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Art, congratulations on the baby.

You are one of my favorite posters on this site; I will miss reading what you have to say.

Now as far as LC goes, it has been said very often through fans and through the media (I heard Maske say this on 980) that Coles was often frustrated because he was wide open alot downfield and he didn't get the ball. However, this could also contribute to the argument that Coles often ran the wrong route, or he was often out of position.

I interpreted the situation as Coles WANTING OUT, and I think the coaching staff is trying to talk him out of it, rather than the coaching staff getting rid of both starting receivers to prove a point to the rest of the team. (Said on 980 this evening, that a reporter supposably caught LC on the way out the door as Redskins officials were asking him to come back, Did anyone else here the 6:00 pm segment on sports talk 980?)

I think if the coaching staff was certain of Coles departing before the 2005 season, we wouldn't have asked Rod Gardner to seek a trade.

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Nice Post Art! I haven't read any of the replies but I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to you and you family!!

I think that all of this is too much to comment on right now (as I was away for the weekend) HOWEVER, my new mantra is to find the positive no matter how hard.. find it - its there somewhere.

I do not see Daniel Snyder giving up this team ever. We will always be stuck with him for better or worse. I can't say how absolutely happy I am that Gibbs is here to teach Snyder a little something about family, respect, honor and tradition.

Whatever happens with any of the dozens of players that will cross our paths over the next 12 months - we still have that.

I don't care if we lose every game next year, lets get the ship righted.

I think I can speak for all of us here when I say that Art, you will be missed! congrats again!!!

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