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The Illegal Motion. Agree or Disagree?


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Do you agree with "The" penalty? I DO NOT, and I will tell you why. Today was a turning point in the season for both teams. It was essentially a playoff game. The Packers now suddenly have a rebirth, and we drop probably our easiest game for the rest of the year...

My complaint is: When you are officiating such an important game, why is it essential to make yourself the deciding factor? You see refs in basketball moving out of the way to "let the boys play" when the game is winding down. Especially when the game is extremely important. So why is it any different in football? The call might have been correct in technical terms, but why do we hate the BCS so much? Because it is TOO TECHNICAL. We are humans, we have common sense. And this my good friends, was horrible judgement by that official. What kind of time was that to make his presence felt? Let the boys play. <--- I think everybody can agree with me on that, even if you think that Thrash was in illegal motion. I think the ref has an illegal stick up his a$$, how 'bout that?

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when you need a flag to decide your game, usually you can get all pissed.

But after seeing Brunell miss wide open players throughtout the day, its not like we were going to get any gifts to get back into the game. We had our chances to take the lead and win. But the weakest link of this franchise couldn't hit a target or would turn it over.

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Originally posted by terpskins

If it was technically correct, then it was correct. It's one thing to complain about phantom calls, it quite another when the refs make the correct call. Your notion that they should just "let the boys play," is incredibly shortsighted.

I'll shortsight you! :finger:

Haha. Anyways, why is it shortsighted? What is the logical thing to do, Mr. Logical? Why don't we just set up 120 cameras around the stadium and set them with alarms so whenever there is a slight penalty they can go off? Before you know it, cyborgs will have to play this game to stay away from bullcrap penalties. If the play were to go off without a flag, the Packers, nor anybody else on the entire planet would have accused Thrash of being in illegal motion. As somebody said earlier, subtle penalties were happening without flags all game long. And my point is, during the crusial last minutes of the game you should only worry about crusial actions. Otherwise, you should just set up a computer system and forget about the human ability to know when to let the 2 teams go at each other without any nit picking.

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Originally posted by Son of Sniglet

when you need a flag to decide your game, usually you can get all pissed.

But after seeing Brunell miss wide open players throughtout the day, its not like we were going to get any gifts to get back into the game. We had our chances to take the lead and win. But the weakest link of this franchise couldn't hit a target or would turn it over.

Exactly, it's water under the bridge...that wasn't the play that cost us the game or the season, it's the ineptitude of the offense--wake up fellow fans, Brunell and the offense are completely incompetent and Gibbs and his offensive staff seem losed and totally oblivious to what's going on around them

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I just watched the play over and over and over...It appears that Thrash might be going forward a bit, and did not set his feet prior to the snap.

With that said, I also watched Green Bay do the same thing a hand full of times, including the 50 yard pass to Green coming out of the backfield (which led to a score I think)

Call it for both teams or don't call it at all. All we are looking for is consistency (as much as a human can be).


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Originally posted by skins4eva

Exactly, it's water under the bridge...that wasn't the play that cost us the game or the season, it's the ineptitude of the offense--wake up fellow fans, Brunell and the offense are completely incompetent and Gibbs and his offensive staff seem losed and totally oblivious to what's going on around them

Hello? It's 7 points and a win! It was a great play from the offense! You act like Gibbs couldn't coach a high school team. He draws up great plays, it's just our offensive line that couldn't block a gust of wind.

So what? Are we going to just ignore this play like it didn't happen? Yeah, our offense isn't the best in the league...but who expected it to be? It's like we expected to be 12-4 because our God came back. No, it's tough, he knows how to draw up truely brilliant plays...we just need to work on protection for whoever the QB is, and we need to push the defense forward so Clinton isn't touched before he hits the line of scrimmage. I think we need 2 things. Some athletic, young, and spunky offensive linemen - and Joe Bugel needs to put them through some tougher strength and conditioning drills. Offensive success lives breathes and dies at the O-line.

Anyways, 'twas a bullsh*t call. Right?

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Originally posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

Hello? It's 7 points and a win! It was a great play from the offense! You act like Gibbs couldn't coach a high school team. He draws up great plays, it's just our offensive line that couldn't block a gust of wind.

So what? Are we going to just ignore this play like it didn't happen? Yeah, our offense isn't the best in the league...but who expected it to be? It's like we expected to be 12-4 because our God came back. No, it's tough, he knows how to draw up truely brilliant plays...we just need to work on protection for whoever the QB is, and we need to push the defense forward so Clinton isn't touched before he hits the line of scrimmage. I think we need 2 things. Some athletic, young, and spunky offensive linemen - and Joe Bugel needs to put them through some tougher strength and conditioning drills. Offensive success lives breathes and dies at the O-line.

Anyways, 'twas a bullsh*t call. Right?

You're kidding right? Did you happen to see our other offensive series? We would have been shutout had the defense not put us in a position to score

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Multiple times the Packers ran out of the huddle and snapped the ball without being set for the required "count" and it was never called because they have the "Almighty God" playing quarterback.

Consistency and fairness...two things the zebras are not giving us.

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