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Sean King anyone?

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Before you start puttin that little yellow fluid in my gas tank, I want to let you know that I'm not posting any news of any kind. Get that: This is not a prank (did i spell that right) or anything. With June 1st coming along and all, I'm wondering how he's doing over in Tampa if thats still where he is. I figure he might be released tomorrow so why not invite him. This is a guy that I've wanted since the season ended, and I figure the other team interested in him is Dallas who could start some of the kids I tutor over at the local elementary school and be in a better position than they are now. I think that he could do some damaga in dallas and I really dont want to see that. He could help us out as far as a backup QB and I think that definately works.

Who do we get rid of? I say nobody, just invite him to camp. if he outdoes Wurfell and Sage, then we're better off....if not then we just cut our ties to him. But by inviting him, we slow other teams from getting him and strengthen our QB class. Two definite positives as I'm afraid that he'll be a thorn in our side this year.

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Joe Hamilton tore his ACL in Euroleague, so King will stay as the 3rd stringer in Tampa.

And I have said this before, I will burn all of my Skins gear and stop watching,rooting for, following,readingabout,or even thinking about the team if they sign that worthless piece of crap Batch.

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My Bold Prediction: :fortune:

We ain't signing any more QBs, period. In fact, I still believe SS will keep all 4, despite all his statements to the contrary.

And I actually think Matthews will be better than King or Batch. I think we have our standards way too low after suffering through a year of Banks.:puke: :puke:

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I have to disagee. Batch is a much worse option than Wuerful in Spurriers system. He has no touch, no leadership skills, makes bad decisions, and lost his job to a guy named Mike McMahon!!!

If that doesnt speak volumes.....

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Batch sux

So I saypass.

Garbage from a 2-14 team wont turn to platinum because it relocates to DC.

Why waste money on a QB when we used a first rounder have a youngster in Sage and two guys who have played in his system?

Shouldnt we instead look into getting two DTs and maybe a Left Guard if the kids on the roster right now can't do the job.

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I doubt very much that the Bucs will release Sean King, he was a 3rd rounder (i think) and is not on a high contract at all, if any of the 4 QBs they have are to be released then i gather it will be Brad 'noodle arm' Johnson, who the fans dont appreciate too much.

As for Charlie Batch i personaly wouldnt bother as we already signed Matthews whos more than an adequate 2nd stringer when Ramsey replaces him in the lineup

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I have to agree with ND; let's tend to other matters before worrying about bringing in any more experiments at QB. Ramsey's the future for the franchise (with Sage as an outside longshot), and anybody else will just be a caretaker for this season anyway. I'm getting tired of playing plug and patch with our quarterbacks. If Spurrier can't work miracles with Matthews and Wuerffel, and we have to suffer for a season of mediocrity at QB while Ramsey learns, so be it. It can't be any worse than what we've had lately.

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