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NFL mandates the removal of the #40


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I'm sitting here watching ESPN NFL Countdown, and they just talked about the NFL mandating that everyone must remove the #40 decal in honor of Tillman, or face a NFL uniform violation fine. I don't really see how this is a good thing, being that this guy embodies the whole definition of heroism and patriotism. I just don't get it. A team can wear a anniversary patch for the whole year, but get fined for honoring a true American hero? What a pity.

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What if EVERY MEMBER OF EVERY TEAM along with the coaches and owners said........NOPE, we are NOT taking it off/

What would the NFL have to say then? I can not believe the NFL will NOT allow the teams to expresss their appreciation and tribute to a great American.


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Amazing how dense the NFL can be. Honoring a fallen here who gave up millions in order to go fight for his country.... and pays the ultimate sacrifice.

I guess the NFL can be swayed by politics just like any other organization.

Hell... they wouldn't even let Manning wear black shoes to honor the passing of Johnny U.

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Sometimes I just shake my head at the NFL.

Why don't they leave the patches/stickers the whole year.

I mean the NFL took alot of pride in saying that Tillman was one of ours- how much revenue is the NFL getting for selling Tillman Jerseys?

Keep the Patch and NFL shut the heck (it would be more profane but this is a family site:D ) up about this!!!!!

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If I were Snyder I would make the patch bigger then mandate that all of the players wear it and pick up the "Fine" myself.

The NFL should celebrate the bravery and Heroism of Tillman not scoff at the "uniform violations".

(BTW if everyone has it then isn't that pretty "uniform"?)

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i think it might have to do with the fact that tillman did not want to be singled out and his family wants the nfl to respect his wishes and not to be one singled out soldier out of the thousands that fought and died. if, and only if, that is the reason that the nfl is doing, than you have to respect that.

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