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a) If we trade up for Harrington and he's a quality QB, we're geniuses. It's worth it at any price.

B) If we trade up for Harrington and he's Rick Mirer/Cade McNown/Akili Smith, we've pretty much blown the entire draft. Anyone think we're apt to find anyone on Day Two with our recent track record?

c) If we trade up specifically for Harrington and he's not there (he goes earlier than we think) we end up with a DT as a consolation prize. I think that happened to Green Bay last year when they traded up and got Jamal Reynolds at #10.

d) The teams down in the #23-#31 slot probably ARE envious of the #18 slot just as we are of the teams at #11-#13. The grass is always greener. That's why trade downs are possible. It happens in almost every draft and not just with trades to get up in the top ten.

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We trade up it had better be for a DT.

Harrington is the number two QB in a two(?) QB draft.

The guy is immobile and has questionable arm strength yet he is supposed to be a franchise QB?

Next year should be the next year of the QB and we cant see that?

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Well, there must be more than a two year plan in place because a move up to take Harrington and then not have another pick until round 4 means that from this draft on opening day we will have BUPKIS to show for it.

Harrington is a future contributor but when? We don't even know if he is going to be ready to play NEXT year.

So, if the Skins move up to take him that means we are going to have to use veteran free agents and undrafted rookies to fill out the rest of our roster.

And the remaining holes, while not daunting if we have all our picks and spend our remaining cap money wisely, COULD become our achilles heel without the picks to provide for depth.

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I dont like this idea of packaging picks and trading UP in the 1st round. :nono: If memory serves me correctly, we did it twice in the 90's and got screwed both times. :( Lets do something different for a change. Lets trade DOWN and get some picks! :)

We traded TWO #1 picks to move up and take Desmond Howard. So both #1 picks were shot to hell. Then as I vaguely recall, we took our 2nd and 5th and moved into the 1st round and drafted T Andre Johnson. He was a lovely pick. Hell, not only couldnt he play tackle or guard, he couldnt even make the team the following year and was out of football pumping gas the next year. :doh:

Packaging high draft picks and trading up is very risky. Remember we also packaged a #1, #2, and #3 for Brad Johnson, and had very little to show for it after his one good year. :doh: :(

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I believe we traded up with the 49ers to get one of Samuels/Arrington.

The question I have for those who don't want to make a play for Harrington is, if we don't try and grab a young franchise QB now to groom for the future, then when will we do it?

We'll always have that learning curve, the guy we want will always be slightly out of reach, the gamble on using that much draft treasure on a young QB will always be the same, and we'll always have holes to fill for whatever reason.

Sooner or later we're gonna have to bite the bullet and draft someone, and groom them. We can't keep putting it off just because we were bitten in the *** in the past.

And if not this season, when? Who will be available, and what draft spot would we reasonably have to have to take them next season? Or the next?

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If the only thing we get on day 1 is a QB, (any QB), then I'm gonna be dissapointed.

Granted, a year from now, I might be saying it was a great move. But I think everybody will agree they're pretty happy with the offseason so far, and the reason they're happy is because we're getting cheap players. (And, I don't know why, but I tend to assume that a lineman taken at #18 is cheaper than a QB taken at the same spot).

(I've gotta admit, I may have a hidden agenda for this year: If, say, in week 2, Steve comes to the conclusion that he can't make things work with Gator castoffs, and all we can do with this year is pound Steven Davis and play defense, then I won't mind that outcome a bit. I like that "boring" kind of football).

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I for one will puke:puke: If we lose our second rounder. We have tooo many holes to fill. I like Harrington but not for him to sit on the bench for a season. We need to stand pat with number 18 or trade down. It s imperative that we get good value for our mid round picks.

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Year of the QB yes to an extent Dorsey Miami, Grossman Florida, Byron Leftwich 6'6 4.5 speed cannon arm Ragone LSU 6'4 cannon arm and this isnt counting Eli Manning.

Those guys atleast face teams with a defense.

