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With The 19th Pick In The 2021 NFL Draft, The Washington Football Team Selects....

With The 19th Pick In The 2021 NFL Draft, The Washington Football Team Selects....

Game time. :) 






Fill in the blanks below & let's see who gets it right. The winner gets a cheerleader (wait, do we still even have those?)  out of petty cash.  :kickcan:


Alright. Ok then...




The winner will get a 1 on 1 Skype counseling call with @Jumbo. Wait. ****! He can barely type, there's no way he'll be able to figure out Skype..... :ols: 


I got it. 


Bragging rights. 



The winner will receive BRAGGING RIGHTS. 


What? That's not enough? Fine. I'll throw in a bonus. However, you're really gonna have to work for it. :) 


Call the entire Draft for the WFT before the Draft starts. Anything submitted after the start of the Draft will be disqualified.






*In the event of multiple correct predictions, the winner will be based on earliest time/date stamp.

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