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WTEM 980 reports that Spurrier...

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I think Wuerffel has been less than inspiring to Snyder, Mendes and Cerrato in the two minicamps so far and that more than anything else has brought about the signing of Matthews.

If Matthews becomes the starter I see no reason to keep Wuerffel. Surely Matthews doesn't need Wuerffel on the sidelines helping him with the offense so Danny at this point is going to have to convince the Redskins he is actually a viable backup quarterback who can go in and play if necessary.

My guess is it is 50/50 that Wuerffel is gone after camp. If Rosenfels had more experience and was a known quantity to any degree I think the decision would come even sooner.

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Come on Orangeskin. :doh: I mean I am a die hard Redskins fan too, but no way do I believe in my wildest dreams that Sage will be a "franchise quarterback" in the Bret Favre mold. I would be happy as heck if he turns out to be even a decent quarterback. Now Ramsey I do have higher expectations for, but only next year after a year of learning. But Sage threw more interceptions then touchdowns every year he played in college and only completed 51.6% of his passes his senior year.

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

Sage threw more interceptions then touchdowns every year he played in college and only completed 51.6% of his passes his senior year.

Yeah, but that was against college defenses. With his arm, height, mobility, and all the drugs I've been taking, I think he's definitely our QB of the future.


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Funny that Favre's name was mentioned...odd that no one remembers that he only completed 53.0% of his passes in college. Or that he averaged approx. 200 yards passing a game in college.

But then, you know - he was a 1st round choice...oops..no he wasnt. What was he again..oh yeah...he was a 2nd round pick.

Here are the QBs taken in 1991

1 16 McGwire, Dan QB San Diego State

1 24 Marinovich, Todd QB Southern California

2 33 Favre, Brett QB Southern Mississippi

2 34 Nagle, Browning QB Louisville

4 84 Zolak, Scott QB Maryland

4 99 Hollas, Donald QB Rice

4 106 Musgrave, Bill QB Oregon

7 190 Justin, Paul QB Arizona State

10 260 O'Hara, Pat QB Southern California

11 284 Moore, Shawn QB Virginia

12 309 Bridewell, Jeff QB Cal-Davis

12 334 Wanke, Larry

Obviously, this was a great QB class!

Now here are the 32 picks before Favre...

Pos. School

1 Dallas Maryland, Russell NT Miami

2 Cleveland Turner, Eric S UCLA

3 Atlanta Pickens, Bruce CB Nebraska

4 Denver Croel, Mike OLB Nebraska

5 L.A. Rams Lyght, Todd CB Notre Dame

6 Phoenix Swann, Eric DT No College

7 Tampa Bay McRae, Charles T Tennessee

8 Philadelphia Davis, Antone T Tennessee

9 San Diego Richard, Stanley S Texas

10 Detroit Moore, Herman WR Virginia

11 New England Harlow, Pat T Southern California

12 Dallas Harper, Alvin WR Tennessee

13 Atlanta Pritchard, Mike WR Colorado

14 New England Russell, Leonard RB Arizona State

15 Pittsburgh Richardson, Huey OLB Florida

16 Seattle McGwire, Dan QB San Diego State

17 Washington Wilson, Bobby DT Michigan State

18 Cincinnati Williams, Alfred OLB Colorado

19 Green Bay Clark, Vinnie CB Ohio State

20 Dallas Pritchett, Kelvin DT Mississippi

21 Kansas City Williams, Harvey RB Louisiana State

22 Chicago Thomas, Stan T Texas

23 Miami Hill, Randal WR Miami

24 L.A. Raiders Marinovich, Todd QB Southern California

25 San Francisco Washington, Ted DT Louisville

26 Buffalo Jones, Henry SS Illinois

27 N.Y. Giants Bunch, Jarrod RB Michigan

Round 2

Sel# Team Player Pos. School

28 Houston Dumas, Mike FS Indiana

29 Cleveland King, Ed T Auburn

30 Denver Johnson, Reggie TE Florida State

31 L.A. Rams Phifer, Roman DE UCLA

32 Phoenix Jones, Mike DE North Carolina State

Not a single player that even closely has resembled what Favre has done in the NFL.

Now...I am sure that there was something that kept Favre from being a top10 pick...oh yeah...did I mention that he only completed 53.0% of his passes in college? Or that he only averaged 200 yards a game passing?

So - the moral of this story is...dont knock a QB that doesnt put up the college #'s. Sometimes those #'s hide some talent.

