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I wonder what Spurrier was thinking


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SOS probably feels a little vindicated after todays game. I admit I never thought I would see such a game under Gibbs, but it was just about as bad or worse than the worst game under Spurrier. There was a lot of new players, but some of the same.

Another fumbled snap - WTF? It's becoming like the false start thing last year.

At least the good thing is that we all feel Gibbs will be able to correct these types of lapses where Spurrier never would be able to - either by his lack of overall discipline or the inexperience of his coaching staff. He'll get it fixed or die trying.

Everyone deserves a mulligan, but I think we should all take more out of how the guys perform the week after a bad performance than the actual bad performance itself at this point. If we fall flat against Dallas with a similar performance, at home, on Monday Night Football, after a terrible game the week before, then I'd start to worry a little.

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No, I think you Spurrier lover feels giddy.

Gibbs has 2 years of Spurrier's crap to turnover. It isn't going to happen overnight. Even Gibbs had horrible games. He did start out 0-5 his first year and even had a 7-9 losing season.

In 2-3 years Gibbs will be coaching a superbowl champion and Spurrier will be back in Florida- well actually that will be next year.

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To even hear Spurrier's name mentioned with Gibbs is a joke. The Giants got into the Skins' head on this game. We may always have trouble beating them even under Gibbs. Gibbs was concerned about the Giants wheras Spurrier said "All we have to do is beat three teams..." He's embarassed and should be.

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Originally posted by Rdskns2000

No, I think you Spurrier lover feels giddy.

Gibbs has 2 years of Spurrier's crap to turnover. It isn't going to happen overnight. Even Gibbs had horrible games. He did start out 0-5 his first year and even had a 7-9 losing season.

In 2-3 years Gibbs will be coaching a superbowl champion and Spurrier will be back in Florida- well actually that will be next year.

If the Skins haven't won a SB by 2006, not even the miracles of Joe Gibbs can save them. Why? Because of ALL of the escalator clauses in player contracts that Danny Boy put in, again, you'll be like the 49ers, purging players because you'll be way over the salary cap. Of course, you could always be like the Broncos--go over the cap illegally, get fined and draft choices taken away, and then any Super Bowl you do win would be tarnished forever.

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First off: Who Cares what he was thinking

Second: I agree with others, had this happened with Spurrier still here we would have lost by more than 30

Third: Please name one other team in NFL who would have won this game, much less hung in and lost by only 6 points, with seven turnovers??

Even the Super bowl Champion Patriots would have lost that game yesterday had they played like the Skins.

Those of you wondering what Spurrier was thinking, please remove your fingers from panic button this early in the ride!!!

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