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WT: Daly Turnover in DC is Mainstay

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Turnover in D.C. is mainstay


By Dan Daly

Days like yesterday make you wonder whether the Redskins are ever going to get it turned around. Not because Laveranues Coles is such hot stuff — he clearly isn't — but because his likely departure keeps the revolving door at Redskin Park spinning like Michelle Kwan.

Coles wants out; the team's other starting wide receiver, Rod Gardner, is on the trading block; Fred Smoot likely won't be re-signed; Antonio Pierce is entertaining offers ... did I miss anyone? Joe Gibbs was supposed to bring stability to the franchise " through winning, through sheer force of personality " but so far this offseason doesn't seem much different from the others in the Dan Snyder epoch.

Some Redskins, it appears, are about as impressed with Gibbs' Super Bowl rings as they were with Steve Spurrier's national title or Marty Schottenheimer's straw hat. Especially after a 6-10 first season in which the offense " the head coach's baby " was stuck in the mud much of the time. As Coach Joe is constantly being reminded, NFL teams are much more fragile organisms than they were in the '80s and early '90s. It's harder to keep everybody together, harder to find players who put team before self.

If Coles is indeed gone — and it's sure looking that way — he will have lasted only a year longer in Washington than Deion Sanders. How's that for sobering? Deion bailed at the first sight of Schottenheimer's Oklahoma drill; Laveranues spat out the Kool-Aid after a season in which he caught 90 passes for less than 1,000 yards and a mere one touchdown.

Of course, Gibbs' conservative offense wasn't entirely to blame for Coles' inability to find the end zone. The receiver's chronically injured toe probably had something to do with it, too. That's the other bone of contention here, if you'll pardon the expression. Laveranues has been as conservative with his toe as Coach Joe was with his passing game, declining surgery that might rectify the problem. So the player's not happy, the club's not happy, and if the Redskins can deal him to another team, they will.

It's not like Gibbs hasn't had to deal with temperamental receivers before. Heck, Gary Clark used to turn his chair around in Monday team meetings, refuse to even look at his coach, if he didn't feel enough balls were being thrown his way. It's the nature of the beast as far as wideouts are concerned, and the situation has only gotten worse. Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Keyshawn Johnson, Koren Robinson, David Boston " you can go right on down the list. No players are more high maintenance than the pass-catching crowd.

During his first term, Gibbs did his darnedest to keep things even-Steven between his receivers. One season, Clark had 74 catches and Art Monk 73. Another season, Monk had 71 catches and Clark 70. And how about the job Coach Joe did in '89, when Monk had 86 catches for 1,186 yards, Ricky Sanders had 80 for 1,138 and Clark had 79 for 1,229? Try that sometime.

Alas, the club hasn't had any receivers as productive as those in recent years. Since Gibbs retired after the '92 season, the Redskins wideouts with the most catches are " brace yourself " Michael Westbrook (278), Gardner (227), Henry Ellard (216) and Coles (172). (Compare this to Monk's 888 receptions as a Redskin, Clark's 549 and Sanders' 414.)

And two of the top four, Gardner and Coles, are getting ready to have their mail forwarded.

Granted, nobody's shedding many tears over No. 87's departure. He's average in just about every way " average hands, average speed, average route runner, average stats. But Coles is a cut above that and not as easily replaced. Also, if Laveranues goes, Patrick Ramsey will have to throw to two new receivers next season " not exactly ideal for a developing quarterback. You'd like more continuity, if only to raise the kid's comfort level.

What could the Redskins hope to get for Coles? A second-round pick, maybe (to replace the one they traded for Chris Cooley last year). Laveranues is, let's not forget, somewhat damaged goods. Whatever the Redskins come away with, though, it won't be as much as they gave up for him " their No. 1 in '03, the 13th selection overall.

That raid on the Jets' roster two years ago has never looked more ill-considered. Coles is angling to leave, Randy Thomas has been less than extraordinary, Chad Morton is hurt, John Hall is hurt. A lot of money invested in those guys. The Jets, meanwhile, were back in the playoffs last season " and came within a missed field goal of making it to the AFC title game. What Coach Joe wouldn't give for a year like that.

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Daly misses the obvious again. It's a failure by these receivers to do what is asked of them. How many times would the offense have continued drives if balls hadn't been dropped? Who is a clutch receiver in the bunch? What about the routes (I remember a bunch of times Coles and Gardner being within steps of each other in a route.) It's time to face facts about these receivers, they aren't dependable, and that makes any offense look bad.

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Originally posted by ntotoro

I'm more concerned with the coaching staff pretty much being still together this year. The staff turnover has hurt us much more than player turnover.

At least you were right to be concerned about the DL being a weak spot, though... :doh:


I think both have played a part. The defense except for 1 season (George Edwards) was always ranked pretty high despite constant coach turnover and different defensive philosophies. Looks like we're gonna have another high turnover ratio again. I think the one who'll be hurt most by this is Ramsey. 2 new starting WR's are gonna take to time to mesh with.

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While I agreed at the way they went and got FA that one year so we could turn the corner but I dont think we should do this forever. The way Bethard did this in the past was when there was no salary cap and Cooke had tons of money.

We have to use some draft picks. These guys dont cost as much over the first 3-4 yrs of thier contracts.

We have to stop changing and changing and changing. This is what the WIZ did for years before they got some young guys and stuck with them. They added a real GM, then they added a couple a stars to lead the team. Now they are winning and have a stable organization that will most likely win for years to come.

The pieces have to fit. So you cant keep changing the puzzle.

Mortan was fine at the time, but now is not really needed for what he cost. Portis may end up being our Gilbert. He is a great talent but he may need to mature a little and change his game some to fix the system better. I hope he add 10 lbs.

Brunell is an expensive bust and is a sign of the problem on to many changes in the front office. A quality GM would never have signed him.

We cant afford to have this happen with Coles also.

We are lossing to many draft picks on these players that are only useful for a year or two. This won't build a winner.

Part of the problem is a race against time. Instead of rebulding, we are trying to rebuild and win it all before JG leaves. Also, I have no idea how long Williams will be with us. Bringing Williams was great, but we need someone who wants to stay a defensive coordinator for more then 2 years.

Now if you told me. Williams is going to be here with Gibbs for the 5 years and then he is taking over, I would feel more secure with what we are doing. Also, we need a GM. Thats the stabilizer. Coaches come and go more often then GMs. GM are the onces who design the puzzle and then get the pieces.

We have to get off the 2-3 plan cycle and get a 10 yr plan. That takes a good GM to do. Follow the leader. How do the Patriots do it. Copy them. They are winning year after year.

The way we did it was best, back when we were winning but that wont work now under the cap rules.

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Randy Thomas has been less than extraordinary?

Ummm, riiiiight, he's been our most solid pick up in FA in the past few years, just as solid as Griffin, Springs, and Marcus. I mean, he can pull, he can pass block, he does everything for the line, I dont know why they say that about him.

Hall is a beast when healthy as well, plays through injury too. Morton, well he sucks, just like Dung did before him.

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Well, I'll never read anything by him again. That was some piss poor reporting. He's like having 8 bosses who all have to tell you that you forgot the cover letter on your TPS reports. He's the 8th.

Yeeeah, we'll get you a copy of that memo.

This guy spins any and every possiblity into a negative and then throws in his sky is falling crap.

I wish our supposed home-town reporters stop going on and on about how bad the players we're trying to trade are. - That really helps us.

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