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More name change BS


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Think this guy's a liberal? :rolleyes:


Heap big hypocrisy

American Indian nicknames do not honor the culture

Posted: Wednesday May 25, 2005 1:05PM; Updated: Wednesday May 25, 2005 6:39PM

Redmen, Indians, Braves, Warriors, Chieftains, even ... Savages -- plus the specific: Seminoles, Choctaws, Utes, Chippewas, Illini and Sioux. These are all nicknames of NCAA colleges that are derived from an American Indian past. Moreover, an estimated 2,500 secondary schools boast the same sorts of monikers, not to mention the best known professional teams: Redskins, Indians, Braves, Chiefs and Warriors. Even though those of us newer to this continent spent a great deal of time fighting, killing, even massacring the peoples native to the land, we conquerors have always held this bizarre desire to name our teams after our old foes.

Now, at last, the NCAA has begun a review of the situation, with an eye toward considering whether it indeed might possess the authority to force member schools to change their dubious nicknames.

Of them all, the most offensive is Redskins, which, of course, just happens to title what Forbes magazine calls the most valuable sports franchise in America. It's important to understand that "redskin" does not refer to skin color. It's not like, well, I'm a whiteskin and Shaquille O'Neal is a blackskin. A redskin was a scalp taken by Native Americans as bounty. The red in redskin is blood red. But the Nation's Capitol's football team adamantly holds onto its name.

I must admit to a little of what we used to call consciousness raising here, too. I always thought, well, surely no one can object to such rather generic terms as Warriors, Braves and Chiefs. But Native American activists I've spoken to believe that the use of such nicknames -- and the display of dancing costumed mascots, who amuse the crowds at games -- manage to perpetuate the Hollywood version of Indians that we've all had pressed into our minds.

So long as we reflexively think of Indians as perpetual fighters in war paint, we cannot so easily connect with the real Native Americans of today, understand their plight, and appreciate how desperately they battle poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction along with a general hopelessness that result in such a high suicide rate. Sport nicknames may seem like a small, even foolish, thing, but their visibility helps keep Indians trapped in history, cartoon figures frozen on the warpath.

Of course, those who defend the appropriation of the old nicknames say it's supposed to honor Indian tradition. Sorry. Never did white man speak with such forked tongue.

And, indeed, there are some Indians themselves who think the nicknames and mascots are respectful. I've even spoken to some such tribal elders. But certainly the NCAA is right in trying to address the issue, even if the Washington Redskins and other professional teams must remain insensitive. The question of whether or not the majority should utterly rule is one we've been struggling with in the Senate these past few weeks. But surely, no American majority should ever lack the courtesy to insult other people by stealing their very own names and turning them against them.

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Two things made me change my mind about Native American nicknames.

When I first heard about the controversy was around the time the Redskins were driving to their last Super Bowl win. I thought to myself, "I don't see it as racist." But, then I thought about that. Being an African-American, I can understand discrimination as I see it everyday. But, I don't know what the Native American experience is. What I may see as entertainment, their personal history may say otherwise. Charles Mann himself said, "If they say it is, then it is."

Shorty after that, I was watching a western on TV. A cowboy was taunting a Native American in one scene and, at one point, called him "redskin." And it wasn't a term of endearment.

I love Washington's football team. But, I don't love the use of their name.

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Sorry, but this PC crap has just gotten way too outta hand. If they bothered to do their research, they'd find out that a good portion of our team when we were first named the "Redskins" was Native American. They didn't find it too insulting back then.

Frankly, any fan of the Redskins thinking we should change our name isn't a TRUE fan, imo anyway.

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how is Warriors a racist name? This guy seems to think the only Warriors were Indians, what about the Aztec Warriors, African Warriors, samuria Warriors. The Same goes for Chiefs, I don't think anyone would be upset if they called a team the presidents or the Generals. same thing.

I do believe the current helmet design was made by an american indian.

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Sheesh. It's not even been two months.

Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Not the first time I've pulled this out of the archives. I'm sure it won't be the last. For those not in the know, here's an article I originaly posted in the 2003 Archives.


Tribal leader rubbed elbows with elite

BY SHAWN WHITE WOLF - IR Staff Writer - 11/03/03

Walter "Blackie" Wetzel learned early on that in order to achieve the success he wanted for his people, he would need to use every bit of political power he had — at home and in Washington, D.C.

In the 1950s and '60s, Wetzel, at the height of his political career, was the chairman of the Blackfeet Nation and president of the National Congress of American Indians.

Born in 1915, Wetzel grew up on the Blackfeet Reservation.

Early on, Chief White Calf gave Wetzel a right of passage of the chieftainship of the Blackfeet Nation.

"I am still a chief today," Wetzel said Friday afternoon from his Helena home.

White Calf, who was over 100 years old at the time, conducted a special ceremony and gave Wetzel his Indian name — Six-o-num, meaning Blackie.

