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How Did You Become A Redskins Fan?


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Originally posted by RedDawg36

I was born in D.C. and raised briefly in everything Redskin.

I moved at a young age (with parents) to Atlanta and that's where I developed UGA love but I still pull for the Wizards. Don't really care much for baseball but i'll pull for the Braves even tho they suck but now there's a Washington team.....;)

The Braves suck now? Are you kidding me? 13 straight NL East titles. That does not suck.

Anyway, Dad was a fan, grandpa was a fan, my whole family was a fan. Runs in my blood.

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I actually grew up a Cowboys fan at first because i was just hitting kindergarten in the Aikman, Emmitt, Irvin era because it is really easy at that point to hop on the bandwagon. But my grandfather used to be good friends with George Allen and the rest of that side of the family loves the redskins so im glad to say that i FORTUNATELY settled to the right form!

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The lady to my right in this picture (Mom):


Had I rooted for another team - I would be excluded from the will. Seriously.

We lived in Howard County/Carroll County for 11 years then moved south.......Toughest part was living in Arlington, TX for 11 years - elementary thru college......Thank god we all moved back (individually) about 11 years ago to the east coast.

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Originally posted by Rypien 91

The Braves suck now? Are you kidding me? 13 straight NL East titles. That does not suck.

And how many rings?

I rip Eagles pathetic chokes and they have 4.

I am not about to be a hypocrite and say "yeahhhh man the Braves roxoorrssss yeahhh word"

They suck.

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Originally posted by RockyMountainHog

I took a few snowballs rooting for the 'Skins at Invesco at Mile High. We won 17-10...that was the last TD Westbrook caught.

I was at that game. It rained, sleeted and snowed all in one half. It was the beginning of the end for Brian Griese. Everyone was calling for his head after that game and many Broncos fans wanted to trade for Westbrook. Too bad we couldn't accomodate them. :broncosuc

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When I was 9 years old I was a USC fan. The Redskins changed their colors & they looked like USC with the gold pants & burgundy jerseys. The helmets were cool & George Allen was the man. I hated the Cowboys & Allen wanted to beat them more then anything. I've been a fan since then & going on 32 years. I take a lot of abuse since I live in Los Angeles but I am loyal to the team of my choice.

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didnt really have much say in it. In 1972 my 9 year old dad who was living in El Salvador at the time, was given a leather Redskins jacket for his birthday, then he taught his brothers, cousins, and future generations to love the skins. My 1st skins memory was the 91 superbowl and watching my dad go nuts. He went outside and fired about 6 rounds out of a track gun.

This was in the suburbs...... :D

Plus the family was established here in the 50's, ive lived in the DC area my whole life, and i was born in DC.

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Hey, man,.... i'm from and currently live B-more and you can't imagine how much hate i get from these Fair-weather Ravens fans.... don't get me wrong , the Ravens are cool but ... i'm like you , i'm too young to remember the Colts.. and since i've been a fan of the Skins since Doug Williams won the SB back in 88, then after 17yrs, i can't just switch over and be an "all-of-a- sudden" Fan..- that is what they (Ravens fans) don't understand .. i'm a Skins fan for life and i can't and wont change that..

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I have been a fan as long as I can remember. My father was a Dallas fan but, my grandfather( God rest his soul) taught me right. When I was like 7-8 I went to see my uncle in Quantico. He flew Reagans' hellicopter( I cant remember what it is called) we went to a party in which I met Reagan and Theisman was dressed as Santa Claus( at least thats what I was told once I got older). To this day I have no clue where the picture is. If in fact it was Theisman. But hey it molded me to what I am today as a fan.:dallasuck

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Was born in NY. Moved to DC when I was 6.

The first SB that I remember fully was the Eagles getting there butts kicked by the Raiders. We lived in Hyattsville in a crappy apt, across the street from PG Plaza. My Dad was rooting for the Raiders because they were the underdog. We moved to Silver Spring and then back to College Park and Riverdale (Leland Memorial Hospital was literally across the street from my house on the day Len Bias was taken there, My Mom took me to Cole Field House for the Memorial)

I have rooted against the Eagles ever since. I saw 4 of the 5 SBs and went to all of the parades with my Dad. The only time he ever let me miss school.

I have loved the Redskins ever since.

I started to date a girl a few years back, got up to her bedroom and I noticed she had a Cowboys throw hanging over a chair. I got dressed and told her it would never work out between us.

I have lived all over the country (Dad in the military) but I have always been faithful to the Redskins. That is one thing that will always be a constant in my life, no matter what.

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Originally posted by authentic

I started to date a girl a few years back, got up to her bedroom and I noticed she had a Cowboys throw hanging over a chair. I got dressed and told her it would never work out between us.

damn thats commitment!!!!!!

You are committed indeed.

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1982-83 season I was 7 years old when the Redskins and the Dolphins played in SB 17. My mother was a dolphins fan (I grew up in PA by the way) so I rooted for them. I made a 2 dollar bet with my uncle on the game, which I lost ( My dad gave me the money to pay him, cause I was 7). I then came to the conclusion that if these so-called Redskins could beat my mother's almighty Dolphins Then that was the team for me. And the rest is history. Some good, some not so good, but no matter a fan always and forever. HTTR :logo:

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When I was growing up they were televised where I was living in Tenn. They were shown every week--I became a fan even though they were horrible. Then when I was 13, we moved to N. Virginia. I thought I was in paradise. However, due to the NFL rules at the time. The home games were only available on the radio and I could only watch the road games on Tv.

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Originally posted by a_good_brotha

:cheers: Now that's a fan. You didn't jump on the Patriots bandwagon just because they have won 3 SB's in the last 4 years.

No way in hell. I will always be a loyal Skins fan. Actually, I was at the last game that the Pats lost before that record-setting win streak. I went with a friend of mine (Pats fan). I was ecstatic at the end of that one.

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