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Resign Jansen or Bailey?


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If it came down to where we couldn't sign both Jansen or Bailey; who would

you resign?

For me: Jon Jansen is more important that Bailey. The game is won in the trenches

and when you have a Rt that can anchor your line for a decade; you do whatever

can to resign him. You can draft another CB or sign someone in free agency.

Of course I hope it doesn't come to this. Reality says we could be facing a choice though; as salary cap dollars can only go so much.

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Champ Bailey!

When you have a Champ Bailey on your roster, you don't let go of him. There is a reason that cornerbacks are drafted so highly...a CB that you can stick out there on that island is a heck of a luxury to have!

I sure hope we can lock up both though! Jansen is the more pressing need as Bailey has at least two more years on his contract.

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Just say no to Shar Pourdanish...

But I need to see what exactly Steve Spurrier's offense is...I assume he plans on setting up the pass with the run, good luck doing that without Jansen.

...although, RT is easier to replace...but I think Jansen is special, but I think Champ is too...can we just please cut Bruce Smith and keep them both?

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What Skeletor said.

I'd only add that while Bailey is at least arguably the best in the NFL at his position, and is also the best athlete at his position in the NFL, Jansen may not be in the top five of either category. As likeable as Jansen is, this isn't even really a close choice.

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Arrghh! I hurt inside so from this question, but am willing to walk through the fire.

Ok, it's Bailey. Corners that can play (durably), stop the run, cover the pass, and use additional skills all equally as well, is very, very hard to come by. Even though more and more are used for multiple purposes, none can boast the level and care at which Champ Bailey performs these.

I am slier than that to think that exposing Jansen to FA, without being able to match offers, would work. So if I let him go, I'd better have an adequate replacement that could eventually handle his level of play with a couple of seaons. Otherwise, there is no way that could happen, because ST's would be released first and/or restructures of about 4 of those lesser contracts.

I can replace a guy that never played a down in a regular game, especially if he's #4 on the depth chart or expendable in the first place.

I know what you mean though, so as I said before, I would hold to Bailey, because he helps eliminate "quick" points and adds to the potential of scoring as well.

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I would go with Bailey as well.

We Skin fans have becomes spoiled to having superior play at CB with Green, Green and Bailey, and now Bailey and Smoot. I suspect we'd find out real quick how much we missed him and hard he would be to replace if we let him go.

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I'd like to keep them both, of course, but Bailey is a VERY special player with rare talent at a critical position which is notoriously difficult to replace-- he has a real chance to have a bust in Canton after his career is over. Jansen is a tough, hard nosed, high character, team leader, with great intangibles who is at his best merely a very good right tackle-- a position that is MUCH easier to replace.

If it came down to it I'd have to say, "Goodbye JJ".

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A shutdown corner is more important than a right tackle. Ask this question with Samuels instead of Jansen and the answer is tougher. But as good as Jansen is, the answer is Bailey. Of course, we'll keep both if we wish it.

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Samuels is more valuable than Jansen. Left tackle for a right handed quarterback is really the position that stirs the drink.

In my opinion the key to the defense right now is Bailey, Smoot and Arrington, and now Trotter I suppose.

The first three, all under 25, need to be kept at all costs.

Jansen is a fine player. He is a borderline pro bowler and may be one next season. But as with Jon Runyan it IS possible to lose a tackle and continue to compete at a high level.

What it will mean is that the Redskins will have to either move Rod Jones outside or use next year's #1 pick on a tackle, assuming the Skins don't have a high pick in the top 10.

I don't know what has happened with some players. There has been a disconnect obviously with Cory Raymer and evidently he and Jansen are close so perhaps that has something to do with it?

I think Raymer got tired of all the changes in regime and system under Snyder the past 3 years and left for that reason as much as for the extra cash.

I think the key to keeping our younger players is allowing ONE system to be implemented and for the organization to see it through to fruition.

Once you get a winning atmosphere on a team that wins 10, 11 or 12 games regularly players won't want to leave, except in rare cases where the money is overwhelming.

We haven't reached that point yet. Everyone is wondering if Spurrier is going to succeed and if not what Snyder is going to do next season.

What happens if the team is 6-10 this year and bites?

Arrington spoke for a lot of the veteran players when he asked Spurrier if he actually thought his college system can translate to the NFL.

Spurrier is going to have to convince the Baileys, Arringtons, Trotters, Smoots, etc. that his system is one they can win with.

That is his selling job for the offseason and training camp. :)

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It's Bailey without a doubt.

Jansen is awesome, but somewhat of a luxury. Bailey plays a position that can change the outcome of a game, Jansen does a good job and doesnt get mentioned.

Their are plenty of B level RTs that can be had cheap. The drop between Jansen (an A in my ind) and the B list is alot smaller than the gap between an Alist DB and the B-list CBs. Do you really forget Chris Dishman????

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that's sort of unfair. When Dishman came here he was a pro bowler his first season and with Darrell we had a fine pair of corners. Dishman had knee problems and they finally caught up to him at age 33 and his play declined thereafter.

but that doesn't diminish his career. Cris was a fine corner for 9 or 10 years in the NFL.

to me the 'b' list corners are guys like Kevin Mathis in New Orleans or a Dave Thomas type with the Giants. :)

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Let me rephrase

Those guys are C list in my eyes. I was referring to Dishmans last year in DC and subsequent time in KC and Minn (or Det?).

There are very few CBs you can put on an island with the opponents number 1 WR and feel secure.

If I had to choose players on the team today that were untouchable in ANY circumstance (bizarre occurances excluded), my list would start with Samuels, but Champ would be number 2. Followed by Lavar. Jansen would be down the list a ways.

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This is a silly thread. Jansen is a rock and I would hate to see him go but Champ Bailey is a once in a decade type of football player.

Remember what Larry Centers said about Champ Bailey: Best Player he's ever seen. This coming from a guy who's been on the same field as Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and who probably had the snot knocked out of him by LT. Somebody close this thread already.

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