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Who is your favorite CURRENT Redskin?


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For me it'd have to be:

Ramsey, he's extremely professional. I feel that he's got a lot of upside, he's coming off of a good end of season, going into next season as the starter, with the same core, and a good QB coach. I also love his excitement for the game. If you ever watch some of the games, whenever we'd score a TD he was always getting amped up, he was always the first to get out there, thank the players and congratulate them. I think back to the Eagles game where Coles caught that pass over the middle and got drilled. While everyone else just walked gallantly up to the line, Ramsey sprinted up field to help Coles up and give him a pat on the back. That's teamwork and leadership right there.

#2: Would have to be Shawn Springs. I like his style, he really enjoys playing. He seems like a very approachable character. He was also a true shutdown CB for us.

3: Sean Taylor is the shiznit! That man will kill you. He's got raw talent and good instincts, let him learn more of the intricacies of the game and D-coords will have hell to pay.

Other than that, CP, LA, Cooley and Coles, and anyone else donning the B&G love!

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So many great choices...

5. Cooley - he finds a way to get open in the end zone. And then he catches the ball. Can't beat that.

4. Coles - loved him as a Jet, love hime twice as much as a Skin.

3. Taylor - Viscious.

2. LaVar - Face of the franchise.

1. Ramsey - Loved him ever since tha Tennessee game. Plus, he played football at the same school my uncle did.

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It's really hard to pick. I want to say Patrick Ramsey, because its hard for me not to really like a guy with as much heart as he has. He is extremely professional and has a great personality. He strikes me as being incredibly enthusiastic and always willing to learn.

I also love Cooley, Taylor, Washington, Griffin, Arrington, and Portis.

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Lavar, Taylor or Springs are some of my favs. Especially on D.

How can you not like Portis?

I met Coles and he's a really nice guy.

Ramsey still reminds me of Brett Favre and has the potential to be a really great QB in the NFL.

Cooley- the underdog, the overacheiver, a former wrestling champ.

The No names: Clark, Evans, Warner, Marshal, Salava'e, Lott, Brown, Franz. All have been great players.

Washington and Pierce- The heart and Mind of the Williams D.

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