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DTC Bulletin: from da President

The President

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As some of you may know I am the President of the DTC, but I am still new to Extremeskins; I feel this would be a good time to start my first thread. This Sunday at 11:00 a.m. EST the DTC will be on the Redskins pre-game show during the “Bandwagon” segment. By no means is this the first DTC appearance on TV nor is it the first time we have been on FOX, but this segment is special. This segment will include interviews with some of the DTC’s most influential members. In addition FOX is going to showcase the HOTTEST room ever. If you are unaware I am referring to the Redskins room witch resides at SkinsFan44 beautiful home! (thanx again Dave for having us)

With that said the President first order is for all of the members here on Extremeskins to be glued to you sets at 11 and remember:



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Thanks for the kind words, gibby.

It was a real pleasure having everyone over to do the show last Saturday. I was both nervous and excited about doing it.

Yes, this Sunday at 11:00am the Redskins Game Day show on Fox 5 in DC will have the DTC on watching the 49ers game from my Redskins room for the "Bandwagon" section of the show.

Should be fun to watch.


Anyone with a TIVO and/or a DVD recorder, can you record the show in DVD+R for me.

I will pay for the disk and shipping.



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Dear Skinmonger:

You are a lonley old man who will get no presents for Christmas.

I dont need to retort your 6 word, one line yokel replies.

One day you will gather enough courage to come out of your mothers basement.

Until then, keep making us laugh.

Everybody knows your an Eagle fan.

Infact, I heard you were Todd Pinkston himself.

I hope my life doesnt turn out as crappy as yours, angry at the entire world because your parents smoked crack while concieving you.

Just because your going to be sad on Christmas, doesnt mean you can take out your anger here.

Why dont you find your way back to the 700 level board, thats really a great message board.

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