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Military Testing Improved Body Armor


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Military Testing Improved Body Armor

Fox News - Military Testing New Body Armor

STILLWATER, Okla. — The U.S. military is testing new body armor that would protect soldiers without compromising mobility.

ROTC students at Oklahoma State University (search) have been testing body armor that is 15 times stronger than steel. Each suit, made of a superstrong polyethylene fiber fabric called Dyneema (search) and weighing only 10 pounds, is designed to protect against roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices that have been used against soldiers in Iraq.

"This is of course what the designers are improving: your standard body armor vest. This is what the soldiers are wearing and while it does protect all of your vital organs, the rest of your body is totally exposed. So while your life may be saved, your arm or your leg may not be," said OSU professor Dr. Donna Branson, who heads the Department of Design, Housing and Merchandising in the College of Human Environmental Sciences.

Veterans from the Iraq war have also helped test the flexibility of the suits at the Army research lab's obstacle course.

OSU ROTC Sgt. Ryan Wallace, who has been testing the suits, said he hopes to be able to wear one of the suits if he's ever called to duty in Iraq.

"At least I know that if there's something there waiting for me, I've got a better chance for survival," said Wallace.

Click in the box near the top of the story to watch a report by FOX News' Phil Keating.

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I researched this information, and I found an article that discusses this new body armour. One interesting addition is a cooling system that may be added to this suit:


I've always been interested in military paraphernalia, including body armor. And since I have worn medieval armour, which covers the body a bit more then current vests, and I've always seen sci-fi armor which gave full protection, I was wondering when this type of body armor would become a reality.

I think it's pretty neat.

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I wonder if they could get something to protect the limbs, so many of the soldiers are losing their limbs.

Watch the video and you will see how extensive of a protection this armor will give. It covers the entire body, including the arms and legs. It's also more like a jumpsuit then anything else.

Considering the high degree of injuries to the appendages, this could be an important addition to a soldier's personal protection.

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ROTC students at Oklahoma State University (search) have been testing body armor that is 15 times stronger than steel.

Okay. Stand right over there, ( sound of large weapon being locked and loaded). No really. It's okay. Stand right over there. :)

This is a good development, and considering the wounds being inflicted upon the soldiers serving and how the risk of such isn't going away but getting greater, this could help alot. Hope to see it out there soon for their sakes.

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I'm all for improved protection. But one thing designers frequently don't take into account (or not to the degree they should anyway) is that the guys at risk have to move. Anyone who's ever worn 'MOPP' gear to protect you from chem, bio, radiation hazards can tell you, if you ever had to fight in it, you're going to die.

I hope whatever they come up with in the future is light and that you can actually fight wearing it. The current flak jackets are pretty damn heavy and really slow you down - although I confess that beats taking rounds/shrapnel to your vital organs.

This sounds promising though.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Well, I think you're going to have to have a race of spider-goats to produce it.

But I guess it's possible in the future.

I remember hearing about this new substance-- its an enzyme in the milk right? Wonder how much you need to produce a full suit? Sounds like it could be a lot more practical then the ceramic advances...

I'd still hold out for giant robot suits.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

I'm all for improved protection. But one thing designers frequently don't take into account (or not to the degree they should anyway) is that the guys at risk have to move. Anyone who's ever worn 'MOPP' gear to protect you from chem, bio, radiation hazards can tell you, if you ever had to fight in it, you're going to die.

I hope whatever they come up with in the future is light and that you can actually fight wearing it. The current flak jackets are pretty damn heavy and really slow you down - although I confess that beats taking rounds/shrapnel to your vital organs.

This sounds promising though.

I have some friends working on state of the art armor, similar to what they're describing here. You wouldn't believe how mobile the armor is, it is EXTREMELY light, and tough as hell.

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