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The Evil Genius

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Everything posted by The Evil Genius

  1. I think the angle was that Rock is on the WWE Board of Directors so he can have the ref fired if he DQed them. Rock overselling that spear from Reigns was hysterical. But I hate that finishers have no effect anymore. And that heels rarely win cleanly on these big matches. It's gotten stale..
  2. I suspect the first mention is a typo. But yeah maybe.
  3. Target also has 10% off on their Target giftcards next Saturday (13th). Usually can buy up to $300, and sometimes people have Target offers with other credit cards (Discover has in the past given 5% back). Good way to score 10-15% discounts on new games or whatever.
  4. It's almost like you understood why the EC was so bad there, tshile. That's enough progress for the day...
  5. Who knows. Reigns defends it like 3x a year or something. And never cleanly. But at least he finally looks to be back in shape like when he was with the Shield.
  6. Suspect other GOP controlled states will take notice. Can't have the more liberal population in their states count. Maybe then the GOP can win a national election popular vote again.
  7. Yeah that final match was bad. And it made no sense other than to make it easier for Reigns. WWE writers haven't improved much have they? I bet they'll drag Stone Cold's crippled ass out to just give the Rock a 1 finger salute and a stunner tomorrow night.
  8. Seth Rollins in that robe looks like he attending the Kentucky Derby..or a Royal Wedding.
  9. Hahahhahha..Gunther was so boring. Not anymore. Now he has a revenge story.
  10. Ok whatever. They are the same person anyways. 😁
  11. Is it wrong that I want Jimmy to lose because the stupid yeet thing in 2024? Yeah cannot believe AEW let him go. WWE needs to push him hard. He's legit one the top wrestlers they have.
  12. Jeez how far did that dude fly when they launched him? 20 feet? Also lol Jason Kelce living the best life.
  13. Andrade really needs to be pushed for a top title.
  14. Haha suck it boring ass Judgement Day. At least R Truth is deserving and entertaining as hell..
  15. Meh. Rhea Ripley is boring. She needs to get squashed to make her interesting again.
  16. It was. Typical NBC. Maybe they want another law and order or Chicago show. 🙄
  17. I feel like they've recently been setting Dirty Dom up for a face turn. Feels like Judgement Day is going to turn on him soon.
  18. Fwiw, when the House was originally created, it had 65 members for a total representative population of 3.5mil. Now it has 435 members representing 330+mil people. The House is much less (roughly 1/13 as) reprentative than was originally intended. And it wasn't until 1913ish that it was capped at 435. Despite having 30% of the population we have now.
  19. This of course assumes the districts are fairly drawn by the State. Which we already know they aren't.
  20. People act like large population states like California and New York don't have very very large rural populations. How many of them aren't voting at the national level because their votes don't mean anything? Can't speak for NY, but California is basically 3 or 4 states alone with how the populations views differ.
  21. My goal is for every voter in the US to have exactly the same voting power. Which the popular vote does. I mean..why shouldn't my vote in California offset tshiles Trump vote in Florida? 😁 That said, should one get rid of the 100 Senate EC added votes, we would have something closer to that as well. Small states would still be overrepresented, but not at the factor they are now.
  22. I guess I always suspected they (any drive through) had a camera somewhere, so they know you're there to order.
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