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gibbs praises skins


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gibbs on the radio today stated the skins have a great recipe to succeed---he called synder getting lewis a great steal--he stated spurrier has won every where--why woulnt he win in the nfl--he stated no one realizes how hard its to win at duke--he did

he stated the skins of his era were built similar--great offensive coach(he chuckled saying that whould be me) and a great d coach who should have been a head coach in petiborne--the skins of 2003 have spurrier and lewis very simialar-

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Thanks BSMSSS that made my day! Coming from him, it's a welcomed compliment.

There is also another similarity - there was a bit of housecleaning and changing of the guard over Gibbs first two years, and that seems to be somewhat the same now. By 2003 three to four more familiar names will either be gone or state their retirement that season, while at least six starters from 2002 are gone.

Like Gibbs and Pettibone did, so did Spurrier and Lewis in replacing most immediately while being smart enough to add depth to glaring spots. Also the current roster was very promising in a lot of areas.

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Joe is a class guy. He isn't a Sammy Baugh, who became an ardent Cowboys fan after 1960 or a John Riggins, who lampoons the team to get yucks on ESPN. :)

Joe is what he has always been, a standup guy who brings credit to anything he decides to do.

And he is one of the few star coaches or ex-players that was able to move on and be successful in another business venture AFTER his career in the NFL was over.

10 years after retirement, most of these guys are still hawking aftershave and appearing on local TV during training camp.

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I also heard the interview (it was on Jim Rome's show, BTW), and there were a few other highlights. Joe said that NASCAR racing and football were directly comparable in many ways. He said that you had owners in both, the crew chief was very much like a head coach and that drivers were the quarterbacks of NASCAR. Rome asked him if that meant he was the Jack Kent Cooke of his racing team, and Joe laughed and said "maybe a very, very small Jack Kent Cooke." Rome then asked if he had ever encountered anyone in racing like John Riggins, and Joe said that his newest driver, Tony Stewart, was very much like Riggins and Gary Clark, who were emotional, intense guys that he frequently bumped heads with. As for his other driver, Bobby Labonte, Joe compared him to Don Warren - a mature guy who takes his work seriously.

Rome also asked Joe if there were ever any offers that had him seriously considering coming back to the NFL as a coach. Joe replied that he was never close to coming back, but the one offer that made him stop and think was to coach the then expansion Panthers. He did say that one team offered to move his entire NASCAR operation of about 150 people to their area rent-free. When he told his wife Pat about it, she said no way, she was staying with the grandkids in Carolina, so that was that.

It's always great to hear from Joe, and Rome did a good job of asking questions and plugging Joe's new book.

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Such praise from Joe Gibbs is like a Blessing from the Pope of football.:pope:

Gibbs was arguably the best to ever walk the sidelines for any team in any era. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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I couldn't agree more Mad Mike. It floors me that he isn't recognized up there with Lombardi, Knoll, Landry and Walsh. For whatever reason, the Skins seem to get habitually dissed from "the establishment" and as such Gibbs just doesn't get his due.

MAN, how different would his rep and that of the Skins as a whole be if we had showed up agianst the Raiders in that Super Bowl. I think things would be VERY different.

Regardless, we know that he was truly a treasure and we're all still greatful and appreciative of him!

GAWD it's GREAT being a SKINS FAN!! :cool:

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Too bad Jack Kent Cooke wasn't as good an evaluator of coaching talent as Gibbs with Norv Turner. As soon as I heard players say his offense was so complex that they had to stop playing to think about the offense it became obtrusive. Great coaches like Spurrier have simple offenses and let players PLAY without thinking. Marvin Lewis is the same type of coach. This will likely be a division winning formula.

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Originally posted by bsmsss

he stated the skins of his era were built similar--great offensive coach and a great d coach who should have been a head coach in petiborne

I don't know about that....granted Petitbone only had one year to prove himself, but if he was such 'head coaching material' why wasn't he pursued by other teams after he was fired ?

This does bring to mind some memorable moments on the Skins sidelines. Not only was it inspiring to watch the Skins coaches on the sidelines, but also humourous. Like the sight of Don Breaux and Joe Bugel simulataneously sending in those wacky hand signals, just like a 3rd base coach, with one of them sending 'dummy signals'

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I actually heard the interview myself. However I though I was dreaming. I was half asleep(off day from work) with the radio on WTEM. When I heard Joe Gibbs, I swore up and down I was dreaming until I heard an update later on in the day describing the interview on Rome.

JOE GIBBS has to be the most popular person in DC/MD/NoVA's history. Plain and simple.

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Just to put this in perspective, in 1996 Gibbs also said that Norv Turner was doing everything right and had the team going in the right direction.

Of course, Norv Turner had a lot of us fooled back then. :doh:

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Joe Gibbus Maximus the legend bring a big smile to my face when I heard the compliments about the team and how Danny Corleone pulled off a miracle getting Marv Lewis here.

I have a very positive utlook for this season.

Barring major injuries there is going to be a lot of media types gnashing their teeth when having to give the skns nd Danny praise for a successful season

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