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Redskins at Giants: Trajectories at an Intersection



I'm sitting here in the press box with a personal conflict.  I want us to win, yes.  But I want us to win a Super Bowl.  This year, unless we have a Gibbs-like turnaround or 2012 going from 3-6 to 10-6, ain't that year.  We had high hopes out of the gate, the offseason seemed to be drama-free for the most part, it looks like we got something special in Scary Terry, and for the most part the draft seemed serviceable at least. 

Of course we started off with our starter-by-salary-only hurt, but at least we had McCoy with the steady hand.  Oh, wait, he's still hurt?   Um, okay, who do we have now?  Keenum?  Wasn't he in Minny and replaced by the other guy who used to be wearing number 8 here? Uh, okay, I guess that's fine.  Colt will be back any minute now, right?  Oh, that's a negative, too.  Well, we have that Haskins guy we drafted, but we'll sit him like the Jags and Giants are doing with their rookies.  More on that in a minute.  Then we have Williams holding out, us refusing to trade him for a ship ton of picks like Miami did, while he takes up the cap.  Reed gets hurt because why not and then we sign a couple of placeholders while our next big homegrown signing in, number 75, starts playing at 75% and then gets injured because, again, why not?

I'll change my name to Francis so that I can be frank:  This ain't going well.  Everything was fantastic when we were up 17-0 against Philly in their house, and it's just been a steady trajectory of suck since then.  With rumors swirling about this game potentially being the last straw for Gruden, it's not going well.

And on the other sideline?  All those LOL's at taking Jones at #6 have turned into quite chortles while our rookie sits behind a five-turnover game by the new guy.  Our coach is making excuses that our team has new players, which is the same for 31 other teams, and that we've got to execute.  The Giants, though, benched a two-time Super Bowl MVP (in case you weren't sick to your stomach by this team already) in order to start Daniel Ten Cents or whatever they're calling him.  Their alleged once-in-a-generation running back goes down, and now they look better than ever.  What do we do?  Have our once-in-a-draft running back get injured while our Hall of Fame back, um, sits?  I mean Thompson's on my fantasy team so there's some selfish plus to that, but, okay?

And of course injury bug.

So, this comes back to the conflict between the angel and devil on my shoulders.  Do we win today and really make a run at it, going 16-3 to win the Super Bowl?  Nah, the brownie I ate wasn't the special type, so I don't see that happening.  But do we want to beat the Giants just because Giants?  I guess.  But something that this team has really robbed of us is any real hope, replaced by a passionate apathy and a team logo of shoulder shrugs.

So, we'll see.  Nobody's gotten hurt at warm ups so far, so we've got that going for us.


Let's see if anything else gets going today.




McLaurin (replaced with Harmon)


Roullier (replaced by Bergstrom at center)

Scherff (replaced by Martin at right guard)

Reed (Obviously Vernon Davis at TE)


This does mean that Robert Davis is active and Dwayne Haskins is our #2.  If Keenum plays like he did last week, then be ready to see Haskins on the field.

Fun note:  If Haskins takes any snaps today, then he will be the SIXTH quarterback since November 2018:

  • 1)  Smith
  • 2)  McCoy

3)  Sanchez

  • 4)  Johnson
  • 5)  Keenum


Fifteen minutes until kickoff, and we had no visible injuries during warm-ups.  Woot.




Let the stupid begin.  Stupid pass on that pick, RIDICULOUS decision to not decline the hold leads to a first down for NY at the 19.


And we're five minutes in and we've already had a pick, a dumb call to accept a failed third down, and given up a touchdown due to a miscommunication.


More self-inflicted BS.  The Giants dominated that quarter as we had ten or fewer plays from scrimmage.


Atrocious start, and the trajectory isn't pointing up.




Let's see if we get a different result.  Keep in mind this drive started at their six, and at the beginning of the quarter, they're on our 44.


And at 12:01 left in the half, touchdown.  An unbelievable amount of stupid in penalties.  No update on Norman yet.


Norman back.  Hell of a hit by Settle and a pick by Dunbar at the 8:17 mark.


And the Haskins era begins at 6:35 left in the half.


Haskins with four good minutes, including that 14-yard scramble, rookie miss to Davis.




Well, this looks pretty bad.  Having the spark with Haskins was good, and he's already out-playing Keenum.  Unfortunately that's like being the tallest of the Seven Dwarves, but he was pretty okay.  Nobody expected him to light it up.

When it comes to the defense, we've got two picks on Daniel Jesus, but we keep extending drives and they're destroying us on TOP.  The biggest problem?  Penalties, specifically holds in the secondary.


It still doesn't feel like a win is coming, but it feels like maybe the tide is turning with the team.  Hopefully we will be able to play a little less stupidly and we'll see what that brings.  Still doesn't feel like we're doing too much right to outweigh the dumbass mistakes.


Let's hope that Haskins lights it up once we get the ball back.  Giants receive at the half.



Well, Haskins threw his first TD pass, just to the wrong team.  We continue to have an ungodly amount of flags.  Stupid, stupid flags.  I feel like they can just take the burgundy out of our uniforms and just keep the gold, since that's the only impact we're having today.

Haskins is not lighting it up like Jones did, but folks, remember that this is how a rookie typically plays.



And with pick and loss number 4, we're out.

The battle for Tua begins Week 6.




Well, here's at least something good with some of the fans here in Not New York.  And that's @TK giving the finger to this stadium so I have permission. #dontbanme

There were quite a few out there tailgating at about 9:00 (they open the gates at 8:00), probably twice as many as there were on Monday Night since, you know, nobody not wearing a Bears jersey was there after halftime.


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Any non delusional Redskin fan that's been watching this team for any period of time has the absolute clarity that most other fans don't. And that is THIS REDSKIN TEAM AND EVERY REDSKIN TEAM IN THE FUTURE WILL SUCK as long as Daniel Snyder is the owner. The fish stinks from the head down and the ONLY CONSISTENT ELEMENT in the 2 DECADES OF LOSING that the Redskins are under from coach after coach, GM after GM, star player after star player is the DECISIONS MADE BY DANIEL SNYDER.  One immutable fact:  the decision making process on what players/coaches are capable of winning is a fact that STILL escapes DANIEL SNYDER. Pure and simple.

Edited by garbageteam
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Snyder and Bruce Allen.  Vinny Cerrato act 2.  This is as bad as our corrupt and dysfunctional political circus.  You have got to be worse than a moron to not see that the FO decisions are wrong and often repeated many times.  The fan base has dwindled and rightly so. Die hards have died away. You have played Preston Smith to the point he gained experience and then let him walk for 2 2nd rd picks.  In the meantime, Preston gets more sacks with his new team than our entire team had after 3 games...plus a forced fumble and an interception.  And you complain about having "new players".  What is going on after all these years?  Is this being done on purpose as it is past being outright stupid.  Bruce should have been fired after the Shanahass debacle.  Same excuses year after year along with the preseason hype.  The next wreck this year will be Gruden winning a few meaningless games late in the season to ruin a high draft pick.  All I can say is Please Miami, Jets, Bengals, and Denver...win some games. Gruden, don't you dare beat Miami and the Jets.  Do something good for the Redskins for once and lose those 2 games.  Its the only thing we have to look forward to.  We are already the laughingstock.  Please get Mike Holmgren out of retirement to run this team.

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