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Redskins Offense Averaged 20.4 points inlast five games


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I felt pretty good about the offense towards the end of the year. They still had some work to do, but considering they scored enough to keep us in some close games against tough defenses I was happy. Now it's time to get over that hump. :)

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Originally posted by lukhig

Just out of curiosity I looked up the scores of the last five games of last year and we averaged 20.4 points. If you took out the horrific Dallas game we averaged 23 points in 4 of the last five.

The two games before those games were the first two games for Ramsey and they were against Philly, and Pitsburg who were both rolling big time and he kept us in both of those games.

I think this is a very good sign for our offense considering the O-line should much be improved and having everybody back excluding recievers but I think the recievers we have know shoul be a good fit for our offense as long as Jackobs and D'Mac step up.

We will never take the next step if we can't beat Dallas.:wewantd:




Thank you for posting this... Those of you who have jumped on the campbell bandwagon for really no good reason, need to recognize.

Don't get me wrong, if PR doesn't get the job done, I'd love to see the new kid come in and light it up. I think we'll see Brunel before Campbell though.. Lets all remember PR did well the last half of the season, if he can carry that over with an improved running game, we'll be in the play offs.

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I think this needs to be said, even though we don’t know the fait of the o-line we do know that we have some stability in the organization this year.

Gibbs is an amazing coach and won't rest at all. Our problems were Gibbs stubbornness but he's already shown signs of humility. He is willing to make the necessary changes to win.

The o-line is not the only concern but the WR need to find away to get off the line and not let corners hold up their routs. We'll be fine this year mark my words.

Everybody needs to look at it like this unlike past season when the skins fell hard at the end of season with no chances. These skins played hard in every game and as a fan that’s all I can ask for. We make the turn and it'll start in the preseason.

Gibbs will allow a more up offense and allow his asst coaches to have more input. This will allow Ramsey to be a better QB. It's not that he can’t hit the long pass but it was all about confidence. He knew the head coach didn’t believe in him and it affected his play. Well that’s still true but this year Ramsey knows the o better a plus he has a lot to prove to his teammates and to himself. I think he can handle the pressure and will complete more passes down field.

Everybody is putting so much emphasis on the o but I'm worried about the D. They were stellar last year. I mean no one expected the skins D to finish in the top five last year. I mean if you knew that our projective starting MLB would never play a down and our star OLB would missed dam near the entire season and we would only give up 16 points a game. You would be a genus but for truth to be told no one could have ever predicted that. I'm concern about the D because the expectation will be high this season. We know the o sucks and still might to a certain point but we all are expecting great things from the D. They will still be key for us but I don’t expect them to have to carry us like they did last season.

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Over the last 11 games last season, the Redskins were 5-6...

Had Taylor not blown his assignment in the last 30 seconds of the Dallas game, the Skins would have been 6-5 over their last 11 games--a winning record--and 4-1 over their last five.

I wonder if people's perceptions of the Skins play last year, and their chances this year, would have been different??..

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Originally posted by TD_washingtonredskins

The problem with this logic is that you're assuming everything will fall into place on defense like it did this past season. It might, but there is a chance that some offenses will be able to spend the off-season scheming around our D a little better than they did last year.

I doubt it man. GW is a genius with the different looks he is able to show. I remember at one point last year one of the players was quoted as saying we have not even scratched the surface with the formations and "looks" we are able to do. I think it was Lavar, but I could be wrong.

Whatever, that's not the point here. I don't even think anything really fell into place last year. We were damn good and can get better this year. Even as injured as we were throughout the year we still scared good teams and stayed in the game because of stout D. Imagine that man. As good as we were last year it wasn't as good as we can be.

Don't worry about the D. If we score 21 points per game we'll be 10-6.


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It's strange...but last season, after the Skins defense looked dominating during the first 3 or 4 games, everyone was saying it was because of who they were playing...wait until they play a good offensive team.

Then, by the end of the season when the Skins defense didn't let up one iota in the way they controlled opposing offenses like Philly, Pittsburgh and Minnesota, the new focus became the amount of points the defense allowed...yards per game is nice, but keeping opposing teams out of the endzone is what really mattered, and the Skins weren't at the top in that catagory.

Then, after it was shown that the Redskins' offense gave up something like six touchdowns, which falsely lowered the defense's points per game ranking, the new mantra after that was "Well, what really REALLY matters is how many turnovers and points your defense scores, not yards per game or points per game..."...

And now, in the 2005 offseason, the lastest craze in diminishing what the Skins defense did last season, and should be able to achieve this upcoming season, is to say that the 2004 campaign was as much "luck" of having everything "fall into place" as anything else, and that the schemes designed by Williams will be figured out over the offseason, anyway...so even IF we allow that the Redskins defense actually was that good last year...it was mostly a fluke, unlikely to be repeated two years in a row.

At what point do we allow ourselves to simply say that the Redskins defense really is that good, and will continue to be just as good this upcoming season??...

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I remember at the beginning of the Nationals season, the manager was talking about a game where we lost like 9 to 5. I remember he said that we put up 5 points. In most games 5 points would win hte game for us. The fact that it didn't win that game shows that there are times when it won't work.

But For the most part if they can put up that many runs a game they have a good chance of winning.

I feel the same way about the Redskins. I don't expect to win ecery game. But if we can put up 21 points a game, then that means we'll be in every game. Some balls may not bounce our way or sometimes they may make the big play, but 21 points is enough to have a close game every week.

Add to that a top 10 defense and we have the makings of a playoff team.

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Strong defenses seem to be more consistent from year to year over time. Potent offenses seem to be less consistent as a general observation. A strong defense can keep a team in most games, and we have one. I believe that we have done the right things to get more consistency from our offense. Just that slight offensive improvement can translate into 3 more wins when your defense consistently holds teams under 20 points. Obviously I'm optimistic, but it's a logical thought process not B&G tinted homerism.

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