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Sean Taylor's Complaint.....

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Originally posted by sweetness09

"They think they are (badass) because they are. They are trained to be that way. Except for around the major cities, some of these guys may be the only law there is for a couple of counties. When your nearest back-up may be 50 miles away, you need to have some attitude. I still get a little choked up whenever I cross the Jose M. Cavazos bridge in Dale City.

In case you didn't figure it out, I'm a big John Law supporter. "

That was a funny post...what a crock of balony. State police like most cops are ego-maniacs trying to somehow get even with society cuz they were most likely picked on in high school. My advice to all cops would be do stop hiding in the bushes and behind trees in the highway and go find some real criminals. And to consider these guys badass is a joke. Define badass please for me. Does it include insecure, corrupt, above the law, ego maniacs because that is not what I consider to be a badass. Badass is a man named Jesus Christ...pick up a bible and check him out my friend. This is coming from somebody with extensive work history with cops and family in law enforcement. It is ashame that several cops and corrupt state police ruin the entire law enforcement agencies reputation. They are a joke not meant to protect and serve, but to enforce a big brother fear in the heart's of every citizen and make money.

I hate cops. I live in an apartment and this cop was blasting his music 2am in the mourning. I was the only one man enough to bang on his door and tell him to turn that s**t down. Two days later I found out I have a warrant out for my arrest and my once clean record had 5 felony charges on it.

Glad I had a good lawyer.

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Originally posted by RedDawg36

That's crazy, RPR. Similar thing happened to my friend, but he did steal the guys wife. :D

Yeah, its crazy. When I found out I had a warrant I'm glad I turned myself in. My neighbor told me the cops came by when I wasnt home and told her to tell me to come down to the prison. I wasnt going to go there, yea right. I went down to city hall where I was suppose to go if you have a warrant.

Anyway, point is cops are crooked. The warrant he filed for me were civil charges and the trail was being held in a criminal court. The case was dismissed.

The cop put the charges on my record so that I couldnt post bond once I was arrested for my warrant. He knew the case was going to be dismissed he just wanted me to sit in jail.

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

Yeah, its crazy. When I found out I had a warrant I'm glad I turned myself in. My neighbor told me the cops came by when I wasnt home and told her to tell me to come down to the prison. I wasnt going to go there, yea right. I went down to city hall where I was suppose to go if you have a warrant.

Anyway, point is cops are crooked. The warrant he filed for me were civil charges and the trail was being held in a criminal court. The case was dismissed.

The cop put the charges on my record so that I couldnt post bond once I was arrested for my warrant. He knew the case was going to be dismissed he just wanted me to sit in jail.

If this is true you should have pursued a case against this guy and gotten him thrown off the force for that abuse of power.

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Originally posted by Dan T.

If this is true you should have pursued a case against this guy and gotten him thrown off the force for that abuse of power.

Pff; I would take that sh*t to criminal court and put his ass in jail. Thats rediculous. 5 Felony Charges??? I mean I doubt you would have been prosecuted, but the kinda weight somtihng like that carries; could basically mean years or your life. Not too mention the time wasted getting off of it. I would have tried my best to take that guy down.

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Originally posted by Dan T.

If this is true you should have pursued a case against this guy and gotten him thrown off the force for that abuse of power.

I am. After I told him to turn his music down. He came up to me and my girl friends apartment and forced his way in after my girl friend cracked the door. Once the cop was in the apartment he elbowed my girl friend in the chest trying to get to me. The cop was drinking at the time. The good thing is the whole incident is on the 911 tape. This happened last week. My girl friend filed criminal charges against him that is why he is messing with me trying to scare us. We get our court date for his criminal charges in 10 to 15 days. Crazy huh?

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The best way to have a State Trooper to show you respect...is

to show them respect.

You get an attitude, they will as well.

For once, put yourself in their place and think what it's like

to go through what they do. Then you might begin to understand

why they may appear to have an attitude.

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as its been stated, a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

ive been the victim of "harrassment" by a cop because of the car i drive, dui test there, then had the nerve to write me a ticket for 19 over AND tell me "i couldnt get a good pace on you, but i know you were going faster than that".

then again i had a trooper call a courthouse for me, without me asking, he volunteered to do it, when my fuel pump took a dump on 64 heading to the beach to fight a ticket. he let them know i was going to be late and was having car trouble.

had a ffx county cop pull me over, i WAS speeding and changed lanes quickly. after the obligatory where you going, what are you doing, do you know how fast......coversation.

the guy says, hey, slow it down, drive safe, enjoy the rest of your day. he then stuck his hand in my window to shake mine.

i was floored, couldnt believe it. i didnt kiss the guys rear, just spoke normal, and answered his questions.

just remember, any cop that pulls over somebody, especially at night, has NO clue whats waiting inside the car. it could miss daisy, or it could be the iceman waiting to put a slug into him.

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Originally posted by skinsfan080

They are like that up here in NY too. Somtimes I just wish they could treat people as human beings; and be somewhat respectufl

I bet they feel the same way sometimes. Of course you have your bad cops, just like you have your bad posters on this site, but their attitude assists them on the job. Have you seen how many psychos walk the streets? Imagine a world without these guys that think they are "badasses".

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Easy on ripping big city cops.

I would venture to say that they are every bit as bad a*s as state/county cops.

I've known several from the DCPD. One coached the JV football team at my HS and another ran a rec center near my house in his spare time. Got my head straight and got me in the weight room which led me to a spot on my football team.

Respect for DCPD.

Down here in Chuck I have met my shar e of good people on the Police forces. One in particular out at Folly Beach saved my arse a few times by harassing a guy who was stalking me (girlfriend's ex boyfriend)

They found a shotgun in his car. :)

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Originally posted by Dan T.

Race shouldn't be a factor in the complaint because the cop was a black guy.

Even between members of a minority, there can exist racism, like between lighter and darker shades, and also social/weath status within the minority group. It most definitely could have been racially motivated if there were excessive accusations.

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Wow, there are a lot more crazy nut Redskin fans than I thought. Some of these posts must have been made by Eagles fans.

Cops have to act like badasses. If they acted like wusses youd hear everyday about a Cop getting jumped by random thugs all over every city in the country.

And, yes it is a part of their training. Only an idiot would suggest that cops are trained to act like nice friendly old ladies.

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