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skins and donnie darko


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it came out right around 9/11

so it didnt do too well in the states, but when it came out in the UK (about a year later)...it blew up....now there is a cult following to the movie,

and (i just watched it - the director's cut) it it blew me away......i hadnt heard much about it also......amazing movie!!!

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I think the movie is better directed than it is written. The music montages are great, and the dialogue is top notch. In my opinion It holds together well emotionally and thematically.

However, it is missing a couple key things that keep it from being great. I'm not normally a guy for plot, but the movie has lots of it, and it's not all that good. I guess what I'm saying is that I find it intelectually lacking. Artistically top notch though, just not enough to really break into top five in my book.

The micro-writing, i.e. the dialogue is splendid though.

"Somebody ought to write that b!tch."

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

I think the movie is better directed than it is written. The music montages are great, and the dialogue is top notch. In my opinion It holds together well emotionally and thematically.

However, it is missing a couple key things that keep it from being great. I'm not normally a guy for plot, but the movie has lots of it, and it's not all that good. I guess what I'm saying is that I find it intelectually lacking. Artistically top notch though, just not enough to really break into top five in my book.

The micro-writing, i.e. the dialogue is splendid though.

"Somebody ought to write that b!tch."

what is a great movie in your opinion? just wondering?

i think its up there, not great - it reminds me a little of American Beauty, which won best picture....its too bad 9/11 dropped this movie off the face of the earth

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American History X

Fear and Loathing

Scotland PA

Buffalo 66

Natural Born Killers

Two Girls and a Guy

Lost in Translation

Taxi Driver


Perhaps overly Pop, but which I still think are excellent:


fight Club

resevoir dogs


Fear and Loathing and Scotland PA are definatley at the top of my list right now though. This is hard cause there are som many good classics that I know I haven't been exposed to....

Donnie is tough for me, because emotionally, it really belongs on this list. So maybe I'm being to hard on it. My friend thinks I'm too hard on it, because as a physics guy, I think they flummoxed the physics. There were ways they could have done that to be both right and good.

Still that last musical montage:

All around me are familiar faces

Worn out places, worn out faces

Bright and early for their daily races

Going nowhere, going nowhere

And their tears are filling up their glasses

No expression, no expression

Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow

No tommorow, no tommorow

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I’m dying

Are the best I’ve ever had

I find it hard to tell you

’cos I find it hard to take

When people run in circles

It’s a very, very

Mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good

Happy birthday, happy birthday

Made to feel the way that every child should

Sit and listen, sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous

No one knew me, no one knew me

Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson

Look right through me, look right through me


It is a haunting finale.

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Originally posted by zoony

Well I just got done watching it... actually, I confess, I shut it off halfway thru.

Guess its not my kind of movie. The smurf dialogue was great though, lmao.

only two movies i ever shut off in the middle of were - the new movie Garden State and Escape from L.A.

well i walked out of Garden State during the lame scene where they shouted in the rain....i couldnt take anymore

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Well, sonny... at least your sig makes more sense to me now. :paranoid:

Actually, I'm still confused on the sig, but I get the reference :laugh:

If I was by myself I would have finished it... I rarely turn off a movie but the wife just couldn't take it, and I didn't have the heart to argue...

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big donnie darko fan. finally saw the director's cut and it is a much better movie than the original release. they try to explain "grandma death's" book a bit more and they add some great scenes. i loved the brand new intro (about 10 minutes of new footage there) and the other new scenes.

i just got it on netflix last week and between myself and my friends borrowing it, the disk was probably viewed 10 times and everybody has positive reviews.

looking forward to richard kelly's new work. check movies.com for what he's doing now.

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In the origional donie darko, they have a bunch of deleted scenes where the plot really gets explained. They go into all the stuff about animated dead and what not. To me, I am thrilled this never made the final cut in the movie because the uncertainty is a big part of the movie. Do they include these scenes in the director's cut? IF so, I'd think the origional darko would be better.

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Donnie Directors cut is great. In fact the origianl is a fgreat American film of the last 15 years. Many people dont get it on the first viewing go back to it later and it hits you like a engine falling from the sky. Terrific movie.

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