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Second thoughts on Terri Schiavo


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There is no electrical brain activity here. None. She is not thinking, not feeling, not hoping, not anything. If she was, the synapses in her brain would have to fire, and it would register on the meters. She is gone. The parents here are operating entirely on wishful thinking. I can understand how that can happen when you lose a child, especially when the people around them have their own agenda.

ps - nothing I have seen here or elsewhere indicates to me that the husband lied, cheated or did anything wrong at all.

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Ok after going back and looking at different sites that have excerpts of the case itself in there...

I'm not saying i was wrong (persay).

But highly inaccurate may be a good word for it :doh: .

(never use the foundation as the source...)

More reading befor i can reply... I'll work on this tonight.

I'm leaning more towards Kilmer right now after what i've seen so far its a little confusing on whose actually looking out for her...

Kilmer, what do you make on this?: its like cleaning the needle before a lethal injection.. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35156

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I think you should be allowed to have your wishes on your ID like organ donor. Personally if I get in an accident that will leave me brain dead I don't want doctors to save me at all. I'd rather not put my loved ones in a position where they have to make such a choice.

But if you tried to pass a law like that....the lunatics would start howling.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Ok after going back and looking at different sites that have excerpts of the case itself in there...

I'm not saying i was wrong (persay).

But highly inaccurate may be a good word for it :doh: .

(never use the foundation as the source...)

More reading befor i can reply... I'll work on this tonight.

I'm leaning more towards Kilmer right now after what i've seen so far its a little confusing on whose actually looking out for her...

Thiebear, whether or not you ultimately change your mind on this issue, I must applaud you for having an open mind, reading other people's information and fairly considering it. That is something all of us should learn to do more of (including me).

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Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't parts of Terry's brain MISSING? With nothing in there but spinal fluid? If pieces of the brain are missing, they don't grow back, and you can't magically recover or improve without your brain. She is not coming back and I think her wishes should be kept.

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Originally posted by prophet

So the parents are right as well? They said he strangled her

No, the parents are desperate but wrong.

They want to keep her alive for their own benefit. I feel terrible for them. But they arent looking out for her. Michael is.

They are making outrageous claims now in order to get judges to extend deadlines to look into these crazy allegations.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

He has NOTHING to gain by doing this. There is no money to be had. There is no fame, no fortune. He can very simply get a divorce and move on.

But he's staying on to fight. Why?

The answer is obvious. He loves Teri and will do everything he can to listen to her wishes.

There is in fact money at stake here as he is spending the money meant for her care on his legal action. If he divorced her now, he would no longer have the right to the money. The answer to his motivations aren't so obvious nor is the certainty of her condition.

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There is no money. It was exhausted years ago

The certainty of her position is accepted by every medical expert that has examined her. She is in a persistive vegetative state. She has ZERO chance of even improving, not to mention becomeing cured.

In an interview recently, the Schindlers (her family) were asked if they would accept the findings of the tests they NOW want run (to see if their is any chance at brain activity) if those tests prove she cant improve. They responded "no".

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

There is no money. It was exhausted years ago

The certainty of her position is accepted by every medical expert that has examined her. She is in a persistive vegetative state. She has ZERO chance of even improving, not to mention becomeing cured.

In an interview recently, the Schindlers (her family) were asked if they would accept the findings of the tests they NOW want run (to see if their is any chance at brain activity) if those tests prove she cant improve. They responded "no".

While a great amount has been spent on legal fees, there is some money left.

The other article I posted demonstrated that someone in a "persistive vegetative state" did in fact recover.

I think it fine that you question the Schindler's motivations. I ask the a similar scrutiny be placed upon her husband who seems rather recalcitrant to pursue any initiatives towards rehabilitating her.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

No, the parents are desperate but wrong.

They want to keep her alive for their own benefit. I feel terrible for them. But they arent looking out for her. Michael is.

They are making outrageous claims now in order to get judges to extend deadlines to look into these crazy allegations.

come on kilmer its... "he said, she said"

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Correct me if im wrong *again*.

1. He does not get to make the decision, the Court took that over. He and the Parents are putting forth their point of view.

Him being her guardian would be redundant.

2. He would not get any money from his wife upon death?

3. He is living with another woman and has 2 children.. while still married to her... nothing legal here short of not looking good.

edit: is there a law on rehabilitation and how long a person can go without: She's not getting any for 10+ years????

4. *** I still think its ooogey but that my opionion so far ****

trying to just figure this out right now...

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

I love all these postings of worldnetdaily articles.....they are obviously biased and are a right wing christian leaning news paper...with such people as Jerry Falwell counted as supporters....

Where are they in this thread?

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It's so sad that both the husband and the parents have to deal with this in a negative manner.

I couldnt say what the proper decision is at this point, but I am very glad that I have this detailed in my will and it is on file for anyone in my family to access.

We all have the responsibility to prevent this type of thing heppening to our loved ones. It isnt expensive, it takes little time and we owe it to our families to think about mortality in advance.

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