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TSN's Dan Pompei: Danny Wuerffel to have breakout year in 2003

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Interesting stuff . . . agree? . . . disagree? . . .


Danny Wuerffel, Redskins. He's underrated as a player and hasn't been given the opportunity he deserves. But this is as much an endorsement of Steve Spurrier and his offense as it is of Wuerffel. If Wuerffel plays, Spurrier and he will click.


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Didn't Spurrier say during the last mini camp, Sage would be the starter? Not that we signed Matthews, I don't see how that improves Danny's chances of starting. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement from Spurrier.

If he does start, I think he would do good. I know him and Spurrier would click. But, would we be better with Shane starting? Probably.

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I have to believe Matthews heads into preseason as the presumptive starter. If he doesn't, it better be because Sage or Danny are simply lighting it up all summer, and not because Shane isn't being the solid, experienced type we brought him in to be.

If Sage really, really outplays Shane in the 5 pretend games, it'll certainly be interesting to see just how ballsy SS is ... he starts Sage Rosenfels in the season opener, and the man truly walks bowlegged.

My money says Shane Matthews starts against Arizona, with Sage having earned himself title of Legit Backup. Danny will likely be gone. Patrick will be modeling sideline wear.

And we'll hope like hell synergy comes quickly. Not sure the board can handle another 0-5 start. We might need mass therapy.

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I think Spurrier is playing a mind game with the media (like Peter King). If he cuts Danny at the end of training camp and makes most likely Shane the starter with Sage as the backup. Then all the sudden Patrick isn't pressed to perform right away and Spurrier proved the masses wrong again.

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Wuerffel is another in the long line of college superstars that just didn't find a home in the NFL.

Remember Archie Griffin? Gino Torretta? Andre Ware? Rick Mirer? Tony Mandarich? Brian Bosworth?

I know it is hard for some people to comprehend but Danny just isn't going to turn into Joe Montana or Roger Staubach.

It would be a nice fairy tale but......................:pint:

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There are a maximum of 32 break-out qbs. Now eliminate teams that will probably not have a qb that needs a break-out year (like St Louis). I guess that's brings us down to about 20 teams. Your working with about 1 in 20 odds. How does Pomp think we'll do? If Danny starts and we go .500, he could still make a strong case he was right :laugh:

I'd just select the player with the highest probablity of breaking-out. Heck, if your wrong I bet most people won''t remember and if your right...well you probably turn that into bragging rights (maybe negotiation points) until next season. Its not like he's going to loose $ and if he's right, well he could make $.

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How's Spurrier's arm these days?

Boy, it would be fun to see Spurrier direct his own no-huddle Fun 'n' Gun offense. The guy won the Heisman as QB, played a while in the NFL -- let's run him on out there.

Sure, he's probably lost some zip on his passes. But Wuerffel never had zip to begin with, and Matthews isn't much an upgrade. And any QB not named Spurrier is just taking crib notes from the master. Why not have the master play QB?


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it was pretty funny when ESPN started its TV coverage of minicamps with a picture of Spurrier throwing the ball and the comment was made that Spurrier is indeed the best quarterback in camp for the Skins. :)

and that was before Matthews arrived....................

NOW we KNOW things are going to get better, right? :laugh:

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You list a lot of players that did well in college but didn't make it the pros. Several of those players (Bosworth, Mandrich, Ware, Shuler, etc) bare no relation to Weurfell, because they were mistakenly thought to be franchise players.

But I think you found the one player that is an exact match to Weufell ... and that's Gino Toretta. Gino was a horrible pro-prospect, that only exceeled because of the system and surrunding talent ... and that was painfully obvious to all NFL teams, which is why he was selected in the 7th round.

Similarly, Weufell was a horrible pro-prospect, and if not for Dikta's ridiculous reach (drafting Danny in the 4th), there is a good chance Danny would have gone undrafted. No one ever thought Danny was a pro-prospect, and I think he was rated as having the worst mechanics and weakest arm of all QB's that were drafted in the year. Ginno was no different.

Danny is just a scrub trying to survive another year. We can't really call him a "fallen star" because he was never expected to get off the ground in the first place. In the end, I think Danny's best move is to hang around the league another 2 years, learn what he can, and then transition to a QB coach ... much like Kubiak, who also sucked.

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To give you an idea of how hard it is for Danny Wuerffel, according to Ramsey, he's completed 9 straight passes in this week's camp. Ramsey can't even get a round of throws right now.

This tells me, Spurrier's doing all he can to help one of those QB's along (he aint saying). Matthews, I think isn't the one. So between Sage and Wuerffel, somebody's needing so many reps or chances, that Ramsey can't get a warmup.

Another option is SS is making sure his vets are getting a look see, as much as possible, so no one QB will cause a huge drop off, if the other is injured or whatever.

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I also saw the Pompei article and wrote a rebuttal of sorts. I basically said that we skins fans think that either Sage or Shane will prob be the opening day starter and waffle-boy probably hits the streets.

I also made arguments for Smooty, LaVar and Jansen for "breakout" seasons. Yeah, Yeah, I know you can probably make an argument that both Jansen and Arrington have already "made it" but I'll take the opportunity to send some props out for our boys whenever the opportunity presents itself.

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Given the position you drafted Ramsey you have to believe that Shane/Sage is the starter, but next year every opportunity will be there for Ramsey to bid for starter or backup position.

By Ramsey's third or fourth year he should be starting or else you will have wasted a draft pick in today's salary cap NFL. There isn't that much time nowadays to evaluate talent and get your money's worth. The pressure is on to get the young ones on the field.

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