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Speaking of Favre....

Remember his first ever NFL game? It was back in 91 when we laid that 56-17 *****-slapping on the Falcons. I think Mark Rypien set a bunch of team passing record that game. That was the game where Gibbs unleashed his aerial attack. The Falcons were getting pound so bad, they took out their starting QB, Chris Miller and put in a certain rookie from Southern Mississippi - BRETT FAVRE.

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It would be hard for me to believe that we would keep 2 undevelopd QB's on the roster. If and when Shane gets hurt We would want someone to actually WIN GAMES.

Thats why you have 2 veterans on the the team. Which woud make me believe that we keep wuerrfful.

Sage and Ramsey, not happening.

maybe we could trade Sage for a draft pick or something.

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

Funny that Favre's name was mentioned...odd that no one remembers that he only completed 53.0% of his passes in college. Or that he averaged approx. 200 yards passing a game in college.

Favre became a starter in the third game of his freshman year. He set Southern Mississippi records for passing yards (8,193), pass attempts (1,234), completions (656), passing percentage (53.0) and touchdowns (55). His 1.57 interception ratio was the lowest among the 50 top-ranked passers in the nation. He was the MVP of the All-American Bowl at the end of his senior year.

I don't see a lot of parallels with Sage.


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the only thing keeping Wuerffel in the game right now is his past relationship with Spurrier. On physical talent he doesn't beat out Matthews for the starting job and doesn't come close to Rosenfels or Ramsey either.

Let's face the facts. You can call Wuerffel a veteran quarterback if you like but he has started all of NINE games in the NFL.

That is what, TWO more than Quincy Carter last year for Dallas?

And who is saying that Carter is now a veteran presence?

It is ridiculous on the face of it.

Wuerffel is no more able to step on the field and contribute than Todd Husak was last year.

He just lacks NFL ability. And no amount of wishing or hoping is going to change that fact.

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You guys really think Spurrier is going to cut his boy Weurffel? Maybe he will, but somehow I doubt it. Personally, I don't understand the Rosenfels obsession on this board. Sage has shown me very little to warrant this type of idolatry. I could really not care less which one gets cut. I would be somewhat shocked though if Spurrier cuts his protoge, his favorite player of all time, a guy he practically considers his own son, in favor of Sage Rosenfels. He's watched Danny get kicked around this league without ever getting what he and Weurffel believe was a true chance. So you think he's going to bring Danny in for one mini-camp and then kick him to the curb as well without ever giving him a real chance? I just don't see it happening.

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let's put it this way. You have one guy, Rosenfels, that is 6'4 and 220, has good mobility and has a solid downfield arm. He is just 23 years old and comes cheap.

on the other hand, you have Wuerffel, 27 or 28 years old, who is just 6'1 and 210 and who has precious little experience himself starting in the NFL. He hasn't played in the NFL since 1999. He isn't mobile, has a questionable arm and looks to be in less than stellar physical condition.

With Matthews on board as a more veteran presence and the likely starter now and with a future commitment to Ramsey already made, whom would you rather have?

If I KNEW that Wuerffel could come in and relieve Matthews in an emergency and do the job I would go with him. But he has not proven he can play in the NFL any more than Rosenfels.

So, what you are considering is really which of two very green quarterbacks you want to go with as your immediate #2.

Training camp and the preseason will dictate who makes it as the #2.

If Sage picks up the offense enough to be effective in the preseason I think Wuerffel is history.

If not, then Wuerffel will stay as the backup and Sage will be moved.

BUT, if you are of the mind that scenario #2 is best for the team in the short-run, I need you to tell me with confidence that if called upon Danny is going to come in and produce.

Can anyone really say that with confidence?

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I dont see the obsession with Ramsey.

Sage is cheaper and according to newschannel 8's RedZone report has a comparable arm to Ramsey.

I still believe we should have went DT or OG instead of Ramsey and drafted the QB next year darn shame the Bills couldnt complete that trade to get Ramsey.

Sage is under contract the X factor will be how long Ramsey holds out fomore money and how far beind he will be when this happens thus another potential Ferotte Shuler flashback.

This is Sages second year in the NFL and has passed Waffle as the starter if the NFL began today yet somehow Ramsey is supposed to be ready next year and Sage is supposed to stagnate in his learning?

Sage given the opportunity probably would win games ala Graham last year when needed

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