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Dallas fans at FedEx?


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This will be my first Skins vs. Boys game and was wondering how many Cowgirl fans show up at FedEx. With the loss last week the injuries this week and a hurricane likely to hit on Monday do you think Skins fans will sell thier tickets and stay home? I heard that the Dallas fans were planning an invasion of FedEx, I hope that none of this is true. I for one will be screaming my head off in section 102 row 8 We Want Dallas!!!:


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Originally posted by BVSkinsfan

This will be my first Skins vs. Boys game and was wondering how many Cowgirl fans show up at FedEx. With the loss last week the injuries this week and a hurricane likely to hit on Monday do you think Skins fans will sell thier tickets and stay home? I heard that the Dallas fans were planning an invasion of FedEx, I hope that none of this is true. I for one will be screaming my head off in section 102 row 8 We Want Dallas!!!:


it varies. This one might be a 65-35 ratio, but they tend to be a little smaller...
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Originally posted by BVSkinsfan

This will be my first Skins vs. Boys game and was wondering how many Cowgirl fans show up at FedEx. With the loss last week the injuries this week and a hurricane likely to hit on Monday do you think Skins fans will sell thier tickets and stay home? I heard that the Dallas fans were planning an invasion of FedEx, I hope that none of this is true. I for one will be screaming my head off in section 102 row 8 We Want Dallas!!!:


I will be very disappointed if Cowturds fans show up like that & get away with it. I don't think it will happen because I think there are too many Redskins fans in the area that are hyped up about this game & not enough Dallas fans able to get their hands on tix. But I could be wrong. I hope I'm not.


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Originally posted by Coolinrastaboi

I think it's pretty sad that there are so many Dallas fans at our games. In the section I sit in I feel like Im at a Cowboys game. It's very disappointing to go to Redskins-Cowboys games for this reason.

Hopefully, that will change this year...hopefully!

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There are always Boys fan at FedEx, It's the nature of the beast in DC, being that most people that live there are transplants. However, the ones that run there mouths, like the Jets fan that got the tar beat out of him after the game last year, should think twice.

Hell we had an all out brawl in the parking lot at that game. sour grapes I guess. :cry: Not very bright for 6 of them to pick a fight with 16 of us :gang:

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Here is what it comes down to..

I was at Texas Stadium last year for the Skins game and there were about 40 percent burgundy jerseys there and 10 percent Marino, Bettis, McNabb, Barber jerseys. And the rest Cowpuke Blue.

My point is, it happens everywhere. I actually saw Vikings jerseys last Monday night at "Stinkin Financial Field."

I know this isnt Texas and we take pride in our sold out status. You can actually get Cowboys tickets via Ticketmaster before each season. It is a reality that Cowboy fans feel the need to mortgage the RV they live in just to go to this game and so that they can buy some R. Williams jersey off of the sale racks. The ticket office and season ticket holders allow brokers to get their hands on tickets and these groups in turn capitalize on the only game that matters to Redskin haters who otherwise dont already have tickets.

Success will eliminate any effect they can have on this game.

Let's face it, there were Bucs fans at the opener, but did I hear them? Only once when we gave them a TD.

Go up early and score often is the best medicine for this virus.

It definitely is the responsibility of those of us going to make it as uncomfortable as possible for ALL fans of opposing teams without losing our own seats to the Ebay, broker crowd.

Remember, get there EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky

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A lot of Cowboys fans like to go to the FedEx Field because its our alternate home stadium . . .

And its virtually a guaranteed win.

Its a safe bet, you know. If you're going to spend all that money to go to a game, might as well go to one you know you're going to win . . .

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Originally posted by Midswat

A lot of Cowboys fans like to go to the FedEx Field because its our alternate home stadium . . .

And its virtually a guaranteed win.

Its a safe bet, you know. If you're going to spend all that money to go to a game, might as well go to one you know you're going to win . . .

Livin' in the past won't help any more, Midswat. This is a new era. As far as we are concerned it's all uphill from here. There is a new #1 D in the NFL and it ain't wearin' blue. Keyshawn will leave with his head in his hands after Monday night. Mark it down.

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I have an idea for everyone to show your hatred for Cowgirl fans at FedEx. Whenever you see someone with a Cowgirl jersey on or hat throw a beer,soda,or whatever you have in your hands at the time on them. Maybe after a few of these the Cowgirl fans will get the message and not come back! We'll be in section 102 row 8 and I feel sorry for any Cowgirl fans planning to sit close to us. :wewantd:

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this happens cause skins fans are the most overrated in all of pro sports...fed ex is a joke

blah blah blah...the waiting list...blah blah blah blah...'sold out' games for 30 years...blah blah

save it...the waiting list and sellouts mean nothing if the fans that own the tickets either go and are like church mice or dont go at all

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Originally posted by harper le bel

this happens cause skins fans are the most overrated in all of pro sports...fed ex is a joke

blah blah blah...the waiting list...blah blah blah blah...'sold out' games for 30 years...blah blah

save it...the waiting list and sellouts mean nothing if the fans that own the tickets either go and are like church mice or dont go at all

or like eagle fans and just show up when they win.:eaglesuck :laugh:
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Fed Ex is a joke :doh: Lets face it last year we played the iggles we got blown out Mcnabb Dances Freddy crip walks and iggles fans talk smack:doh: Our stadium was screaming Duuuuuuuuuuuce for the past few years. Its sad winning is the only fix. The how many superbowl trophies comback is getting old even to me a skins fan while drunk waiting to take a leak at the game.

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harper le bel..all due respect. STFU. No. The fans aren't overrated. Anything but. And for the very reasons you have given, plus a few. Those empty seats you see are mostly club seats, and they number around 15, 300 give or take after additions. That's out of Stadium that seats 91,665. Even during the Norv years the stadium had around a 95% plus attendance record. The Cowboys and Eagles ticket sales mean nothing for team noted for its bandwagon fans. So save your trolling and go away.

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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

Fed Ex is a joke :doh: Lets face it last year we played the iggles we got blown out Mcnabb Dances Freddy crip walks and iggles fans talk smack:doh: Our stadium was screaming Duuuuuuuuuuuce for the past few years. Its sad winning is the only fix. The how many superbowl trophies comback is getting old even to me a skins fan while drunk waiting to take a leak at the game.

You are definately right, winning does cure everything.

The vet was a joke too! Up until 5 years ago, (Andy's first year) they were blacking eagles games out. That's the point. We're winning, there is no invasion. I've been to alot of out of town games. Most all NFL cities believe they have the best fans. If they are winning, tickets are hard to come by. Losing, easy.

It is interesting, I know the key account person for Campbell's soup/NFL. He told me just last week, that the two hardest tickets to come by for clients are the Redskins and Patriots. ( I need tickets for the eagles/skins game at the linc.) The thirty year record sellout is a fact./soon to be fourty. What I love about iggles fans, they seat 67000 and have 40000 on a list after they have been winning for 4 years. We seat 90000 and have 70000, maybe over a hundred by now, and we've been to the playoffs once in a decade, and we're overrated.:eaglesuck

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