parties. But one has CLEARLY gone way over the deep end and has an over abundance of them. But I'll tell you what, lets start a thread, We'll call it "the stupid politician of the day" thread. We can all post the dumb statements made by politicians of either party. Lets see who wins.
  21. WSJ’s shameful climate denial: The scientific consensus is not a myth - Salon.com The point being that those people denying the 97% number are full of crap. Scientists publish research for peer review, so other scientists can try to find flaws in their logic or methodology. And scientists LOVE being the one to discover flaws in others papers. Meanwhile as I posted before. Climate Deniers' Favorite Scientist Quietly Took Money From The Fossil Fuel Industry | ThinkProgress
  22. No I simply listen to ACTUAL experts like NASA and the National Academy of Sciences rather than pseudo scientists and crooked politicians paid for by big oil and coal. And I'm saying you are talking out of your ass. But while we are talking about risk assessment. Which is the smartest play... Following the growing evidence for man made climate change and acting to mitigate it, in which case if we are wrong we will have still advanced our energy independence and will live in a less polluted world, or assuming that 97% of the worlds peer reviewed scientists are wrong and risking trillions of dollars of damage and our national security?
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