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Reel Fans Don't Boo!!


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Real fans don't boo? Probably the stupidest thing I've read in quite awhile.

Boo'ing is a "caring" fans way of voicing their displeasure with the team they want to see doing better.

Real fans aren't ignorant to what's going on with a team. Real fans have a passion for their team. Real fans care.

Mindlessly standing there cheering on a complete failure like Brunell is NOT being a real fan.


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"It's a tough situation," Ramsey said of the crowd reaction. "I think we have great fans and they desire for us to be successful and win, and I think if they realized how badly -- how much of a detriment -- that is to our team, I don't think they would do it if they really understood the morale that it set for our team, for our offense, on the sidelines."

Oh and Skin Deep, speaking of stupidity, detriment means that we aren't helping, it is a bad thing.

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Noone is booing because they believe it will help the team. They're doing it out of frustration, as a means of venting. How can you blame them?

So far this year we've had posts bashing fans for not showing up on time, leaving early, being too quiet, doing the wave, going to the bathroom at the wrong time, etc etc. As someone who busts my *ss to get to every game, I'm really tired of it. Not surprising that these sorts of topics come up after another long year of underperformance, but disappointing nonetheless.

I would rather see more threads about other teams' fans than more of them same b*tching about ours.

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vb_bullet.gif Last week against Cincinnati was really the first time all year that the Redskins’ schemes didn’t get good pressure on the quarterback. Was that more a matter of the Bengals doing something particularly well, or the Redskins defense just having an off day?

doc_icon.gifDW: Well, they had an off first half. What Cincinnati did was really out-scheme us. They did a great job of coaching and taking what the defense gave them without trying to force things. After the first interception, the kid [bengals QB Carson Palmer] didn’t panic, and [the Redskins] weren’t able to get enough pressure on him to disrupt him. Plus, the crowd at FedEx was so hostile against Brunell that they weren’t hostile against that kid ... so he got away with murder. The second half, the defense made some adjustments, but once again, when you don’t convert on third downs, and all you’re doing is punting and putting your defense back out there ... they got overexposed.

Dunno, McMetal.

How many players, coaches and people close to the game have to point out the very real impact of home field advantage needing to be something helpful, rather than neutral or even damaging to the team, before it registers with those who feel it’s their “right” to boo their assess off no matter what?

I mean, I get frustrated, too ... but have never once in my life as a fan at any level or any sport “booed” my team or any one player ON my team. As bad as the team or any one players may be playing, in my world they’re STILL my guys, and as long as there’s a game going on where I can maybe help in some miniscule way by trying to disrupt the bad guys or pump up my guys, I’m going to use my energies that way.

People are clearly wired differently on this issue. Been a bit of an eye-opener for me.

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Originally posted by fish

Let's go boys and girls................the team NEEDS us! We NEED us!!

We pride ourselves at being in the upper level of fans in the league. We like to tell ourselves that we are smarter and more aware than your average fan. We compliment and convince ourselves by saying that we have the longest sold-out team in the league - which of course is true, but to what result? Our home record is nothing to be proud of. Yes, noen of usthrows or catches a pass, delivers a block nor makes a single tackle, but we can effect those that do.

The team does in fact need our support. The team can and will feed off the positive vibe sent to them by the fans in the stadium. Often times, you hear players say after games how fired up they got by the reactions of the fans.

"Places like our stadium, where the fans are very vocal and very emotional, if you're not playing well, you kind of understand what's going to happen," Gibbs said. "Our fans do play a part because they're so into the game. They're emotional. They care. That's what we want.

On the other hand, what do you think booing does to make things any better? Ya think Gibbs will say, "Hey, the fans are REALLY upset, mabe I should change out this or that player"? Or a player will think, "Wow, I just made a huge mistake, in front of 80K and an even bigger TV audience. What will help me play better? HHHMMM???? What's that I hear? Boos! Yeah, BOOS!! WHOO HOO! That's just what the doctor ordered! I'm feeling better and better! FIRED UP! Now I'm SURE I'll play SSSOOO much better!"


We all have our roles and responsibilities.



Sycophants dont boo, Fans can boo...what are we? a bunch of yes men? please.... I have been a fan all of my life... I am entitled to boo the likes of Brunell

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