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Now that Courtney Brown is GONE......

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Originally posted by LightenupSandyBaby

Since Courtney is now an official Bronco...What do you think his Season will be like? Feel FREE to talk all the SMACK as you want!!:laugh: :D

Option 5: Jansen mushes him into the ground, causing grass and dirt to get in his v@g1na. Not being able to handle the irritation, he retires and buys a house right next to IHOP.

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Originally posted by perturbed

Unfair that you did not include anything positive for the guy.. why hate on him just becuse he's not a skin ?

He took a better deal, why hate him for that ?

HTTR :point2sky

He's got tremendous potential, and I hope he can re-establish himself (however unlikely that is) but he did snub the skins, the number 3 defense in the league (soon to be #1) and the number 1 D-coordinator in the league, which kind of chaps the hide...so at least for a little while he will be hated on...

Plus, signing for the most money nowadays is what is wrong with the league, imho. Even though I think Jacksonville may have offered him the most money (Nunyo reported that, so who knows if it true) but I don't think they were ever in the running.

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Originally posted by SkinsRback04

Don't be hatin'. :rolleyes:

But as a full time starter he'll probably break something before long. That's if the foot ever heals. Hmmmm? Foot problems...sounds vaguely familiar. :doh:

Didn't Pastabelly say that his foot injury (Lisc-Franc sprain or something like that) is very hard to recover from, potentially career ending?

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Whoever is pissed off that he signed elsewhere must have WANTED him to be a Skin. So really, this is all pointless, since you all would have been happy if he was on the team.

I'm not angry that he is not a Redskin, and I don't give a damn about him.

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Originally posted by jrockster77

Didn't Pastabelly say that his foot injury (Lisc-Franc sprain or something like that) is very hard to recover from, potentially career ending?

Yes he did. Of course we have to consider the source. I did some research on the injury and it can be a b*tch for someone with athletic demands. I thought he actually had a fracture which would be a good bit worse.

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I only wanted CB if he could stay healthy. The funny thing is that in Denver he will start and play most of the snaps. Chances are high that he will get injured early and be out making most of the Skins Faithful happy and feel vindicated for not paying him any $. However, if he was here he would be on rotation with two other very good DB therefore greatly increasing chances that he would stay healthy. It is too bad he did not sign with us but I dont think we will miss him...but I do think he will regret his choice to be the starter.

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I'd like CB to set the record (or at least come close) for sacks playing for a top ten defense that should have been a top 5 but for giving up over 400 yards in one game this year ;) (CB is also shut-out this game).

Okay, I really don't care how denver does except for one game!

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I have nothing against C. Brown but it suprises me that instead of having the opportunity to prove himself in G. Williams system and play with his cousin and teammate, he choose to follow the money. It makes me wonder if his heart is still in the game.

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Originally posted by perturbed

Unfair that you did not include anything positive for the guy.. why hate on him just becuse he's not a skin ?

He took a better deal, why hate him for that ?

HTTR :point2sky

Lets just say that my expectations were extremely high considering that Gibbs flew Dan's JET to see him before he visited Denver. It's not to often that Dan's wineing and dining doesn't get immediate results.

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Originally posted by perturbed

Unfair that you did not include anything positive for the guy.. why hate on him just becuse he's not a skin ?

He took a better deal, why hate him for that ?

HTTR :point2sky

To which I would ask anyone to tell me anything positive that has happened for him since leaving PSU, and then explain why the optimism for the future based on his exceedingly weak NFL career thus far?

For the life of me, I do not know why people got so excited about him in the first place.

He's COURTNEY BROWN. A BUSTAROONIE if ever there was one. Injured all the time, weak when he's on the field.

Hey fellas..


Throw a PARTY.


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