Throughout Wetzel's lifetime, he has served on the Blackfeet council, Montana Intertribal Council, National Congress of American Indians, and worked with Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy and numerous congressmen.

In September of 1990, Wetzel, among others, was honored as a distinguished alumnus of the University of Montana for attending nearly four years at the school back in the 1930s, although he didn't graduate for personal reasons.

Sen. Mike Mansfield once wrote Wetzel a letter that he keeps framed in his living room.

"As a friend of many years, decades really, we both have great appreciation, admiration, and respect for your many accomplishments during your lifetime," wrote Mansfield.

During his time in office, Wetzel said, he fought hard against policies that would terminate tribal governments and reservations.

At the same time, he fought for employment, aid, the development of the tribes' land and minerals and other issues on his own reservation as well as for hundreds of other tribes throughout the country.

"I think President Kennedy would sometimes order the (federal) government to send food," said Wetzel.

Nearly 40 years after Kennedy's assassination, Wetzel said he still remembers his most beloved president.

Just months prior to the assassination on Nov. 22, 1963, the president had visited Great Falls on a nationwide tour.

As decided by Kennedy, Wetzel was to introduce the president at an event in Great Falls on Sept. 26, 1963. However, Wetzel said, at the last minute, Stuart Udall, U.S. secretary of state, changed the course of events.

"The president was there for business, and I was considered too political," said Wetzel.

However, he said, the president insisted that he come into an area blocked off for security reasons.

"Blackie, what do you have there?" Kennedy asked Wetzel as he held an object in his hands.

Wetzel, who named Kennedy High Eagle, presented the president with a carved gavel by Albert Racine, a Blackfeet artist.

In addition to the American politicians, Winston Churchill requested from Wetzel a complete Blackfeet regalia after Churchill found out his mother was half Indian.

"A Royal Guard showed up to collect the regalia, but Churchill didn't come," said Wetzel.

Another eye-opening Wetzel accomplishment was his idea to put the head of an Indian chief on the helmets of the Washington Redskins.

"Back then, (in the 1960s) there was only the letter "R" on the helmet, so I requested a few pictures to be sent down from my reservation of Indian chiefs," Wetzel explained.

Wetzel said he walked into the office of the Washington Redskins and said, "I came here to see you guys about seeing a real Indian on the helmets."

He said a person told him that they would look over his proposal and consider it.

After the team finally picked his idea, he said, he felt really proud — and has ever since — seeing the Indian chief on the helmet.

Since then, numerous groups and American Indian leaders throughout the country have fought against Indian mascots.

Wetzel said that people from the Washington Redskins send him tickets and other types of memorabilia.

A Washington Post reporter has even contacted him about the Redskin logo for a story that ran in January of 2002.

Two weeks ago, he said, he saw it on the news that the team was keeping the name and logo.

"I felt good about that, and they are proud to wear it," he said.

Today, Wetzel said he has retired to his quiet home in Helena after a busy political career and then several years in the U.S. Department of Labor and Montana Department of Labor.

"I am just playing her cool now," Wetzel said while leaning back in his recliner.

Reporter Shawn White Wolf can be reached at 447-4028 or shawn.whitewolf@helenair.com

a01110303_01.jpgEliza Wiley IR Staff Photographer - Walter Wetzel is shown holding a photo of Robert F. Kennedy. Wetzel, who served two terms on the National Congress of American Indians, was very close to the Kennedy family. Wetzel is pictured wearing a cap bearing the logo of the Washington Redskins, which he helped design.

While searching for that article, I came across this :


Letters from the Newsroom

From Shawn White Wolf


Dear Diversity Institute,

I just had an interesting experience.

I wrote a “Person Worth Knowing” profile about a former Blackfeet tribal leader from the 1950s/1960s.

Walter “Blackie” Wetzel, also a tribal chief, had befriended presidents Kennedy and Johnson, as well as former Montana Senators Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf. He also created the Washington Redskins headdress logo on their helmets, something he said he was proud about ever since. In fact, the Washington Redskins group sent him tickets to their games.

The plan was to run the story around the 40th anniversary of the Kennedy assignation, Nov. 22. However, we needed a story for the Monday profile, so I offered the Wetzel story. Fortunately, we ran the story last week because Saturday (Nov. 8, 2003) he passed away after suffering heart problems. He was 88.

All day Saturday, he kept saying that he was going to go see his former wife, Doris. She died back in the 80s. So, the family knew that something was up.

We ran a front page story of his death since we had just featured him the week before. I didn’t write the second story, because I was out of town on an Indian education story. Another (Independent Record) reporter remembered his name from my story and asked to write the second story.

Shawn White Wolf, a reporter for the Independent Record in Helena, Mont., is a graduate of the second Diversity Institute class.

