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Graham should be the starter


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Not to say that Kent Graham is the future QB of the Skins, but I feel they have a better chance to win with him. Banks may have a stronger arm, but Kent has a better feel for the game and doesn't have to call time out because he is confused. I believe this is the first time this season where the Skins had all 3 time outs in the 2nd half and were able to use them wisely. just look at the numbers, Banks had 2 fumbles and was 4 of 13 for 27 yards. Graham was 12 of 18 for 123 2 td's no ints and no unnecessary time outs. Graham has been with the team less time then Banks. If Marty starts Banks and he does not produce early, he needs to be replaced by Graham!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO TERPS 2001 ACC CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In all fairness though, Tony did not play that well, but when your "go to" guy drops at least 2-3 of your passes, your numbers are not going to look all that good. Can't argue about the fumbles.

I do agree with the timeout issue, but as far as the stats show, I don't think it can all be put on Tony. Guys have to catch the ball. How many times did Graham throw to Gardner? Not many that I recall. He did however hit Westbrook something like 9 times or so.

I'm sure if Tony sucks again, Marty will pull him and blame it on the concussion.


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Banks has as much mobility as Gus and the only thing he hasn't done is ram his head into a wall. The only time he took off for a run, against the Donkeys, he fumbled. If he had the mobility of a Mcnamb then yes start Banks. Face it neither QB is the future of the Redskins, but Graham has a much better feel for the game and will not call time outs because he is totally confused. Do you think if Banks had stayed in the game he would have pulled it out? Quit thinking with your heart and think with your head!!

GO TERPS 2001 ACC CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!



life long Skins fan

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i'm hearing ya, but the thing about it that worries me is how blanks would respond to being demoted..i'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in terms of remaining subordinate, but i don't believe he'd remain committed(to the extent that he is)& be ready to go should graham go down..

i do agree that if blanks starts seeing it from the eagles & struggles, then he has to be benched! and although marty didn't bench banks, i think he would've and he's proven that he will pull his QB..

i know marty re-affirmed his love for jeff george on the pre-game, but i also saw that he couldn't maintain a straight face..to me, there's a lot of holes in how the team has handled jeff george, deion & bruce smith & i can't make sense of it..for some, the common denominator is marty..IMO, in all 3 situations, the common denominator is daniel snyder..hail the skins

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Why? Unless the heavy rain, snow and dropsies by him and Gardner and even Flem follow him to philly it would be a mistake.

We have a healthy strong interior this year so the all out blitz will cost the iggles this time plus we also have Davis unlike Hicks and Murrell.

So in the words of Vegita, BRING IT ON!!! caveman.gif

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right now if he is able I think Banks should start and be replaced by Graham if he does not produce. But you have to remember that the resurgence of the team came about as the byproduct of a couple of factors: Arrington's play on defense as a leader, Davis' return to form and the decision to give him 25-30 carries a game AND Banks' ability to use the deep passing game to effect.

That was an important component that was missing on Sunday and we got away without having it because the weather made it a poor day to throw the long ball and because Denver's defense was designed to allow us to complete the 8-10 yard pass at will, which is what Graham did.

The Eagles have a much stronger front seven than the Broncos do and will generate a stronger rush. They are also better against the run.

In this type of game you are going to get a couple of chances downfield with Vincent/Taylor in man coverage and the team needs to take advantage when that happens.

With greater mobility (side to side) and a stronger arm, Banks seems better suited to being a tougher opponent for the Eagles.

A lot is made of the fumbles, but in snow/sleet conditions turnovers and mishandled balls are the rule rather than the exception.

By game time no one expected a clean performance by either team with crisp execution.

We persevered by winning the field position battle and bottling the Broncos inside their own end of the field and forcing them to try and move it 70 or 80 yards to score in the second half.

They couldn't do it. In fact their only TD score came with a short field to work with after the special teams turnover.

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Banks is the unquestioned starter for a very simple reason. He's EARNED that right. After early struggles, Banks has played pretty well for this team. Hell, the offense has even looked dynamic at times with him in there. Graham put to rest some of our worries over our backup situation, and there is little question that he has some strengths Tony Banks does not.

He clearly picked up the offense faster. He had three snaps during the week to prepare. He's been here less time than Banks and knows more of the offense and certainly has a better feel for it. Of course, he's played in this offense before in Arizona, so, for him, it was not difficult to pick up. For Banks, it was, as it was completely different than anything he had done. But, as Graham said, this offense has been catered to Tony because Graham said, "I just came in and tried to do the things Tony does." The team didn't adjust the game plan for Graham's relative skills.

He simply took over, the team adjusted to fit what the Broncos were doing, and Graham seemed to read the defense very well. But, he does not deserve the start over Banks, and Banks may well be the future of the QB position. We don't know for sure. We do know it's not going to be Graham. So, if Banks is the guy that wins that spot, the we better keep looking at him.

Also, Graham had more fumbles than Banks. We just picked his up. On the scramble by Banks in which he fumbled, that was certainly unfortunate, but, here's a guy trying to make a play and while the fumble is irritating, let's give him some credit for doing what no QB we've had in ages could do. Banks is far from perfect, and he didn't play as well as he had. Of course, his receivers were dropping a lot of balls on him.

Either way, Graham did a fine job and now when he comes in I won't worry as much. But, this is Banks' job to lose and he hasn't lost it yet.


Doom is in the box.

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I understand that Graham had better numbers that Banks, nut I'm not shure that was entirely due to a difference in talent.

1) In the second half, both teams hung onto the ball better. I saw fewer dropped passes (still quite a few, but not 90%), and fewer fumbles from both teams. (Denver had several drops in the first half, their drops just happened to bounce out of bounds without getting picked up). I think a case could be made that Graham had better weather than Banks.

2) I think there may have been some halftime adjustments. (Or maybe that's just wishfull thinking on my part). In the second half, Denver was stacking the box (maybe they thought that, in sloppy conditions, the Skins might try running the ball a lot), and playing deep on the outside. Graham took advantage of the wide, short, passes.

(If this is Marty's idea of a "modified WCO": threaten 'em with Davis, and throw wide if they stack the box, then I like it).

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there is no doubt that Marty has behind closed doors had to swallow a large share of humble pie. This offense has changed considerably as has some of the defensive alignments as well.

That is what has liberated Davis, Banks, Westbrook, as well as some of the secondary people as well.

The Redskins are playing less zone, although still way too much for my liking. But I think they are finally coming to the realization that with Bailey and Smoot at the corner spots that can free up some of our other people to crowd the line and really clamp down on the opponent's rushing attack.

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Well, bulldog, you are right. The Eagles have a better front seven than the Broncos. But Sunday's game was a good prep for what either quarterback will see. Denver played practically the whole game with 8 and 9 men in the box. That's what Philly does all the time. The Skins will need to do the same things, but they'll have to raise their execution to another level. The running backs need to do a better job at picking up blitzers. I especially noticed on the sack of Graham in the second half. Davis threw a half-*** block. That won't do against the Eagles. Either QB will get killed.

I think Banks should start if he's okay to do so. But if Banks struggles, Graham is a viable alternative. Banks is more mobile, but Graham gets rid of the ball quicker and is better at finding the outlet receiver than Banks.

Ultimately, it's the offensive line and Stephen Davis who are going to most earn their paycheck against the Eagles, who not only have a fast, aggressive front seven, but one of the best, maybe the best, secondary in the league. With the Redskins newfound aggressiveness and attitude, this has the potential to be a real slug-fest.

Should be fun.

[edited.gif by GURU on November 20, 2001.]

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