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War to Export Democracy may hurt our own..so says this conservative.


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You've lost all credibility in your transparent attempt to demonize the way our troops are fighting their battles. If'd we'd have gone in with less force, and lost a lot of American lives you'd be the first one yelling that Bush and his Neocon friends have blew it again. You can't have it both ways.

This articles premise is total bunk. Do you feel the need to latch on to anything that can be used in your crusade against Bush and the war? Please spell out exactly what personal freedom you no longer enjoy. Please tell me with specificity exactly what freedoms any of us have lost. You're just pissed because your liberal ideas are not what is mainstream in this country.

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Originally posted by stevenaa


You've lost all credibility in your transparent attempt to demonize the way our troops are fighting their battles. If'd we'd have gone in with less force, and lost a lot of American lives you'd be the first one yelling that Bush and his Neocon friends have blew it again. You can't have it both ways.

This articles premise is total bunk. Do you feel the need to latch on to anything that can be used in your crusade against Bush and the war? Please spell out exactly what personal freedom you no longer enjoy. Please tell me with specificity exactly what freedoms any of us have lost. You're just pissed because your liberal ideas are not what is mainstream in this country.

I'm not "pissed" Liberal ideas have hardly ever been the in the majority. Civil Rights wasn't at the time it was passed, nor was Abortion when it was legalized. However over time as a society we look back on things and think "Geez how could we have lived without civil rights in place" and other such things that have changed over the years.

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

People like chomerics don't seem to understand that dissent and rebelion can be a good thing or the wrong thing. We are under assault, not just by al Qaeda, but by those who agree with them and those who would use them to attack us. Some of us believe that it's the wrong time for dissent. That does not make us Nazis or Fascists.

Mike, I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement, and our founding fathers would as well. This statement almost proves what the article is saying. If you really look at your statement, it reeks of certain elements of fascism, mainly nationalism.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Mike, I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement, and our founding fathers would as well. This statement almost proves what the article is saying. If you really look at your statement, it reeks of certain elements of fascism, mainly nationalism.

Well it's not just that, but what does he think should be done with or to people that dissent and rebel? Should we be jailed, silenced, put in interment camps? I am sure he doesn't feel any of those options should take place, but we live in a country that gives us the right to dissent and rebel, in a non-violent way of course, and to limit or take that right away is un-american.

Again I will ask. If you feel rebelling and dissenting is wrong, even if it is something as simple as a protest march or holding a rally with speakers, then what do you personally feel should happen to people that participate in these events? If you don't think anything should happen, then congratulations, welcome to america~! :cheers:

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

1) The terrorists are the ones with the us vs them mentality. They are the ones who want to kill us.

Correct me if I am wrong, but did our president "You are either with us or against us?".

2) Under Nazi rule, the government had strict control of all industry. You have your facts wrong, in fact you have them flipped.

No Mike, you completely missed the point. When you have certain industry leaders deciding on the laws which govern themselves, this is showing elements of fascism.

4) I'm not big on holy wars and bush screwed up when he first called the war on terror a crusade.

At least we agree on one thing.

5) You have beat this dead horse to a pulp. The same media you claim has been destroyed as a federal watchdog tried to use forged documents to discredit Bush during an election. The same media you claim acted as a platform for government propaganda, falsely used the 9/11 report to deny Saddams contacts with Al Qaeda and his general support of terrorism. The same media that loudly proclaimed the Duelfer Report concluded there were no WMD also failed to report it's conclusion that Saddam was using the OFF program to undemine sanctions with the intent of restarting his WMD programs. News flash for those of you who just arrived on this planet... EVERYONE thought Saddam still had his WMD, democrats and republicans alike.

Your entire argument that America going the way of Nazi Germany is FUD.

Actually, I think our media is a freakin joke. It is caught up in the scandal of the moment, what superstar is a peodaphile, what moviestar went off the deep end and killed someone, etc. THey completely ignore the obvious and are caught up in sensationalism.

Now, leading up to Iraq, it was up to the media to hold Bush's feet to the fire, but they failed completely. They should have pursued the false leads thoroughly, and not taken what Bush said for granted. There was no dissent about going into Iraq, when there should have been. We should have pressed the white house for questions, instead the people who try to ask tough questions aren't alowed to ask.

This is what happens when you have people controling the media so close to government. . . similar to how Nazi Germany controlled their media through propaganda. . . Back on topic :)

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Mike, my friend, Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I just did not have time to wade through all of the posts, and I felt that I had to read them all this time, before making a blanket statement, as I did before.

As to the two quotes, by Hitler and Hillery, when you shorten quotations to fit your purpose, it's called taking out of context. I am not sure what Hitler was talking about, it's been a long time since I read Mein Kemp, but I suspect that he was refering to his National Socialist Agenda. Clinton was talking about taxes, i.e. money. I don't believe the two are comparable in any way shape or form.

I don't believe that there is any real similarity between Nazi Germany and our current situation. But you must admit that there have been recent tendencys toward the restriction of freedoms put forth by the neocon agenda. It is not that these restrictions are necessary bad, but they must be carefully monitored.

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