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Wash. Post: Inside Mugabe's Violent Crackdown


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That whole situation is incredibly sad. I remember just a few years ago that Zimbabwe was a model for other African countries about how peace and stability could be reached.

My friend in High School actually went there on vacation with his family. Tourism at one time was huge there.

Now the entire thing is in the ****ter, and they're killing each other left and right because of some sociopath that managed to get into power. Sad... just sad. Children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, etc... all being slaughtered for no reason.


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I'm not one to advocate assasination but......

I would gladly take that shot. All they have to do is ask.

Kind of off the subject. Most Zimbabweans seem to have common English first names and African last names. Why is that? Old colonialism I guess?

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I would gladly take that shot. All they have to do is ask.

Kind of off the subject. Most Zimbabweans seem to have common English first names and African last names. Why is that? Old colonialism I guess?

Nah. Too quick. Just repeatedly kick him in the nuts. Or even better...castration with a rusty spoon.
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Nah. Too quick. Just repeatedly kick him in the nuts. Or even better...castration with a rusty spoon.


I was kind of embarassed about how uneducated I was on this meathead a few weeks ago. Like I said before, I knew he was a bad dude, I just didn't understand the extent of his atrocities.

I'll tell you. He's one of those guys that the more you read about him, the more just pissed off you get. He kinda brings out a reaction in me that few people with out a direct effect on my life do.

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The Bush adminsration is all about "liberating" oppressed people...supposedly.

I say we go to Zimbawe and Darfur and liberate those people. :(

That, or the UN should remember why it was created in the first place. :whoknows:

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The sad thing is that killing Mugabe wouldn't change much. The military (specifically the veterans) is the real power in Zimbabwe and they'd find a new figurehead who'd be more acceptable to the international community while allowing them to continue to loot the country.

The opposition is the only hope for change in Zimbabwe. Sadly, there are many in Africa who think differently (**** you, Mbeki).

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The sad thing is that killing Mugabe wouldn't change much. The military (specifically the veterans) is the real power in Zimbabwe and they'd find a new figurehead who'd be more acceptable to the international community while allowing them to continue to loot the country.

The opposition is the only hope for change in Zimbabwe. Sadly, there are many in Africa who think differently (**** you, Mbeki).

I don't know nearly enough about Africa, and it's time to change that.

Who's Mbeki?

And is there a difference between Zimbabwe's military and the "war veterans" or whatever they call them?

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I don't know nearly enough about Africa, and it's time to change that.

Who's Mbeki?

And is there a difference between Zimbabwe's military and the "war veterans" or whatever they call them?

Don't know about the second question, but Mbeki's Mandela's successor as South Africa Pres. Why people dislike him:


EDIT: Um, you DO know who Nelson Mandela is, right?

:silly: :jk:

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Don't know about the second question, but Mbeki's Mandela's successor as South Africa Pres. Why people dislike him:


EDIT: Um, you DO know who Nelson Mandela is, right?

:silly: :jk:

Of course. But even as Johnny Cornfed, I agree with the sentiment that our government in large part, and certainly our mainstream media could give half a crap about most of Africa.

Thus, even though I stay up with current events, I don't know much about the goings on there, quite honestly.

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I don't know nearly enough about Africa, and it's time to change that.

Who's Mbeki?

And is there a difference between Zimbabwe's military and the "war veterans" or whatever they call them?

Mbeki is the leader of South Africa, who believes that HIV doesn't cause AIDS and has blocked any major action against Mugabe ('colonialism' y'know).

Zimbabwe's military is pretty much led by the veterans of Zimbabwe's war for independence. Both active and retired veterans form the basis of Mugabe's rule and receive preference for aid and loot. When you hear about the opposition being beaten and killed, it's the veterans groups doing it on behalf of the leadership. In 2000, with the economy going into the ****ter, Mugabe decided to repossess all white-owned farms and 'redistribute' them to the poor black population. Naturally, the veterans both forced out the white farmers and got first dibs.

One fun fact: Zimbabwe has one of the worst inflation rates in the world, something like over 100000 percent a year. I read a BBC article about a reporter who bought a drink worth 100,000,000 Zimbabwe currency in the morning and found the price doubled by the afternoon.

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Read that article about Mbeki I posted...I found it interesting.

I did. Thanks.

Sounds like South Africa's in a position to strongarm the strongman and just refusing to do it. Kinda like a reverse-raced Good Ol' Boy network.

Seriously though. Why does the UN not move in here, and as BRAVE pointed out, in Darfur? These situations are the very reason for their existence.

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From today's Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/04/AR2008070402771_pf.html

Then Mugabe told the gathering he planned to give up power in a televised speech to the nation the next day, according to the written notes of one participant that were corroborated by two other people with direct knowledge of the meeting.But Zimbabwe's military chief, Gen. Constantine Chiwenga, responded that the choice was not Mugabe's alone to make. According to two firsthand accounts of the meeting, Chiwenga told Mugabe his military would take control of the country to keep him in office or the president could contest a runoff election, directed in the field by senior army officers supervising a military-style campaign against the opposition.
I hope Mugabe, Chiwenga, and former security chief and still influential guy Mnanagagwa die like some of Mugabe's opponent's supporters did:
Women were stripped and beaten so viciously that whole sections of flesh fell away from their buttocks. Many had to lie facedown in hospital beds during weeks of recovery. Men's genitals became targets. The official postmortem report on Chaona opposition activist Aleck Chiriseri listed crushed genitals among the causes of death. Other men died the same way.
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