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Colts tight roping with City to remain in town!!!!

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L.A.'s probing information that it is a reality that the Colt's may be reeling from any negative news on fan surveys and the City of Indianapolis' ability to keep them in town. Will keep you informed.

Even though the owner would like you to believe the chances are greater to stay, the economy, fan participation and costs could derail the future of the team staying. Here's the Indianapolis Star's take on it.


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Well one problem I have with this team staying, is that from the local coverages, hearing their words(owner and GM), and then saying what you'd expect from an owner and then Pollian gives a weak excuse for the envy of one team, but I don't think the fans here are buying into it. This is still not a favored NFL town.

He cites the number of luxury boxes in Houston.

Dear Mr. Pollian, Indianapolis is a much smaller market than most of the NFL cities and you yourself said you don't have enough sellouts. Being in touch with Hoosiers would really help. One area is accessabillity to a city that never expected to grow, so growth was spread on the outskirts, not the inner city. There have been a few buildings here and there in downtown's center, but you can't force people to like the Colts, or even football.

Mayor Peterson's a good mayor, but he's also a shrewd businessman and he is a corporate friend, no doubt about it. However, he's not easily going to get money to expand the existing RCA Dome, not when most Hoosiers, are still doling out tax money for the Pacer's new home, Conseco Field House and the new Baseball Stadium! Unemployment rate is up in Indy and double that minorities, no matter who it is. These are role factors in keeping a club in town, because without a large rooted fan base, such as Washington or Green Bay (much smaller than Indy), then start packing eventually, because of costs, politics, and fans.

The average median income is one of the lowest in the nation for for an NFL locaton, so how in hel! can they come up more money for a 1/2 billion dollar stadium, much less handle the unexpected and spiralling expenses (needless politics) that always follow large Municipal endeavors.

Playoffs? Playoffs?........ don't even talk about palyoffs, we're just trying to keep the team! :laugh:

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Poor poor "gas-n-go" Jr. (I thought I was the only one who remembered him being called that). Poor poor Dolts tisk, tisk. Pardon me if my heart doesn't bleed for them. I'd hate to see it happen again, but I'd have a hard time feeling sorry for them. I bet folks in B-More are laughing themselves silly about now.

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From what I've read, any team that LA gets will be an existing franchise. Thirty two franchises works out so well in so many ways (scheduling, division alignment) that the owners will be very, very reluctant to change it.

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First San Diego was looking at LA and now a rumor of the Colts going west.

LA had and lost the Raiders and the Rams. Given the fact that the city has a history of its NFL teams leaving why are they always mentioned when a franchise is threatening relocation?

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LA is the second-biggest TV market in the country. To be sure, the slip in NFL TV ratings over the past decades has much of its roots in the greater variety of viewing choices on cable, but some of the decline can be attributed to LA not having a team.

As far as the city losing two teams, it's not always the city's

"fault" when a franchise relocates. Al Davis would move again if he could make one more dollar elsewhere and Georgia Frontiere (sp?) ran the Rams into the ground and then bailed when St. Louis waved buckets of cash under her nose.

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Washington D.C. lost two baseball teams essentially through no fault of its own. The first was due to racism and the second due to excessive greed. Do we deserve another team? Assuming that baseball does not shoot itself in the foot with another strike, the answer is yes.

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Originally posted by joe

Washington D.C. lost two baseball teams essentially through no fault of its own. The first was due to racism and the second due to excessive greed. Do we deserve another team? Assuming that baseball does not shoot itself in the foot with another strike, the answer is yes.

You're right about that. But I wouldn't compare our situation to LA so easy like that.

LA is basically the same city it was when it lost the Raiders and the Rams.

Back when DC lost the two teams, the city/area was a shade of itself now. The reason why I indicated "city/area" is because DC culturally extended far beyond the city borders nowadays. The area has 4,500,000 people (not including the Bmore area). It is widely know that the incomes here are among the highest in the country today. Studies have shown that a team would flourish here based on our disposable incomes alone.

But for real, I could care less about the Major League now. To me, they shot themselves in the foot when they chose to put a two teams in Florida. TWO teams. Not one. But TWO. The stadiums that those two FL teams play at are among the worst stadiums ever constructed. We at least have RFK, which was originally a baseball stadium. Now they are taling about striking again. *#@&@ em. I could care less about a team in DC/MD/VA now.

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LA will have a team before the next tv contract is up for negotiation. The current contract expires in 2005. In order to gaurentee the nfl still gets big bucks, the nfl must have a team in La. They already have someone willing to build a stadium-privately funded.

San Diego, Oakland, Arizona,Minnesota and Indianapolis are potential candidates. Look by 2004 to be a team in LA.

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Originally posted by escholz

Screw LA...I like to watch 'em suffer. They think they have it all out there.

But we do! :cool: It would be nice to have a team, but don't really care. I enjoy watching one extra game a week despite the fact its either the Rams or the Raiders. Redskins gotta start winning so they would be televised out here.

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Originally posted by rtandler

LA is the second-biggest TV market in the country. To be sure, the slip in NFL TV ratings over the past decades has much of its roots in the greater variety of viewing choices on cable, but some of the decline can be attributed to LA not having a team.

As far as the city losing two teams, it's not always the city's

"fault" when a franchise relocates. Al Davis would move again if he could make one more dollar elsewhere and Georgia Frontiere (sp?) ran the Rams into the ground and then bailed when St. Louis waved buckets of cash under her nose.

Rich Tandler! Hey, Rich, it's me, Glenn, from the Skins e-mail group. :) BTW, I completely concur with your post here.

Based upon what I've read, the Chargers seem to be the most likely fit in L.A. Firstly, the Chargers originally played in Los Angeles. Secondly, and more importantly, billionaire Philip Anschutz, who would foot the bill for the construction of a new football stadium in downtown L.A. adjacent to the Staples Center, owns a football training camp facility in Carson, CA, that the Chargers have recently contracted use of, so a professional relationship already exists between the potential stadium tenant (the Chargers) and the stadium's would-be landlord (Anschutz).

However, I must commend Anschutz's group for going about this the right way, demanding that an already existing NFL team, whoever that might be, must first agree to move to L.A. before any stadium construction begins. Understandably, Anschutz doesn't want to get jobbed here, as the city of St. Louis did when they decided to build the TWA Dome on the assumption that the NFL would grant them an expansion franchise. Instead, the NFL awarded that expansion franchise to Charlotte, and St. Louis was left scrambling, ultimately having to offer the Rams the sweetest sweetheart stadium deal ever to ensure that Georgia Frontiere would kindly waltz into town and wipe the egg off of their faces.

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