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Reel Fans Don't Boo!!


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Let's go boys and girls................the team NEEDS us! We NEED us!!

We pride ourselves at being in the upper level of fans in the league. We like to tell ourselves that we are smarter and more aware than your average fan. We compliment and convince ourselves by saying that we have the longest sold-out team in the league - which of course is true, but to what result? Our home record is nothing to be proud of. Yes, noen of usthrows or catches a pass, delivers a block nor makes a single tackle, but we can effect those that do.

The team does in fact need our support. The team can and will feed off the positive vibe sent to them by the fans in the stadium. Often times, you hear players say after games how fired up they got by the reactions of the fans.

"Places like our stadium, where the fans are very vocal and very emotional, if you're not playing well, you kind of understand what's going to happen," Gibbs said. "Our fans do play a part because they're so into the game. They're emotional. They care. That's what we want.

On the other hand, what do you think booing does to make things any better? Ya think Gibbs will say, "Hey, the fans are REALLY upset, mabe I should change out this or that player"? Or a player will think, "Wow, I just made a huge mistake, in front of 80K and an even bigger TV audience. What will help me play better? HHHMMM???? What's that I hear? Boos! Yeah, BOOS!! WHOO HOO! That's just what the doctor ordered! I'm feeling better and better! FIRED UP! Now I'm SURE I'll play SSSOOO much better!"


We all have our roles and responsibilities.


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The team does need us, but the team must also give us something to cheer about. A real fan may Boo if he or she desires. How long have me all sat back and listened to excuse after excuse of why the offense is failing. I disagree with cheering one minute, then booing the next, but we have been booing consistently for weeks. It's time that the team responds to us or accept the fact that they are heading down the road of the Montreal Expos for fanship. What other market in the NFL have a fanbase as loyal as this one and has endured trough so many poor seasons. Yes the team needs us, but we need the team too.

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Right on Fish

I have never been to a Skins home game, but no matter how bad the team or a player stinks the place up I would never boo.

The team does need us, but the team must also give us something to cheer about. A real fan may Boo if he or she desires. How long have me all sat back and listened to excuse after excuse of why the offense is failing. I disagree with cheering one minute, then booing the next, but we have been booing consistently for weeks. It's time that the team responds to us or accept the fact that they are heading down the road of the Montreal Expos for fanship. What other market in the NFL have a fanbase as loyal as this one and has endured trough so many poor seasons. Yes the team needs us, but we need the team too.

Loyal fan base......how about the Browns fans, Bucs fans, and Giants fans?

If were gonna lose fans because Gibbs hasn't give instant gratification to them this season, they weren't true fans and we don't need them.

you want nothing but obedient children attending games go someplace else...the NFL is for grown-ups.....

Funny, but I thought it was the "grown ups" that realize it takes time to rebuild a team that has dug a hole so deep, and the children that whine..................Silly me.

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Originally posted by Liberty

Boo Mark Brunell or you don't love the Redskins.

yeah, man, its like taxes. We pay Brunell's monstrous salary, through ticket prices, so the people who are actually at the stadium have more right to boo than anybody. In fact, if they see their money being spent the wrong way, i.e. on a 33-year-old washed up qb, its their duty to boo.

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yes pete....you are silly......

all the energy expended over whether someone boos at a game? a little preoccupied with ccontrolling other's behavior are we? that's what is truly sad in all of this....so many have sunk so low that they worry less over performance and more over fan participation along lines they prefer - all over some childish notion of what "real fans" do and say.......

"cry me a river....."

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Originally posted by fansince62

yes pete....you are silly......

all the energy expended over whether someone boos at a game? a little preoccupied with ccontrolling other's behavior are we? that's what is truly sad in all of this....so many have sunk so low that they worry less over performance and more over fan participation along lines they prefer - all over some childish notion of what "real fans" do and say.......

"cry me a river....."

Nope, no preoccupation what so ever in controling others. You can boo all you want, you intitled to from what people say around here. On the other hand, I'm also intitled to disagree with this practice of not supporting my team due to lack of production.

I haven't sunk to the point of worrying more how the fans react over how the team plays, and you might realize that if you read my next post..............

When you boo Brunell, you boo the entire Redskins team. I can't stand watching him, and never liked the signing, but it's a team sport.

I'm as pizzed as the next guy about the lack of production of the offense, but booing them doesn't help anybody.

Boo all you want, it's undoubtly the best manner to show Gibbs and the team your behind them.

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The only time a fan gets to actually affect his team's chances for success is on game day, by screaming his/her head off to try to disrupt the other team on offense, and by lending whatever moral support/inspiration he can to his own team when they need it.

Booing your own team, on the other hand, not only doesn't help your team win, it actively works against it, by sapping moral support FOR your team and giving it instead to the enemy.

When you boo your own colors, you put your own personal frustrations ahead of the needs of your team.

Yeah, it's your right, you paid for the ticket. But in terms of what affect you're having, just know you might as well be rooting for the other team.

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this isn't high school fellas. we don't show up with pom poms wearing skirts (well...most of us).

it's a professional sport. highly paid athletes. fans are tolerant....to a point. then it is their right to boo poor performance.

I have been following this team since the 60s and booing loser QBs is as old a Skins' tradition as there can be.......gimme a break......or is following tradition a sometime obligation?

pete....fair enough......rearrange the deck chairs! but your thought is understood (if not agreed to!)......

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1) the home fans boo'd the skins regularly over the last two seasons as one bonehead mistake follwoed another.

2) What is happening now isn't booing the team - it is booing directed at a player who is paid a lot of money to rank at the bottom in nearly all statistical categories.

we've all (or lots) been to Skins games at one time or another. generally, folks whoop it up for even the smallest successes. they sit patiently through the bad play - but eventually vent after the cumulative burden grows too heavy.

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Booing your own team, on the other hand, not only doesn't help your team win, it actively works against it, by sapping moral support FOR your team and giving it instead to the enemy.

When you boo your own colors, you put your own personal frustrations ahead of the needs of your team.

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Originally posted by fansince62

I have been following this team since the 60s and booing loser QBs is as old a Skins' tradition as there can be.......gimme a break......or is following tradition a sometime obligation?

pete....fair enough......rearrange the deck chairs! but your thought is understood (if not agreed to!)......

Yup, and I've been following the Skins since 71. Booing loser QB fot the Skins may be a tradition as you say, but all traditions aren't good ones. If they were we would still have aranged marriges, and nobel men humping newly wed girls on their weeding night in stead of their spouce.

As for rearranging the deck chairs:laugh:, my second post was up prior to your first................

I also understand where your commin from, and we actually do share the same frustration of watching our offence flounder from week to week, we just have different way to deal with it.



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