I wont be happy drafting a first round QB with holes we have had for 2 years in a row being ignored; drafting a blue chip cant miss O linemen instead of trading up for a potential Qb bust with nothing to show for trading 3 picks for isnt the answer and besides offensive genius should try for a year to see if he can mold Sage into a capable QB other wise for the second year in a row we waste picks on QBs who dont get to show their stuff.

What round was Brady drafted?

And it looks like the Pats got by with a solid o line as well as solid D line performance

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I think we all might be over-analyzing Harrington too much. think back to the bowl game against Colorado. Who among you watched that game and didn't say to yourself G*D Damn! This kid is GOOD! If only we could get him. Now, 3.5 months removed, all we can talk about is how he's a product of the system, and he never faced any good corners and that he's got a weak arm. well i say BullSh**!! Do you think that Kurt Warner ever faced any good corners at Iowa State, or wherever he went. Also, look at all the guys who faced top notch, big program defenses and fell on their faces in the NFL, ie Danny W. Can you say Gino Toretta?

The fact is Harrington has talent, he's smart, a leader, tough and knows what it takes to get the job done in the 4th quarter. Put him with Spurrier, and you've got a hell of a combination. Will Harrington be a Pro Bowl QB, who knows. Will he fall o his face like Heath Shuler? Highly unlikely. Is he a bargain at #10, HELL YES!!

But, if the skins don't think so, then they can get top 4 DT. Either way, a trade with the Bengals for our 2nd is a win-win.

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To go along with Terry's comments about trading up for Samuels and lavarr. (in response to inmate). We had three #1's that year but converted 3 #1's to two. It took two, one in the teens and one around 20 or so to move up to get one of 2 or 3. (the other was from Carolina).

How many of you were howling over that? How many went postal over taking Samuels? I don't know about here, but most over at CPND were going nuts insisting that Samuels was not worthy and an injury concern, yada yada yada....... Very few were interested in getting Samuels. I wanted Samuels BEFORE Lavarr.

Same situation here but with a different position. All that was heard then was "We blew it on Andre Johnson. don't blow it on another tackle!"

Now it's "Heath syndrome".

Ask yourself this. What is the BIGGEST, most GLARING weakness this team has had for the last couple of years, if not most of the Norv/Schot era?

There has been numerous moments of futilty for the OL. And for the DL. But only Brad Johnson (almost 1 years worth.) and Gus Frerotte (about 1 years worth) has provided competent QB play. And Trent green put up decent numbers after they hit the easy part of that year. (But they started out 0-7 so I'd expect a QB to have a lot of yards throwing). Please note I said competent. Other than a couple of games here and there, there's been no "all star" caliber play at the QB slot.

If they deem Harrington worth the expense, are you folks going to give him the Philadelphia treatment? Sounds like it........

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

I dont think it would work Orangeskin. You cant dump an old geezer on somebody like Coleman, who also has a $ 5.3 million dollar contract and say: "he's your problem now." And I wouldnt like the idea of giving up a young starter like Smoot or anyone else. You would be filling one hole and opening up another hole somewhere else. :rolleyes:

GEEZER at 32! I am offended! :)

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Originally posted by TennesseeCarl

c) If we trade up specifically for Harrington and he's not there (he goes earlier than we think) we end up with a DT as a consolation prize. I think that happened to Green Bay last year when they traded up and got Jamal Reynolds at #10.


That's why I don't like set piece trades

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I'm on record as being a Harrington supporter. If he's there at #18, we should take him. Period. I just doubt that he'll drop that far.

But to trade up for him, especially by giving up this year's #2, seems way too steep, especially because we're dealing with a rookie QB who probably won't/can't contribute right away. On top of that, next year expects to have a bumper crop of QB's. Why force it this year?

Also, that #2 pick is likely our OG, who if not a starter this year should start for us soon. While I'm generally against getting an OG in the first round, we definitely need a good young guard on our team. In fact, I'd much rather trade up on the 2nd round to ensure we get a top guard, than trade up in the 1st round to get Harrington.

But, assuming we don't get Harrington - which seems likely at this point - why not use this year to see if Wuerffel and/or Sage have any chance to be good QB's? If they don't pan out, we have a higher pick next year with which to pursue a QB.

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