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These hurricanes are getting on my nerves


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OK first I had to evacuate for Frances that came inland where I live, now I have to evacuate for Jeanne. It's really getting on my freakin' nerves. It's supposed to make landfall early Sunday morning, but we'll probably lose power for several days like last time and won't get to see the Monday night game I've been looking forward to all year.

I wonder if a version on DVD will be available or can anyone FedEx me a generator? :mad:

Wish me luck - again!


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Originally posted by soljaofjesus

its because all of the homos in florida... im trying to tell ya. how come one of the hurricanes stayed in florida when we all know hurricanes move!

Now that was some pretty dumb stuff:doh:

Good luck...................................again guys. Don't know how much were gonna get on this side of the state, but the wife is in that mode again. Don't think I'm gonna get a moments rest this weekend


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Originally posted by soljaofjesus

its because all of the homos in florida... im trying to tell ya. how come one of the hurricanes stayed in florida when we all know hurricanes move!

I hope your comment is just a pathetic attempt at humor. Even for 16 it's pretty sad.

Boarded up the home and the bar again! Locals were partying it up pretty good last night tho. Good luck all. We may get knocked down again...but we'll never get knocked out.

Btw- anyone know of a good sports bar in the North Miami area for Monday night if the power is out again?

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Originally posted by soljaofjesus

its because all of the homos in florida... im trying to tell ya. how come one of the hurricanes stayed in florida when we all know hurricanes move!

Feeling conflicted son? Don't beat yourself up. They say most teens fantasize or experiment. It doesn't necessarily mean you're homosexual.

Then again.

I wouldn't rule it out either.

Come on solja, that stuff just doesn't play here.

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Originally posted by GatorEye

OK first I had to evacuate for Frances that came inland where I live, now I have to evacuate for Jeanne. It's really getting on my freakin' nerves. It's supposed to make landfall early Sunday morning, but we'll probably lose power for several days like last time and won't get to see the Monday night game I've been looking forward to all year.

I wonder if a version on DVD will be available or can anyone FedEx me a generator? :mad:

Wish me luck - again!


I don't even live in Florida and they are getting on my nerves. We need a hurricane cap.

I hope everything turns out well for you and yours. Stay safe.

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Oh yeah, and to this comment...

"its because all of the homos in florida... im trying to tell ya. how come one of the hurricanes stayed in florida when we all know hurricanes move! "

You need to change your username from "soljaofjesus" to something a bit more fitting like "soljaofignorance."

Enjoy your day.

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Originally posted by wildbill

Good Luck..................................Just got done boarding up the house again myself.

It is getting old bro.

I guess that's the one time procrastination actually paid of for me. I never took my shutters of from the last time :D

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soljaofjesus - basically you're a dumba$$.

laurent - me too sort of. I have accordion shutters on my second floor to make it easier and panels on the first floor. Half of my panels stayed up because I had a bad feeling. If I get a decent Christmas bonus this year - it's going to replace the panels with accordions.

I can't believe this stupid thing hit us. Two hurricanes made landfall in the exact same spot only 3 weeks apart - first time in history (although nothing I wanted to be a part of).

Well as the old ball coach used to say - "God must be smiling on GatorEye" because we came out relatively unscathed after both Frances and now Jeanne. My satellite dish survived this time, but I lost some more roof tiles and unfortunately developed a roof leak that I'll need to get looked at. But it's pretty minor compared to a lot of other people that got wiped out.

The southermost part of the eye went over us. I'm right on the beach so we evacuated further inland, but only a few miles. When people talk about a storm sounding like a freight train - I never understood, until now. It really did sould like a freight drive driving right over top of the house. When the house starts shaking it gets a little scary.

We were without power for about 3 days last time, but we were back up by by mid day this afternoon thi time around. I guess all the power guys have it down to a good routine now.

Thanks again to those who offered support, except for soljaofjesus. What a schmuk.

Now I can concentrate on the important stuff - watching us kick Dallas's a$$!

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