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Miraculous images the nonreligous can't explain


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I admit I know little about photography, but the images should be a snap to create with today's technology. Look at what Hollywood can do with film. Also consider what periodicals and publications publish this stuff, they probably have an agenda or are a supermarket tabloid. Anything for a buck.

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what I always think is funny is that some people that scoff at these types of photos believe UFO's are real.

such a chuckle. You must remember if you cant prove it without a doubt, there will always be some one somewhere that will call you an idiot.

If you believe, believe but dont expect anyone to just believe your belief cause you believe your belief.

I see vaginas and full coolers of beer in everything I look at, so its no suprise to me when people see something they really love in anything.

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I understand and don't "expect" people to believe my beliefs. Its simply a choice. I'm just sharing something i thought was incredible, and I think the reason many dont' believe is because theyonly hear about stuff but never see any evidence or look away from the evidence.

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Originally posted by Liberty

:laugh: :laugh:

Religious people are so funny

Not quite sure how you meant that, so I won't be offended.

I am very religious. My beliefs are very real to me and extremely deep.

I am not sure how I feel about those picutres.

I do KNOW the day I buried my father, I was driving back to Houston along I-45, and I looked into the sky.

The clouds had formed in such a way that it looked like my dad's face.

I had to pull off the road.

Right now, typing this, it brings tears to my eyes.......as that image was so powerful. That has been 10 years ago.

Things happen.

Now, liberty, if my feelings amuse you, I am glad I could help begin your day with a laugh.


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anyone whos grown up watching Univision has seen the ridiculous claims of witnessing Jesus. There have been reports of people finding the image of Jesus in the burn marks of a tortilla, in window blinds, blotches of the skin. Then there is other stuff where pictures/video of the Virgin Mary crying, jesus statues 'bleeding.'

Some of this stuff is faked, some is a stretch of the imagination, and a small portion looks genuine, but that may be too strong a word. Look at the pics, believe whatever you'd like cause its going to effect your life in any which way.

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Before I comment, here are my bona fides: I'm not Catholic, however I'm a confirmed and practicing Episcopalean. I believe in miracles but I've never experienced one. I believe in God but I've never felt His presence.

Here's my comment: I've always been fascinated by the hunger of people for miracles, and nowhere is that more evident IMHO than in the issues of images of Christ or the Virgin Mother in various everyday settings.

I do think that God can send us signs, but I have trouble accepting that God's signs for us are so trivial as to show up as photographic anomalies, cloud formations, water stains, etc. Remember, this is the same God who punished the Israelites for worshiping graven images.

If you want miracles, look at peoples' lives and watch the good that they do for others.

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I'm a Christian, but quite skeptical when it comes to things like this. But, to each his own...

I will say that I don't think Jesus looked like any of the typical paintings/pictures we see of Him. He looks like a white guy from North America in the pictures...I would think he'd have more of a Middle Eastern look to Him. But that's just my opinion...

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I believe that god comes from within. I choose not to believe this pictures because I don't need that type of, what did someone call it, "trival" proof. The following lyrics just popped into my head I hope yall enjoy them:

Most people think,

Great God will come from the skies,

Take away everything

And make everybody feel high.

But if you know what life is worth,

You will look for yours on earth:

And now you see the light,

You stand up for your rights. Jah!

- The Honorable Robert Nesta Marley OM

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Originally posted by Chipper

Well technically it wouldn't be because phsyical laws of nature would allow Mark Brunell to throw a TD, but I would consider it a miracle.

If it happened it would be a miracle, but if you told me it happened I would call it a hoax.

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