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I can't believe Gibbs let Danny Smith coach on his team.

This guy was probably the absolute worst special teams coach I've ever seen in Philadelphia. Each week during his tenure with Philadelphia Madden or some other analyst would pull out a graphic with the title "Unspecial Teams" showing us how bad our stats were, and how we let the other team generally start at the 40+ average. Then he goes to Buffalo and allows Chad Morton to completely dominate a game on his team with 3 TD's. But for some reason he is recomended to Gibbs by Williams.

Just my two cents.

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This guy was probably the absolute worst special teams coach I've ever seen in Philadelphia. Each week during his tenure with Philadelphia Madden or some other analyst would pull out a graphic with the title "Unspecial Teams" showing us how bad our stats were, and how we let the other team generally start at the 40+ average. Then he goes to Buffalo and allows Chad Morton to completely dominate a game on his team with 3 TD's. But for some reason he is recomended to Gibbs by Williams.


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Originally posted by twist

I can't believe Gibbs let Danny Smith coach on his team.

This guy was probably the absolute worst special teams coach I've ever seen in Philadelphia. Each week during his tenure with Philadelphia Madden or some other analyst would pull out a graphic with the title "Unspecial Teams" showing us how bad our stats were, and how we let the other team generally start at the 40+ average. Then he goes to Buffalo and allows Chad Morton to completely dominate a game on his team with 3 TD's. But for some reason he is recomended to Gibbs by Williams.

Just my two cents.

I cant comment on what Danny Smith did in Philadelphia, because I have no knowledge of it. But most of the 22 players or so that make up the special teams coverage units, are not usually chosen by the special teams coach. In other words the players who run down to make tackles on kickoffs and punts or block on kickoffs and punts, are players who were chosen to make the team by the HC or OC or DC.

The ST coach has to make do with these players after the other coaches decide who makes the final roster and therefore the ST coach has to be judged by a different standard. For example, if the HC decides that McCants makes the team and is needed, its too bad if McCants happens to be a lousy special teams player. And maybe that's why McCants was not active yesterday. The ST coach has input but does not get to keep who the best ST players are.

So lets evaluate the Skins special teams yesterday.

Punting - A - Tupa gets a A for his 49 yard average and two inside the tweny. Will he keep this avg all season? Of course not. But had a good 43+ yard average last year and has NEVER had a punt blocked in his entire career. Certainly a good pickup over Bryan "shank" Barker.

Punts returns - Below avg yesterday with Morton, but no one does great in every game. He has been decent during his career.

Punt return coverage - A Yesterday it was great, what can I say.

Field goals - B - Hall made three out of four and missed a 50 yarder, which is not a gimme. His kickoffs are usually decent, what's to complain about.

Kickoff returns: B - Morton returned two for a 24 yard average. That usually places you among the top 10 returners or so.

Kickoff return coverage: D - Below average yesterday, because of the one long return they allowed.

Its only one game, but overall I would give them a B yesterday. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quite frankly, I'd rather have kept Mike Stock than brought in Smith. Smith was awful with the Bills as well - he's the one that made Morton famous by allowing him to run back 2 kicks for TDs in the same game. Can anyone envision Morton taking one to the house now? No, I didn't think so.

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Danny Smith IS Krusty the Clown!!

Consider the evidence....

Fox5 footage of an animated Krusty the Clown...

krusty01.gif"Yes sir I can do that no problem, but swallowing's extra."

And here's ESPN's hidden camera footage of Danny Smith addressing the players in the locker room prior to the Ravens game...

2101D06large.jpg "I got a hunch they're gonna try a reverse to Deion. If they do-- everybody and I mean EVERYBODY goes after him. We're gonna make Deion wish he stayed retired. Nobody outsmarts a Danny Smith coached special team! Heh heh..."

You've seen the evidence.

Is Danny Smith really Krusty the Clown?

You make the call.

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