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Pasquarelli=Monk hater


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Len Pasquarelli was a guest on Kornheiser between 11 and 11:30 today, and the topic was the June 1 free agents released by their teams. The name of Keenan McArdell came up and Len described him as the prototype cap casualty, a guy cut from a team because he was grossly overpaid. Tony was curious why Len thought he was overpaid, quoting from Len's own article how Keenan's receiving numbers placed him in the top ten season after season. Len told him to keep reading and he'd see that McArdell only scored TDs once every 15 receptions, and "you still have to score points in this league." Tony mentioned that those were Monk-like statistics and for no reason, Pasquarelli got belligerent. "Do *you* see Monk in the hall of fame?" "Well, yeah.." "*I* sure as hell don't!" This exchange continued for a minute, with Tony saying he thought it was a given that Monk would eventually be in the hall, and Pasquarelli basically implying that Tony didn't know what he was talking about. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought Pasquarelli caught Monk with his wife, given the hostility of his tone. Unfortunately for Art, fatboy has a HOF vote :mad:

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A chance for the board members to make some money.


IF- Art Monk falls 1 vote short of the hall. AND

IF- Len Fatterelli has a vote and votes against him AND

IF- Len should meet with an unfortunate "accident" AND

IF- a reward is offered for information.

Point them Kilmers direction, cuz I swear I'll take care of that lop o crap once and for all.

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Not suprised in the least. Monk seems to get less and less respect as time goes on. I guess retiring as the all time receptions leader with three rings just doesn't matter if you don't constantly talk about how great you are. :rolleyes:

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The idiot is trying to say the rule change helped Monk which is BS since the 5 yard rule wasnt there for Monk.

And if it was so easy for Monk to get catch all of these passes then why werent there similar record receivers from more pass happy during that time?

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Keep a few things in mind about Monk:

- he did what he did for us with many different QB's throwing the ball;

- he did what he did in a run first, throw second offense;

- he did what he did in a passing offense that emphasized feeding the ball to speedy receivers going deep on play-action fakes, not to possession receivers like him;

- he did what he did running many, many routes over the middle and getting slammed by big bodies during or after the catch.

The man was amazing.

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First and foremost I would like to say that Len fat*** has shown his prejudice by publicly stating his lobby position against a player, without a just cause.

Second, he may be removed or a lobby against him to return to the presitgeous position that supposedly selects the best the NFL has to offer for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

What's wrong Len, lost some serious dough in Vegas back in the day, when Gibbs was kicking as*?? Why because Gibbs didn't look like Noll, talk like Cowher or Lombardi or Al Davis or didn't wear a Fedora like Landry. Why because Monk smoked that a** in the corner of the endzone or turned a simple 5 to 10 yard hitch into a 45 -60 TD?

Why Len, because he wouldn't trip over your stupendous questions like you trip over your girth. Maybe it's the slobbering on people that turns them off from you and maybe it's your homeboy wanna be a gangsta tude that eludes to the misconception and misnomer that you are truly are "serious" sports writer, lost in your pc.

"Hey do you think we should let whatshisname.....in the Sports Writers' Hall of Fame????"

"Oh you mean Len Talkssomucha****ty"


"Fuc* No" "What the he** has he ever written???"

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Okay, I'm biased, but Monk isn't even borderline. He led the league for most receptions, most games with a catch, led the receivving corps to three Superbowls, and was a multi Probowler. Perhaps, he is more of a Steve Largent type, but one could easily argue that he was a far better Steve Largent than Steve Largent.

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I think Henry might have a point here. The same goes with Darrell and maybe even Champ. None of these guys toot thier own horn, they just go out and do the job.

The problem with the press, especially in the days of the internet, is that they don't do thier jobs. They just regurgitate (sp?) the common view, without doing any work or research themselves.

When Deon is more readily recognized than DG, when Woodson is recognized more readily than Champ, it shows me that he who roars loudest gets the attention; the squeaky wheel gets the oil! Heaven forbid anybody should actually do any imperical analysis. No way anybody actually looks at what is DONE ratehr than what is SAID.


That's just yet another reason why Skins fans are such a cool bunch. :cool: We know the real deal and have had the opportunity to watch and root for some of the best players ever to have played.

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That's it. I really hate Len FATSQUARELLI!! He is a FAT-don't-know-what-the-hell-he's-talking-about fool who just lost my respect.

Most of you Skin fans provided a good argument as to why Monk SHOULD BE IN THE HALL. If a player of Monk's caliber does not make it in the Hall of Fame, then they NEED to elect Hall of Fame voters who don't think only 70's Steelers and members of the 85 Bear belong in the Hall. If Monk doesn't belong in the Hall, then Jerry Rice and Cris Carter sure as hell don't!!

Matter of fact, the WHOLE HOGS crew should be in that mugg!!

LEN P is a NUT!!!!!!!!!!

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I hate to say this but I don't think Art is going to make the Hall. Too many people like Len P and Dr. Z are against him because they don't think his numbers are all that special. "Very good but not great" is what Z says. It's all crap. Whatever happened to the values of work ethic and sustained quiet excellence and leadership over a decade? And the willingness to make the tough 1st down catches in traffic and take the punishment. Just look at the careers of the wideouts who played opposite Monk. Did any of these guys ever put up good numbers when they weren't playing with 81? Charlie Brown, Gary Clark, Calvin Mohammed, Ricky Sanders etc... He made them all better.

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I never did care much for Len P., but now I think he's a total moron. How can anyone with ANY sense say that Art Monk is not worthy of the Hall of Fame? I guess surpassing a HoF wide-out's numbers don't mean much.

If Monk is never voted in, it will truly be a disgrace.

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When Monk retired, I believe he was the all time receptions leader. It seemed a given he'd be a first ballot entry. It's only been since his retirement that he's been passed by Carter and Rice, so it's out of record book, out of mind.

When you look at how the Viking receivers have been shut down/choked in the playoffs every year, if Carter gets in and Monk doesn't, the rationale that Art never made the "big" catches will look especially flimsy.:gus:

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