Then there's this article that was posted by gridironmike

American Indians Among Admirers Of Redskins Name

Marc Fisher


January 26, 2002; Page B1

Scalp 'em, swamp 'em We will take 'em big score

Read 'em, weep 'em, touchdown

We want heap more -- "Hail to the Redskins," original 1937 lyric

In a few days, football will fade from view and the Redskins will lurk in the background as an autumnal hope. But the debate over the Redskins' name knows no seasons; it has been with us for more than four decades and shows no sign of abating.

With local governments now in the act, urging Dan Snyder to pull an Abe Pollin and change his team's name to something bland, the name game takes on a new urgency.

The name changers appear to have the upper hand, as they sweep the nation forcing high schools and colleges to abandon traditional mascots and scrap names such as Indians, Chiefs, Braves and Warriors.

Interestingly, most of the people who sizzle with outrage over Indian team names and mascots are not Indians. American Indians can be found vigorously arguing on both sides. Academics are split, too: Anthropologists call team names and mascots humiliating, while linguists say "redskin" describes "stalwart attributes." Even dictionaries disagree (the Oxford English says "redskin" is "generally benign," while Webster's says it is "usually offensive").

The Redskins debate -- in addition to the latest condemnation from the Metropolitan Council of Governments, a challenge to the team's trademark is tied up in federal court -- focuses on the genesis of the name (was it born as an ethnic slur?) and its use today (does it denigrate Indians?).

There are at least three versions of the name's origin. The official story, says team spokesman Karl Swanson, is that when the Boston Braves football team left Braves Field to play at Fenway Park in 1933, owner George Preston Marshall needed a new name for his squad.

He chose Redskins in honor of Lone Star Dietz, the team's coach and an Indian who often wore an eagle feather headdress, beaded deerskin jacket and buckskin moccasins. Dietz brought four to six -- accounts vary -- Indian players with him to Boston from the Haskell Indian School in Kansas, where he had coached for four years.

Another version has the team being named for the white men who dressed up as Indians to stage the Boston Tea Party at the start of the American Revolution. Yet another genesis story says the name stems from the colored clay that Plains Indians used to paint themselves for tribal ceremonies.

Whichever version is right, "the reality is more benign than people on both sides of the fence are attributing to it," says sports historian and museum consultant Frank Ceresi. "The name was meant very, very positively."

The genesis may always remain murky because Marshall never wrote a word about his choice, the Boston newspapers from the time are silent on the question (football was a minor sideshow in those days), and survivors of the period offer conflicting and vague recollections. But it is clear that the Boston Redskins, who moved to Washington in 1937, sought to capitalize on their Indian players and coach: The team played wearing red war paint. And Indian players from the time considered the name and trappings an honor.

So does Walter Wetzel, former chairman of the Blackfoot tribe and president of the National Congress of American Indians in the 1960s. By the early '60s, the Redskins had dropped any reference to Indians in their logo, uniforms and merchandise. Wetzel went to the Redskins office with photos of Indians in full headdress.

"I said, 'I'd like to see an Indian on your helmets,' " which then sported a big "R" as the team logo, remembers Wetzel, now 86 and retired in Montana. Within weeks, the Redskins had a new logo, a composite Indian taken from the features in Wetzel's pictures. "It made us all so proud to have an Indian on a big-time team. . . . It's only a small group of radicals who oppose those names. Indians are proud of Indians."

Snyder, meanwhile, intends to keep the name, no matter the protests. "Frankly, we don't hear much from fans about this," Swanson says. "Words take power from their usage. We don't use funny mascots. We don't have tomahawk chops. We've always used the word in a respectful way, to mean tradition, courage and respect."

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Originally posted by stwasm

Two things made me change my mind about Native American nicknames.

When I first heard about the controversy was around the time the Redskins were driving to their last Super Bowl win. I thought to myself, "I don't see it as racist." But, then I thought about that. Being an African-American, I can understand discrimination as I see it everyday. But, I don't know what the Native American experience is. What I may see as entertainment, their personal history may say otherwise. Charles Mann himself said, "If they say it is, then it is."

Shorty after that, I was watching a western on TV. A cowboy was taunting a Native American in one scene and, at one point, called him "redskin." And it wasn't a term of endearment.

I love Washington's football team. But, I don't love the use of their name.

Quoted for truth.

I love this team, but I have no problem changing the name.

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Originally posted by hokie4redskins

Frankly, any fan of the Redskins thinking we should change our name isn't a TRUE fan, imo anyway.

Wash your mouth out with soap, buddy. I've been a fan of this team for 40 years. I grew up in RFK. I had an "I Like Sonny" bumper sticker on my elementary school binder. I've lived all over this country, and never for one second considered changing my allegiance to the Bears, or the Lions, or the 49ers.


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The Wallapei indians in the Grand Canyon root for the Redskins and wear the hats/sweatshirts.. I saw it firsthand and got my picture taken with them because of it... (1998)...

If it changed i would hope it was to the Washington Hogs: The Pastabelly will feel a relationship and actually report and not blog...

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