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Athlon's Predictions

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Well Athlon came out today.

Nfc East:

1. Eagles

2. Skins

3. Giants

4. Boys

Nfc Predictions:

East- Eagles

Central- Packers

West- Rams

South- bucs

Wild Cards: Niners, Seahawks

Nfc Championship: Rams over Packers

Afc Predictions:

East- Dolphins




Wild Cards: Pats,Browns

afc championship: Colts over Browns

Sb 37: Rams over Colts

Also has an article on Spurrier.

Next up, Lindy's.

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Lets consider the source here shall we. This Athlon. The WORST football publication on the planet. I have read that thing every year and they miss it every year. That magazine is garbage.

CK: I was blasting Hail to The Redskins with the top down today and these three yokels from yokelville yapped Cowboy **** at me. I then took a CD case, Ludacris and threw it at them. I hit one of the yokels in his face. They tried to race me, but I was gone. Funny ****.

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Man have I been working my *** off. I sit right next to my boss, so I cant chat all the time. I do however lurk like a SOB. I cant wait until kickoff 2002 Spurrier style. I talked to Dan "Big Daddy" Willkinson the other day. I have some hot inside info to share with all the Extreme guys, when I have some more time. Let me wet your whistle.

Defense hates the offense.

Defense hates the QB situation.

More to come, when I have some time.

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Originally posted by Smoot21

Defense hates the offense.

Defense hates the QB situation.

More to come, when I have some time.

Dude, you gotta give us a little more than that!! Why does the defense hate the offense? Is it because they can't stop it, or because they think it's going to fail miserably? And they can't possibly hate the qb situation more this year than last year, right?

Come on man, enlighten us!!!

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The defense hates the offense because they are basicly seperate teams so far in camp. Lewis is the coach on D, and Spurrier is on O. They are like two head coaches form what BD told me. There is an animosity there also, because nobody on defense is comfortable with the QB situation. The defense beleif is that they will be the deciding factor on the outcome of all games.

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Thanks Smoot. That makes sense I suppose. I imagine they're probably still a little pissed from last year, when poor offense and qb play was the deciding factor in most of our games. I just can't imagine Spurrier allowing his qb's to blow games for us. I don't think it will come down to that. The man simply loves to win, and I don't think we're going to have many (i hope) qb blunders as we did last year.

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I may be digressing from the last few posts but I wouldn't be surprised at all by a Colts vs. Browns AFC championship game. I could see both teams making quantum leaps this year.

The Colts picked up the Rams secondary coach, Ron Meeks to be D coordinator. With him and Dungy, you have 2 pretty good minds over there. Meeks was with the Falcons when they went to the SB in 1998. He was here for 2000 when we went from #30 - #4 in D ranking. He went to St Louis and turned that sorry D into the #3 D in the NFL last year.

I'm not saying the Colts are going to be top 5 but if they are top half then they will be a 12 win team with that offense, provided they take care of the football.

As far as the Browns go, I can't really substantiate them with #'s but they were in every game last year, beat the defending SB champs twice, and could have made the playoffs if they ran the ball just a little better. With Willy Green in the fold, I expect them to do just that this year.

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