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My first concern with Gibbs is forming...


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I think we are seeing the effect of a system being forced upon players.

The last two years under Spurrier the team was designed to gain big chunks at a time, with little regard for the short, conservative plays.

This is how Ramsey (for right or wrong) was developing.

Gibbs inserts Brunell and a stiffling system, conservative and geared to run off a power running game. He forced it upon players who where brought here to do the opposite.

The system doesn't fit the players, except perhaps Brunell. I think this will be an issue all year. Our offense is pathetic currently and, while I am sure it will get better, it is going to take longer then most of us thought.

I do think that we would be on a better course had we just stuck with Ramsey, given him all the reps since the start of camp, and just reeled in the passing game a bit with more protection. Brunell in there is just not natural. He (and the offense) look awkward. He can't find a receiver even with good time, and you didn't see that with Ramsey last week.

I am confident Joe will be the savior of this club. But I think it's going to happen only as the players mold to him, not the other way around.

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My second concern is why can't we score from the 1 yard line. This is second or third time this season we where right there with 3 downs to go and couldn't make it happen.

C'mon Joe. Your playcalling is tentative. All the time outs are lame and give the opposition confidence.:(

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Actually I agree somewhat. Portis is a fast quick runner and you saw with those plays where we spread Dallas out he was effective. I think if we would have went 3 or 4 wide at the goal line and ran a draw play Portis would have walked in. But remember, even when great Coaches fit their scheme to their players it dosen't happen right away. Gibbs first go around he had an offense that was probably more suited for this team(isn't that ironic) and turned it around with a run oriented approach. Now, he's got the power running offense that probably needs to be mixed with a little more finesse and it will probably work. Gibbs is smart enough to figure that out though.

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Coles had two drops in the first half, on my count, and both would have been decent gains. Also, on the long bomb that was initially called an interception, he jumped too soon, and actually would have (and should have) caught it had he jumped a second later (the DB was caught behind him).

Brunell has actually played very well, save for the sacks he took and a couple dangerous passes that were tipped and almost intercepted.

It's sad that we can't get in from one yard out in three downs, but I think this drive (90+ yards) will end up being a positive in the second half. If this offense played like this, against a good defense at that, all season, the team'd be dominating. The defense has been the strength of the team, surprisingly, and I'm optimistic that the offense is showing signs of joining the defense in its excellence.

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Originally posted by goldenchild

Coles had two drops in the first half, on my count, and both would have been decent gains. Also, on the long bomb that was initially called an interception, he jumped too soon, and actually would have (and should have) caught it had he jumped a second later (the DB was caught behind him).

Brunell has actually played very well, save for the sacks he took and a couple dangerous passes that were tipped and almost intercepted.

It's sad that we can't get in from one yard out in three downs, but I think this drive (90+ yards) will end up being a positive in the second half. If this offense played like this, against a good defense at that, all season, the team'd be dominating. The defense has been the strength of the team, surprisingly, and I'm optimistic that the offense is showing signs of joining the defense in its excellence.

Umm that bomb to Coles was underthrown pretty bad.

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