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Popular Snyder bashing


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Okay, so as dedicated Redskins fans, we've probably all noticed that every article about the Skins that doesn't originate in Washington finds something to bash Snyder about. Every mistake he has made has been exagerated, and to hear the national press, he must be an evil midget.

That being said, I'd like to see just one publication point out that the Skins under his ownership have a winning record. After three seasons, they've never had a losing record under his stewardship. How many owners can make that claim about their organization.

Let us also remember that it's not like he got the Skins when they were in the midst of a dynasty. How long had it been since we made the playoffs before Dan the man?

All in all, I'd say he's done a fair job while learning the ropes.

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Now what fun would that be?

Fatterelli et al have more fun making up lies and wuoting "unnamed sources" than reporting truth and fact.

EFF THE MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!

On another note, I have started compiling every negative mediot article on the CPND, feel free to link any article you find. I plan on responding to the authors once the team proves them wrong.

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Originally posted by gbear

Every mistake he has made has been exagerated, and to hear the national press, he must be an evil midget.

What a coincidence!!!! My ex-wife used to call my penis the "Evil Midget" also!!! And I'd call her vagina "The Grand Canyon". It was our thing.

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Snyder has owned the team for THREE whole years, an has a 26-22 regular season record.

Here are the teams that have done BETTER during that three year stretch:

Ravens 30-22

Packers 29-19

Colts 29-19

Jaguars 27-21

Dolphins 31-17

Jets 27-21

Raiders 30-18

Eagles 27-21 (Only by one game, and their fans act like Lurie is God compared to Snyder.)

Steelers 28-20

Rams 37-11

Bucs 30-18

Titans 33-15

Only 12 out of 30 teams have a better record than Snyder over the past 3 years.

And you know my next question. Of the 18 that had WORSE records, how many of there owners were rookies three years ago?

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Mr. Snyder will not live down the 2000 Dream Team that fell way short of wining the Super Bowl. Just think if the news media liked him the would be saying stuff like "he is a local guy who just wants to bring the winning tradition back to the Redskins and will do what ever it takes".

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The supposed dream team was on the defensive side of the ball tat did its job the problem was the offensive sde which was supposed to be the expertise of Norval did not.

We had major injuries to the interior O line, PK and Westy but sill had chances to make it to the big dnce however since we didnt we landed a bookend CB and a solid young WR if only people will get over the flashy and fragile Santanna Moss nonsense

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Poor lil' Dan!

He's the Rodney Dangerfield of football team owners.

We should all start a relief fund for him to get himself a PR person to fend off these evil media mongers. God knows he can't afford to hire one himself.:laugh:

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Doesn't the Wash. Times have something against Snyder? You said any article that doesn't originate out of DC bashes him. I don't know about that, b/c the Times sure seems to have something against him.

Fuji is right, the media won't let him forget about 2000, but it's not like that's the first time(and won't be the last time) a team in the NFL has ever underachieved. Really, that wasn't all his fault anyway. Most of the work in that offseason was on the defensive side of the ball and didn't we finished 4th in overall D that year? The offense was coming off a spectacular showing in '99 and really didn't need to be addressed.

Injuries popped up on the offensive side though and the the PK situation was awful! That was about the only mistake Snyder made that year was releasing Conway.

Atleast he tried and continues to try. That's more than I can say for cheapskates who seem to be in it for nothing but status like Bidwell and Paul Brown. :puke:


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