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Cops Hunt Man Suspected of Threatening President


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Cops Hunt Man Suspected of Threatening President

(New York-WABC, September 20, 2004) — Breaking news concerning President Bush's visit to New York. Eyewitness News is told that there has been a credible threat against the president Monday.

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Eyewitness News' political reporter Dave Evans says the first sign of something going on came when security around the president's visit set for Monday night got even tighter than usual.

He says authorities are looking for a 55-year-old man named Lawrence Ward in connection with the reported threat.

Ward is said to be driving a blue 1997 Toyota sedan with a New York license plate: BRF-6546.

Seventh Avenue was blocked off late Monday afternoon because of the incident.

We'll have the latest here as it's available and on Eyewitness News tonight.

I wonder what impact an assassignation attempt on the President would have on the election?

I can't see even the most rabid ABB voter siding with someone trying to kill him.

A second question would be, what impact would an assassination attempt from a foreign power or Al-Queda have on the election?

What if it was an attempt on Kerry?

hmmmmm, deep thoughts

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Originally posted by Soliloquy

You haven't been on the Democratic Underground lately. Those folks are seriously out there. Nasty place.

Their view is probably something like "rather have one man dead instead of that man sending hundreds to their deaths". While I wholeheartedly agree with that principle IN GENERAL, this isn't one REGULAR man, this is our president. I can't stand him, but anyone who thinks assassination is the answer is insane.

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Originally posted by Chopper Dave

Their view is probably something like "rather have one man dead instead of that man sending hundreds to their deaths". While I wholeheartedly agree with that principle IN GENERAL, this isn't one REGULAR man, this is our president. I can't stand him, but anyone who thinks assassination is the answer is insane.

I agree with you and I disagree with you. Assassination is not the answer. But I heard Kerry say on Letterman last night that he would dedicate MORE U.S. special forces to fight in Afgan. Your comments seem to imply that with Bush out of the way hundreds of soldiers wouldn't lose their lives. But according to your man Kerry, he'll be sending our boy and girls over there too. He also indicated that if he were president our troops would be out of there "during the years of his term." That's YEARS. I submit that even with Kerry as Pres. hundreds will still be sent to their deaths. The war on terror is costly no matter how you look at it.

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I wonder what impact an assassignation attempt on the President would have on the election?

A second question would be, what impact would an assassination attempt from a foreign power or Al-Queda have on the election?

I think it's clear that an assassination attempt would all but ensure a Bush victory.

Anyone here seen Bob Roberts?

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I read recently that Al-Queda wants Kerry to win. While this is just stating the obvious, doesn't it make any of you dems think a little about how terrorists perceive Kerry and Bush? It's very plain that they see Kerry as less of a threat to terrorism than Bush. Shouldn't that trouble you just a bit?? Shouldn't that make you say "WHY do terrorists like Kerry?" I sure hope no one out here thinks that if Kerry wins that the terrorists will all-of-the-sudden be Mr. Nice Guys because their man got into the Whitehouse. Quite the contrary. It'll be "bombs away!"

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Originally posted by skinsfan51

I read recently that Al-Queda wants Kerry to win. While this is just stating the obvious, doesn't it make any of you dems think a little about how terrorists perceive Kerry and Bush? It's very plain that they see Kerry as less of a threat to terrorism than Bush. Shouldn't that trouble you just a bit?? Shouldn't that make you say "WHY do terrorists like Kerry?" I sure hope no one out here thinks that if Kerry wins that the terrorists will all-of-the-sudden be Mr. Nice Guys because their man got into the Whitehouse. Quite the contrary. It'll be "bombs away!"

You need to cite your source. It wasn't CBS was it? Think about it, what did they do, poll Al-Queda?.

This is a thread about some crazy bast@rd out to get our president and you drop in an anti-Kerry post.

By the way, I am not a dem, but you sure seem to be an anti-dem.

Also, I am really tired of the "if you ain't backing GW, your'e backing the terrorists" rhetoric. :mad:

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Originally posted by The Rook

You need to cite your source. It wasn't CBS was it? Think about it, what did they do, poll Al-Queda?.

This is a thread about some crazy bast@rd out to get our president and you drop in an anti-Kerry post.

By the way, I am not a dem, but you sure seem to be an anti-dem.

Also, I am really tired of the "if you ain't backing GW, your'e backing the terrorists" rhetoric. :mad:

The source would have been either cnn.com or foxnews.com. Those are the two news websites I visit throughout the day for news. It wasn't from some far out source.

I didn't make the comments to be "anti Kerry," but in response to another post that asked "what impact would an assassination attempt from a foreign power or Al-Queda have on the election?"

My point was that Al-Queda would be glad of George Bush was taken out. They obviously hate him. That made me think of the news story about them liking Kerry. So it was relevant.

For the record, I never said that "if you ain't backing GW, your'e backing the terrorists." But there are REASONS why the terrorists like a democrat like Kerry. They know that he'll bow to the U.N., and other nations, and have to wade through YEARS of "red tape" before every taking on the terrorists head on. That gives them time to commit their crimes upon humanity. Kerry is also perceived to be weak on war. So of course they like Kerry. That's not rhetoric, that's the truth. Maybe a Kerry-backer would like to tell me why the terrorists want Kerry to win. I'd like to have an answer to that.

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I'd be happy to have Dick Cheney as President...

(it should scare the beejeezus out of liberals)

Just like the end of "Head of State"

"You don't have to worry about assassination to Chris Rock

Forgot the vice presidents name. I like the way he talks and slaps people though (drawing a blank)...


Cause they sure as "heck" dont want me as president

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