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who says no immediate starter was drafted


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I think we are forgetting about The Rock. This guy could easily start at fullback on opening day. I mean, how hard is it going to be to beat Bryan Johnson for the spot. If you can get a guy that we all like this much in the seventh round, then the draft is not all bad. Good think we had the compensatory pick in the seventh. Also, on TSN draft central, they actually had the skins picking Rock with the pick the skins used. That is worth the 25 bucks.

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actually the player most likely to start some games besides Ramsey is probably Ladell Betts. No running back, not even Davis usually plays all 16 games, so Betts may be a key this season.

we will see if Mendes and Cerrato were right to jump on this guy a round or two ahead of where everyone else has him going.

My dark horse candidate is Andre Lott at safety. Marvin Lewis said some nice things about watching films on Lott and seemingly wants to see what he has to offer before trying to sign another veteran.

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The only starter I see from the draft is the 7th round long snapper, Grau or something.

Maybe Ramsey has a shot. Otherwise it'll be a while. Jeez...the DE, Scott, only weighs 248, so he spends a year in the weight room.

Having said that, how hard would it be to beat out Flemister? Royal's got a fightin' shot.

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I wouldn't say Terrell was sub-par. He was pretty good in coverage, he just didn't provide much help aganist the run. I say he was just average, and since he's pretty young and only playing hs first year at safety, I think he can get better.

Although the whole argument will be moot if we sign Woodson.

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