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Mad Mike

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Everything posted by Mad Mike

  1. The scientist bought by the big oil money are on the whole, not climate scientists. They are often not scientists at all. When you can show me the equivalent of *this* for scientists who believe in the fact of man made global warming you will have a point. Until then you are just talking more bull****. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2007/feb/02/frontpagenews.climatechange Meanwhile.... http://www.popsci.com/climate-change-infographic-our-warming-planet?con=TrueAnthem&dom=fb&src=SOC&utm_campaign&utm_content=59be881a04d30153b04c0199&utm_medium&utm_source
  2. No. I find it a pathetic attempt by the fossil fuel industry to deflect from their own wrong doing. Yeah, I'm going to laugh my ass off when Trump and his Reich hang for treason and corruption.
  3. TWA - That's what you've got? An article posted by a far right propaganda site and a law suite filed by a right wing energy company funded think tank? http://www.energyandpolicy.org/energy-environment-legal-institute/ E&E's bull**** claim is some sort of collusion. A reminder of what collusion looks like... https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?cycle=2016&ind=E01
  4. New York attorney general: Tillerson used 'Wayne Tracker' email at Exxon to discuss climate Lets clarify.... ExxonMobil: New Disclosures Show Oil Giant Still Funding Climate Science Denial Groups
  5. Sounds like a plan if that is your choice. Good on you for being responsible.
  6. Most gun stores will buy used guns, they just won't give you much for them. Maybe you should just consider keeping it in a safe, secure place at home as a backup. A gun is useless if you cant reach it.
  7. No. it isn't. Not in the least. http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/16/us/james-holmes-theater-shooting-fenton/ btw... http://www.massmed.org/uploadedFiles/massmedorg/News_and_Publications/Physician_Focus/impaired_driving.pdf
  8. Took the words right out of my mouth. My Primary home defense. Walther PPQ 9mm w 2 17 round magazines. And if that's not enough....
  9. Landmark suit against the U.S. government replaces Barack Obama as defendant with President Trump, argues that climate action is a constitutional right. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/09022017/climate-change-lawsuit-donald-trump-children
  10. I see. So if the government research finds that a chemical in food is killing people, they shouldn't actually tell people about it or do anything. ******* genius. Here's reality: If the facts were on his side, Trump and his oil company buddies would be pushing the information out there. IT'S NOT. So he is suppressing information that taxpayers have paid for. Trump is a dangerous fool of a dictator, and democracy is dying right before our eyes.
  11. This is insane. Publicly funded research belongs to the american people. Ladies and gentlemen. When the government acts to suppress information like this, it's about time for a serious revolution.
  12. Why 4.5 billion years of fluctuating global temperatures can’t explain climate change today
  13. So if 43,000 MORE people die. You're cool with that? https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/23/repealing-the-affordable-care-act-will-kill-more-than-43000-people-annually/?utm_term=.6c7c4486df7c
  14. Saying that because sea levels have been rising since the last ice age proves man made global warming is false is like saying that everyone dies so there is no link between cigarette smoking and cancer. Its a bull****, intellectually empty argument meant to change the subject from your former failed argument. Your smarmy tone while spouting such bull**** arguments only confirms my assessment of your trollish behavior.
  15. And you go right back to flinging **** against the wall hoping it will stick while ignoring how you were just proven wrong. The behavior of a troll.
  16. Did you know NASA already accounts for this an still determines through science that global warming is man made and cause by greenhouse gasses such as carbon and methane? https://sealevel.nasa.gov/understanding-sea-level/causes/overview https://sealevel.nasa.gov/understanding-sea-level/causes/drivers-of-change Why don't you just admit you were wrong. BTW... Cherry picking data that supports your opinion while ignoring data that shreds your argument makes you the myopic one. Not me.
  17. http://climate.nasa.gov/news/2504/historical-records-may-underestimate-sea-level-rise/ http://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/125/ http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sealevel.html
  18. Since you actually attempted to ask a relevant question... http://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2013/05/whats-behind-the-good-news-declines-in-u-s-co2-emissions/ And once again you are just making *** up as you go along.... https://sealevel.nasa.gov/understanding-sea-level/causes/overview
  19. It's absurd because there is no debate. Climate denialists are no better than 9/11 conspiracy theorists. They just have more funding.
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