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do you think we are utilizing our personell on offense?

Leonard Washington

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I was wondering what people thought about the personell packages that Gibbs is using. I wonder why guys like Betts, Molinaro, Cartwright, McCants, Koslowski, and Jones aren't playing. I ultimately trust Gibbs but I wonder why these guys aren't getting any spot time. At least Thrash and Jacobs got some touches last night.


Ray Brown is getting used by defensive ends. They are just abusing him with the speed rush and he is unable to put his hands on people in running game. Ray has played above average for a 42yo but I think they should at least try a rotation to keep him fresh.


I think Gibbs are setting people up BIGTIME with lining Portis up as a wideout. He ran the formation 2-3 times last night, both times he ran rolled Brunell away. I think sooner or later we're going to catch somone sleeping and portis is going to get big yards!:point2sky

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Originally posted by jbooma

I think Jones is hurt, and no McCants is not better then Gardner or maybe even Jacobs.

its not about being better than someone as a starter. its about utilizing skills. i.e. rock or betts might be better in short yardage, mccants better in goaline situations etc. i mean starters are playing on special teams...it just doesn't seem like we are using everyone.

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Originally posted by skinsfan913

When it's 1st and goal that would be a perfect time to bring in Rock. Where the hell is he?

As is well known, I love my Rock. And I think he should be active,

but bias aside, if you are not going to use Rock, then for goodness sakes, use Betts.

He is a power back. Use Cooley and Betts, Sellers and Rock, Betts and Rock, Cooley and Rock.

Just utilize your offensive players.

Maybe next week he will be active.

I miss seeing him out there.


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Originally posted by Blondie

As is well known, I love my Rock. And I think he should be active,

but bias aside, if you are not going to use Rock, then for goodness sakes, use Betts.

He is a power back. Use Cooley and Betts, Sellers and Rock, Betts and Rock, Cooley and Rock.

Just utilize your offensive players.

Maybe next week he will be active.

I miss seeing him out there.


Blondie, did Rock get my note about putting those pounds back on for short yardage duty? :D

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I posted about this earlier. Definately agree, portis up the middle through that tough dallas de line was not a good idea. We were out coached on this occasion. Parcells countered greg williams blitzes with quick hit full back and tight end routes which often went uncovered. Gibbs on the other hand stayed in that two reciever h-back formation and we never capitalized on the man to man coverage on the outside while roy williams was covering the h-back. Denver uses complex zone blocking schemes out of often spread sets to give portis space to work. Our long developing counters and traps are not productive for portis, he's not a power back. Waht happened to the Monk, Sanders, Clark trio? Three reciever sets on third and ten can't be all that bad. We don't have the personel and i'm sorry but our battered offencive line is not that strong to pound away at will on the ground. Gibbs is smart and i hope he starts using our reciver depth and giving some more room for portis to work.

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Running backs Portis size can only run where there are openings. Lets face it, our line isn't making any. Alot of Portis runs he's created himself when there weren't extra holes for him to run through. We need to let Samuels go and stick in Molinaro. And right now I really miss Jon Jansen.

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I agree with others who think Betts should be the goal line back. Portis does not hit it hard enough down there.

I bashed Gardner as much as anyone, but Gibbs seems to be right about him, after all. We'll see if Gardner can become consistent. If so, we've got a star on our hands. I'd forgotten that it took Art Monk a while to come around.

More playing time for Jacobs is a no brainer. He is a talent.

In his first tour, Joe Gibbs was the ultimate role-player coach. I think that as players develop their knowledge and skills to a level that meets his standards we'll see him use more players during games.

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  • 1 month later...

no, we certainly are not using all our personnel to maximum effect on offense. we show none of the flexibility we do on the other side of the ball, where players seem to step up weekly.

Gibbs banished McCants to the inactive list from the start of the season, a strange move given his 3 year contract extension.

We fail to use Cooley and Portis in the passing game enough for my taste with Brunell's shortcomings on the long ball.

And we have been far too predictable at times.

In the first few games we would run on first, run on second and then throw on third. almost like a mantra.

remember all those stops down at the goal line the first few weeks against Dallas and the Browns?

too damn predictable.

funny, Gibbs says he trusts Brunell and Brunell has been so courageous, well if that's the case how come Gibbs doesn't trust him enough to throw the ball in from down close?

How come we run the ball inside and then kick the safe field goal if that doesn't work? :)

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