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OG Raleigh Roundtree signs with JAX

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okay, here is my question about the ex-Chargers linemen that have become available this offseason.

since the Chargers believed their line needed significant upgrading in the offseason and their performance last year was not outstanding in the games I can remember, how come some are so eager to pick these guys up?

I mean I read where Prisco was talking Kendall Jaycox up as a center and Roundtree as a guard as well.

But these guys were cut loose and how much interest has there been in them since March?

Not much.

You bring in Cory Raymer who is a solid but not pro bowl caliber center and then draft Fonoti in round 2 to start as a rookie and that to me says the Chargers REALLY thought these discards were not up to snuff.

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but you can bet that a lot of the input on whom to keep on the offensive line came from John Butler who saw the team play in 2001. I am sure Marty had his input on getting Raymer and Alexander, but I don't think you can chalk up the wholesale release of the Chargers offensive line to the arrival of Marty per se.

these guys may be decent players as individuals (that is what I seem to be hearing from everyone here) but as a group they didn't perform very well on the field last season.

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well, I agree with you there and if I knew right now that David Loverne was the end game at LG for this team I might be more worried.

somehow I just don't see Spurrier leaving the middle of his line in the hands of a borderline starter when he is planning on running a system where the team is going to throw the football.

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the Redskins are going down to the wire on a couple of these slots. I am sure a veteran OG or two will be released once teams get a chance to see the youngsters in camp, etc..

yeah, it's gonna be late in the year to add a guy, but hopefully he can come in and fill the spot.

this is assuming that the Skins don't think ANY of their other players have a shot to play LG.

I can't believe that guys like Tucker and even Vickers can't be competitive with Loverne.

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